module:set_global(); local array = require "util.array"; local max_buffer_len = module:get_option_number("multiplex_buffer_size", 1024); local portmanager = require "core.portmanager"; local available_services = {}; local service_by_protocol = {}; local available_protocols = array(); local function add_service(service) local multiplex_pattern = service.multiplex and service.multiplex.pattern; local protocol_name = service.multiplex and service.multiplex.protocol; if protocol_name then module:log("debug", "Adding multiplex service %q with protocol %q",, protocol_name); service_by_protocol[protocol_name] = service; available_protocols:push(protocol_name); end if multiplex_pattern then module:log("debug", "Adding multiplex service %q with pattern %q",, multiplex_pattern); available_services[service] = multiplex_pattern; elseif not protocol_name then module:log("debug", "Service %q is not multiplex-capable",; end end module:hook("service-added", function (event) add_service(event.service); end); module:hook("service-removed", function (event) available_services[event.service] = nil; if event.service.multiplex and event.service.multiplex.protocol then available_protocols:filter(function (p) return p ~= event.service.multiplex.protocol end); service_by_protocol[event.service.multiplex.protocol] = nil; end end); for _, services in pairs(portmanager.get_registered_services()) do for _, service in ipairs(services) do add_service(service); end end local buffers = {}; local listener = { default_mode = max_buffer_len }; function listener.onconnect(conn) local sock = conn:socket(); if sock.getalpn then local selected_proto = sock:getalpn(); local service = service_by_protocol[selected_proto]; if service then module:log("debug", "Routing incoming connection to %s based on ALPN %q",, selected_proto); local next_listener = service.listener; conn:setlistener(next_listener); local onconnect = next_listener.onconnect; if onconnect then return onconnect(conn) end end end end function listener.onincoming(conn, data) if not data then return; end local buf = buffers[conn]; buf = buf and or data; for service, multiplex_pattern in pairs(available_services) do if buf:match(multiplex_pattern) then module:log("debug", "Routing incoming connection to %s",; local next_listener = service.listener; conn:setlistener(next_listener); local onconnect = next_listener.onconnect; if onconnect then onconnect(conn) end return next_listener.onincoming(conn, buf); end end if #buf > max_buffer_len then -- Give up conn:close(); else buffers[conn] = buf; end end function listener.ondisconnect(conn) buffers[conn] = nil; -- warn if no buffer? end listener.ondetach = listener.ondisconnect; module:provides("net", { name = "multiplex"; config_prefix = ""; listener = listener; }); module:provides("net", { name = "multiplex_ssl"; config_prefix = "ssl"; encryption = "ssl"; ssl_config = { alpn = function () return available_protocols; end; }; listener = listener; });