module:set_global(); local server = require "net.http.server"; local codes = require ""; local xml_escape = require "util.stanza".xml_escape; local render = require "util.interpolation".new("%b{}", xml_escape); local show_private = module:get_option_boolean("http_errors_detailed", false); local always_serve = module:get_option_boolean("http_errors_always_show", true); local default_message = { module:get_option_string("http_errors_default_message", "That's all I know.") }; local default_messages = { [400] = { "What kind of request do you call that??" }; [403] = { "You're not allowed to do that." }; [404] = { "Whatever you were looking for is not here. %"; "Where did you put it?", "It's behind you.", "Keep looking." }; [500] = { "% Check your error log for more info."; "Gremlins.", "It broke.", "Don't look at me." }; ["/"] = { "A study in simplicity."; "Better catch it!"; "Don't just stand there, go after it!"; "Well, say something, before it runs too far!"; "Welcome to the world of XMPP!"; "You can do anything in XMPP!"; -- "The only limit is XML."; "You can do anything with Prosody!"; -- the only limit is memory? }; }; local messages = setmetatable(module:get_option("http_errors_messages", {}), { __index = default_messages }); local html = [[ {title}

{icon?{icon_raw!?}} {title}



⚠ {warning?} ⚠

} {extra&


} ]]; local function get_page(code, extra) local message = messages[code]; if always_serve or message then message = message or default_message; return render(html, { title = rawget(codes, code) or ("Code "..tostring(code)); message = message[1]:gsub("%%", function () return message[math.random(2, math.max(#message,2))]; end); extra = extra; }); end end -- Main error page handler module:hook_object_event(server, "http-error", function (event) if event.response then event.response.headers.content_type = "text/html; charset=utf-8"; end return get_page(event.code, (show_private and event.private_message) or event.message or (event.error and event.error.text)); end); -- Way to use the template for other things so to give a consistent appearance module:hook("http-message", function (event) if event.response then event.response.headers.content_type = "text/html; charset=utf-8"; end return render(html, event); end); -- Something nicer shown instead of 404 at the root path, if nothing else handles this path module:hook_object_event(server, "http-error", function (event) local request, response = event.request, event.response; if request and response and request.path == "/" and response.status_code == 404 then response.headers.content_type = "text/html; charset=utf-8"; local message = messages["/"]; return render(html, { title = "Prosody is running!"; message = message[math.random(#message)]; }); end end, 1);