local id = require "prosody.util.id"; local it = require "prosody.util.iterators"; local url = require "socket.url"; local jid_node = require "prosody.util.jid".node; local jid_split = require "prosody.util.jid".split; local argparse = require "prosody.util.argparse"; local human_io = require "prosody.util.human.io"; local url_escape = require "prosody.util.http".urlencode; local render_url = require "prosody.util.interpolation".new("%b{}", url_escape, { urlescape = url_escape; noscheme = function (urlstring) return (urlstring:gsub("^[^:]+:", "")); end; }); local default_ttl = module:get_option_period("invite_expiry", "1 week"); local token_storage; if prosody.process_type == "prosody" or prosody.shutdown then token_storage = module:open_store("invite_token", "map"); end local function get_uri(action, jid, token, params) --> string return url.build({ scheme = "xmpp", path = jid, query = action..";preauth="..token..(params and (";"..params) or ""), }); end local function create_invite(invite_action, invite_jid, allow_registration, additional_data, ttl, reusable) local token = id.medium(); local created_at = os.time(); local expires = created_at + (ttl or default_ttl); local invite_params = (invite_action == "roster" and allow_registration) and "ibr=y" or nil; local invite = { type = invite_action; jid = invite_jid; token = token; allow_registration = allow_registration; additional_data = additional_data; uri = get_uri(invite_action, invite_jid, token, invite_params); created_at = created_at; expires = expires; reusable = reusable; }; module:fire_event("invite-created", invite); if allow_registration then local ok, err = token_storage:set(nil, token, invite); if not ok then module:log("warn", "Failed to store account invite: %s", err); return nil, "internal-server-error"; end end if invite_action == "roster" then local username = jid_node(invite_jid); local ok, err = token_storage:set(username, token, expires); if not ok then module:log("warn", "Failed to store subscription invite: %s", err); return nil, "internal-server-error"; end end return invite; end -- Create invitation to register an account (optionally restricted to the specified username) function create_account(account_username, additional_data, ttl) --luacheck: ignore 131/create_account local jid = account_username and (account_username.."@"..module.host) or module.host; return create_invite("register", jid, true, additional_data, ttl); end -- Create invitation to reset the password for an account function create_account_reset(account_username, ttl) --luacheck: ignore 131/create_account_reset return create_account(account_username, { allow_reset = account_username }, ttl or 86400); end -- Create invitation to become a contact of a local user function create_contact(username, allow_registration, additional_data, ttl) --luacheck: ignore 131/create_contact return create_invite("roster", username.."@"..module.host, allow_registration, additional_data, ttl); end -- Create invitation to register an account and join a user group -- If explicit ttl is passed, invite is valid for multiple signups -- during that time period function create_group(group_ids, additional_data, ttl) --luacheck: ignore 131/create_group local merged_additional_data = { groups = group_ids; }; if additional_data then for k, v in pairs(additional_data) do merged_additional_data[k] = v; end end return create_invite("register", module.host, true, merged_additional_data, ttl, not not ttl); end -- Iterates pending (non-expired, unused) invites that allow registration function pending_account_invites() --luacheck: ignore 131/pending_account_invites local store = module:open_store("invite_token"); local now = os.time(); local function is_valid_invite(_, invite) return invite.expires > now; end return it.filter(is_valid_invite, pairs(store:get(nil) or {})); end function get_account_invite_info(token) --luacheck: ignore 131/get_account_invite_info if not token then return nil, "no-token"; end -- Fetch from host store (account invite) local token_info = token_storage:get(nil, token); if not token_info then return nil, "token-invalid"; elseif os.time() > token_info.expires then return nil, "token-expired"; end return token_info; end function delete_account_invite(token) --luacheck: ignore 131/delete_account_invite if not token then return nil, "no-token"; end return token_storage:set(nil, token, nil); end local valid_invite_methods = {}; local valid_invite_mt = { __index = valid_invite_methods }; function valid_invite_methods:use() if self.reusable then return true; end if self.username then -- Also remove the contact invite if present, on the -- assumption that they now have a mutual subscription token_storage:set(self.username, self.token, nil); end token_storage:set(nil, self.token, nil); return true; end -- Get a validated invite (or nil, err). Must call :use() on the -- returned invite after it is actually successfully used -- For "roster" invites, the username of the local user (who issued -- the invite) must be passed. -- If no username is passed, but the registration is a roster invite -- from a local user, the "inviter" field of the returned invite will -- be set to their username. function get(token, username) if not token then return nil, "no-token"; end local valid_until, inviter; -- Fetch from host store (account invite) local token_info = token_storage:get(nil, token); if username then -- token being used for subscription -- Fetch from user store (subscription invite) valid_until = token_storage:get(username, token); else -- token being used for account creation valid_until = token_info and token_info.expires; if token_info and token_info.type == "roster" then username = jid_node(token_info.jid); inviter = username; end end if not valid_until then module:log("debug", "Got unknown token: %s", token); return nil, "token-invalid"; elseif os.time() > valid_until then module:log("debug", "Got expired token: %s", token); return nil, "token-expired"; end return setmetatable({ token = token; username = username; inviter = inviter; type = token_info and token_info.type or "roster"; uri = token_info and token_info.uri or get_uri("roster", username.."