local want_pposix_version = "0.3.0"; local pposix = assert(require "util.pposix"); if pposix._VERSION ~= want_pposix_version then module:log("warn", "Unknown version (%s) of binary pposix module, expected %s", tostring(pposix._VERSION), want_pposix_version); end local signal = select(2, pcall(require, "util.signal")); if type(signal) == "string" then log("warn", "Couldn't load signal library, won't respond to SIGTERM"); end local config_get = require "core.configmanager".get; local logger_set = require "util.logger".setwriter; module.host = "*"; -- we're a global module local pidfile_written; local function remove_pidfile() if pidfile_written then os.remove(pidfile); pidfile_written = nil; end end local function write_pidfile() if pidfile_written then remove_pidfile(); end local pidfile = config.get("*", "core", "pidfile"); if pidfile then local pf, err = io.open(pidfile, "w+"); if not pf then log("error", "Couldn't write pidfile; %s", err); else pf:write(tostring(pposix.getpid())); pf:close(); pidfile_written = pidfile; end end end local syslog_opened function syslog_sink_maker(config) if not syslog_opened then print("OPENING SYSLOOOOOOOOOG"); pposix.syslog_open("prosody"); syslog_opened = true; end local syslog, format = pposix.syslog_log, string.format; return function (name, level, message, ...) if ... then syslog(level, format(message, ...)); else syslog(level, message); end end; end require "core.loggingmanager".register_sink_type("syslog", syslog_sink_maker); if not config_get("*", "core", "no_daemonize") then local function daemonize_server() local ok, ret = pposix.daemonize(); if not ok then log("error", "Failed to daemonize: %s", ret); elseif ret and ret > 0 then os.exit(0); else log("info", "Successfully daemonized to PID %d", pposix.getpid()); write_pidfile(); end end module:add_event_hook("server-starting", daemonize_server); else -- Not going to daemonize, so write the pid of this process write_pidfile(); end module:add_event_hook("server-stopped", remove_pidfile); -- Set signal handler if signal.signal then signal.signal("SIGTERM", function () log("warn", "Received SIGTERM..."); unlock_globals(); if prosody_shutdown then prosody_shutdown("Received SIGTERM"); else log("warn", "...no prosody_shutdown(), ignoring."); end lock_globals(); end); end