-- Prosody IM -- Copyright (C) 2008-2012 Matthew Wild -- Copyright (C) 2008-2012 Waqas Hussain -- -- This project is MIT/X11 licensed. Please see the -- COPYING file in the source package for more information. -- module:set_global(); local server = require "net.http.server"; local function normalize_path(path) if path:sub(1,1) ~= "/" then path = "/"..path; end if path:sub(-1,-1) == "/" then path = path:sub(1, -2); end return path; end local function get_http_event(host, app_path, key) local method, path = key:match("^(%S+)%s+(.+)$"); if not method then -- No path specified, default to "" (base path) method, path = key, ""; end if method:sub(1,1) == "/" then return nil; end return method:upper().." "..host..app_path..path; end local function get_base_path(host_module, app_name, default_app_path) return host_module:get_option("http_paths", {})[app_name] -- Host or module:get_option("http_paths", {})[app_name] -- Global or default_app_path; -- Default end function module.add_host(module) local host = module.host; local apps = {}; module.environment.apps = apps; local function http_app_added(event) local app_name = event.item.name; local default_app_path = event.item.default_path or "/"..app_name; local app_path = normalize_path(get_base_path(module, app_name, default_app_path)); if not app_name then -- TODO: Link to docs module:log("error", "HTTP app has no 'name', add one or use module:provides('http', app)"); return; end apps[app_name] = apps[app_name] or {}; local app_handlers = apps[app_name]; for key, handler in pairs(event.item.route or {}) do local event_name = get_http_event(host, app_path, key); if event_name then if event_name:sub(-2, -1) == "/*" then local base_path = event_name:match("/(.+)/*$"); local _handler = handler; handler = function (event) local path = event.request.path:sub(#base_path+1); return _handler(event, path); end; end if not app_handlers[event_name] then app_handlers[event_name] = handler; module:hook_object_event(server, event_name, handler); else module:log("warn", "App %s added handler twice for '%s', ignoring", app_name, event_name); end else module:log("error", "Invalid route in %s, %q. See http://prosody.im/doc/developers/http#routes", app_name, key); end end end local function http_app_removed(event) local app_handlers = apps[event.item.name]; apps[event.item.name] = nil; for event, handler in pairs(app_handlers) do module:unhook_object_event(server, event, handler); end end module:handle_items("http-provider", http_app_added, http_app_removed); end module:add_item("net-provider", { name = "http"; listener = server.listener; default_port = 5280; multiplex = { pattern = "^[A-Z]"; }; }); module:add_item("net-provider", { name = "https"; listener = server.listener; default_port = 5281; encryption = "ssl"; multiplex = { pattern = "^[A-Z]"; }; });