@"..module.host, token); additional_data = token_info and token_info.additional_data or nil; reusable = token_info and token_info.reusable or false; }, valid_invite_mt); end function use(token) --luacheck: ignore 131/use local invite = get(token); return invite and invite:use(); end -- Point at e.g. a deployment of https://github.com/modernxmpp/easy-xmpp-invitation -- This URL must always be absolute, as it is shared standalone local invite_url_template = module:get_option_string("invites_page"); local invites_page_supports = module:get_option_set("invites_page_supports", { "account", "contact", "account-and-contact" }); local function add_landing_url(invite) if not invite_url_template or invite.landing_page then return; end -- Determine whether this type of invitation is supported by the landing page local invite_type; if invite.type == "register" then invite_type = "account"; elseif invite.type == "roster" then if invite.allow_registration then invite_type = "account-and-contact"; else invite_type = "contact-only"; end end if not invites_page_supports:contains(invite_type) then return; -- Invitation type unsupported end invite.landing_page = render_url(invite_url_template, { host = module.host, invite = invite }); end module:hook("invite-created", add_landing_url, -1); --- shell command module:add_item("shell-command", { section = "invite"; section_desc = "Create and manage invitations"; name = "create_account"; desc = "Create an invitation to make an account on this server with the specified JID (supply only a hostname to allow any username)"; args = { { name = "user_jid", type = "string" } }; host_selector = "user_jid"; handler = function (self, user_jid) --luacheck: ignore 212/self local username = jid_split(user_jid); local invite, err = create_account(username); if not invite then return nil, err; end return true, invite.landing_page or invite.uri; end; }); module:add_item("shell-command", { section = "invite"; section_desc = "Create and manage invitations"; name = "create_reset"; desc = "Create a password reset link for the specified user"; args = { { name = "user_jid", type = "string" }, { name = "duration", type = "string" } }; host_selector = "user_jid"; handler = function (self, user_jid, duration) --luacheck: ignore 212/self local username = jid_split(user_jid); local duration_sec = require "prosody.util.human.io".parse_duration(duration or "1d"); local invite, err = create_account_reset(username, duration_sec); if not invite then return nil, err; end self.session.print(invite.landing_page or invite.uri); return true, ("Password reset link for %s valid until %s"):format(user_jid, os.date("%Y-%m-%d %T", invite.expires)); end; }); module:add_item("shell-command", { section = "invite"; section_desc = "Create and manage invitations"; name = "create_contact"; desc = "Create an invitation to become contacts with the specified user"; args = { { name = "user_jid", type = "string" }, { name = "allow_registration" } }; host_selector = "user_jid"; handler = function (self, user_jid, allow_registration) --luacheck: ignore 212/self local username = jid_split(user_jid); local invite, err = create_contact(username, allow_registration); if not invite then return nil, err; end return true, invite.landing_page or invite.uri; end; }); module:add_item("shell-command", { section = "invite"; section_desc = "Create and manage invitations"; name = "show"; desc = "Show details of an account invitation token"; args = { { name = "host", type = "string" }, { name = "token", type = "string" } }; host_selector = "host"; handler = function (self, host, token) --luacheck: ignore 212/self 212/host local invite, err = get_account_invite_info(token); if not invite then return nil, err; end local print = self.session.print; if invite.type == "roster" then print("Invitation to register and become a contact of "..invite.jid); elseif invite.type == "register" then local jid_user, jid_host = jid_split(invite.jid); if invite.additional_data and invite.additional_data.allow_reset then print("Password reset for "..invite.additional_data.allow_reset.."@"..jid_host); elseif jid_user then print("Invitation to register on "..jid_host.." with username '"..jid_user.."'"); else print("Invitation to register on "..jid_host); end else print("Unknown invitation type"); end if invite.inviter then print("Creator:", invite.inviter); end print("Created:", os.date("%Y-%m-%d %T", invite.created_at)); print("Expires:", os.date("%Y-%m-%d %T", invite.expires)); print(""); if invite.uri then print("XMPP URI:", invite.uri); end if invite.landing_page then print("Web link:", invite.landing_page); end if invite.additional_data then print(""); if invite.additional_data.roles then if invite.additional_data.roles[1] then print("Role:", invite.additional_data.roles[1]); end if invite.additional_data.roles[2] then print("Secondary roles:", table.concat(invite.additional_data.roles, ", ", 2, #invite.additional_data.roles)); end end if invite.additional_data.groups then