-- Export statistics in OpenMetrics format -- -- Copyright (C) 2014 Daurnimator -- Copyright (C) 2018 Emmanuel Gil Peyrot -- Copyright (C) 2021 Jonas Schäfer -- -- This module is MIT/X11 licensed. module:set_global(); local statsman = require "core.statsmanager"; local ip = require "util.ip"; local get_metric_registry = statsman.get_metric_registry; local collect = statsman.collect; local get_metrics; local permitted_ips = module:get_option_set("openmetrics_allow_ips", { "::1", "" }); local permitted_cidr = module:get_option_string("openmetrics_allow_cidr"); local function is_permitted(request) local ip_raw = request.ip; if permitted_ips:contains(ip_raw) or (permitted_cidr and ip.match(ip.new_ip(ip_raw), ip.parse_cidr(permitted_cidr))) then return true; end return false; end function get_metrics(event) if not is_permitted(event.request) then return 403; -- Forbidden end local response = event.response; response.headers.content_type = "application/openmetrics-text; version=0.0.4"; if collect then -- Ensure to get up-to-date samples when running in manual mode collect() end local registry = get_metric_registry() if registry == nil then response.headers.content_type = "text/plain; charset=utf-8" response.status_code = 404 return "No statistics provider configured\n" end return registry:render(); end module:depends "http"; module:provides("http", { default_path = "metrics"; route = { GET = get_metrics; }; });