print("Groups:", table.concat(invite.additional_data.groups, ", ")); end if invite.additional_data.note then print("Comment:", invite.additional_data.note); end end return true, "Invitation valid"; end; }); module:add_item("shell-command", { section = "invite"; section_desc = "Create and manage invitations"; name = "delete"; desc = "Delete/revoke an invitation token"; args = { { name = "host", type = "string" }, { name = "token", type = "string" } }; host_selector = "host"; handler = function (self, host, token) --luacheck: ignore 212/self 212/host local invite, err = delete_account_invite(token); if not invite then return nil, err; end return true, "Invitation deleted"; end; }); module:add_item("shell-command", { section = "invite"; section_desc = "Create and manage invitations"; name = "list"; desc = "List pending invitations which allow account registration"; args = { { name = "host", type = "string" } }; host_selector = "host"; handler = function (self, host) -- luacheck: ignore 212/host local print_row = human_io.table({ { title = "Token"; key = "invite"; width = 24; mapper = function (invite) return invite.token; end; }; { title = "Expires"; key = "invite"; width = 20; mapper = function (invite) return os.date("%Y-%m-%dT%T", invite.expires); end; }; { title = "Description"; key = "invite"; width = "100%"; mapper = function (invite) if invite.type == "roster" then return "Contact with "..invite.jid; elseif invite.type == "register" then local jid_user, jid_host = jid_split(invite.jid); if invite.additional_data and invite.additional_data.allow_reset then return "Password reset for "..invite.additional_data.allow_reset.."@"..jid_host; end if jid_user then return "Register on "..jid_host.." with username "..jid_user; end return "Register on "..jid_host; end end; }; }, self.session.width); self.session.print(print_row()); local count = 0; for _, invite in pending_account_invites() do count = count + 1; self.session.print(print_row({ invite = invite })); end return true, ("%d pending invites"):format(count); end; }); local subcommands = {}; --- prosodyctl command function module.command(arg) local opts = argparse.parse(arg, { short_params = { h = "help"; ["?"] = "help" } }); local cmd = table.remove(arg, 1); -- pop command if opts.help or not cmd or not subcommands[cmd] then print("usage: prosodyctl mod_"..module.name.." generate example.com"); return 2; end return subcommands[cmd](arg); end function subcommands.generate(arg) local function help(short) print("usage: prosodyctl mod_" .. module.name .. " generate DOMAIN --reset USERNAME") print("usage: prosodyctl mod_" .. module.name .. " generate DOMAIN [--admin] [--role ROLE] [--group GROUPID]...") if short then return 2 end print() print("This command has two modes: password reset and new account.") print("If --reset is given, the command operates in password reset mode and in new account mode otherwise.") print() print("required arguments in password reset mode:") print() print(" --reset USERNAME Generate a password reset link for the given USERNAME.") print() print("optional arguments in new account mode:") print() print(" --admin Make the new user privileged") print(" Equivalent to --role prosody:admin") print(" --role ROLE Grant the given ROLE to the new user") print(" --group GROUPID Add the user to the group with the given ID") print(" Can be specified multiple times") print(" --expires-after T Time until the invite expires (e.g. '1 week')") print() print("--group can be specified multiple times; the user will be added to all groups.") print() print("--reset and the other options cannot be mixed.") return 2 end local earlyopts = argparse.parse(arg, { short_params = { h = "help"; ["?"] = "help" } }); if earlyopts.help or not earlyopts[1] then return help(); end local sm = require "prosody.core.storagemanager"; local mm = require "prosody.core.modulemanager"; local host = table.remove(arg, 1); -- pop host if not host then return help(true) end sm.initialize_host(host); module.host = host; --luacheck: ignore 122/module token_storage = module:open_store("invite_token", "map"); local opts = argparse.parse(arg, { short_params = { h = "help"; ["?"] = "help"; g = "group" }; value_params = { group = true; reset = true; role = true }; array_params = { group = true; role = true }; }); if opts.help then return help(); end -- Load mod_invites local invites = module:depends("invites"); -- Optional community module that if used, needs to be loaded here local invites_page_module = module:get_option_string("invites_page_module", "invites_page"); if mm.get_modules_for_host(host):contains(invites_page_module) then module:depends(invites_page_module); end local allow_reset; if opts.reset then local nodeprep = require "prosody.util.encodings".stringprep.nodeprep; local username = nodeprep(opts.reset) if not username then print("Please supply a valid username to generate a reset link for"); return 2; end allow_reset = username; end local roles = opts.role or {}; local groups = opts.groups or {}; if opts.admin then -- Insert it first since we don't get order out of argparse table.insert(roles, 1, "prosody:admin"); end local invite; if allow_reset then if roles[1] then print("--role/--admin and --reset are mutually exclusive") return 2; end if #groups > 0 then print("--group and --reset are mutually exclusive") end invite = assert(invites.create_account_reset(allow_reset)); else invite = assert(invites.create_account(nil, { roles = roles, groups = groups }, opts.expires_after and human_io.parse_duration(opts.expires_after))); end print(invite.landing_page or invite.uri); end