local t_unpack = table.unpack or unpack; -- luacheck: ignore 113 local time_now = os.time; local jid_prep = require "util.jid".prep; local set = require "util.set"; local st = require "util.stanza"; local it = require "util.iterators"; local uuid_generate = require "util.uuid".generate; local dataform = require"util.dataforms".new; local xmlns_pubsub = "http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub"; local xmlns_pubsub_errors = "http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#errors"; local xmlns_pubsub_owner = "http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#owner"; local _M = {}; local handlers = {}; _M.handlers = handlers; local pubsub_errors = { ["conflict"] = { "cancel", "conflict" }; ["invalid-jid"] = { "modify", "bad-request", nil, "invalid-jid" }; ["jid-required"] = { "modify", "bad-request", nil, "jid-required" }; ["nodeid-required"] = { "modify", "bad-request", nil, "nodeid-required" }; ["item-not-found"] = { "cancel", "item-not-found" }; ["not-subscribed"] = { "modify", "unexpected-request", nil, "not-subscribed" }; ["invalid-options"] = { "modify", "bad-request", nil, "invalid-options" }; ["forbidden"] = { "auth", "forbidden" }; ["not-allowed"] = { "cancel", "not-allowed" }; ["not-acceptable"] = { "modify", "not-acceptable" }; ["internal-server-error"] = { "wait", "internal-server-error" }; ["precondition-not-met"] = { "cancel", "conflict", nil, "precondition-not-met" }; }; local function pubsub_error_reply(stanza, error) local e = pubsub_errors[error]; local reply = st.error_reply(stanza, t_unpack(e, 1, 3)); if e[4] then reply:tag(e[4], { xmlns = xmlns_pubsub_errors }):up(); end return reply; end _M.pubsub_error_reply = pubsub_error_reply; -- Note: If any config options are added that are of complex types, -- (not simply strings/numbers) then the publish-options code will -- need to be revisited local node_config_form = dataform { { type = "hidden"; name = "FORM_TYPE"; value = "http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_config"; }; { type = "text-single"; name = "pubsub#title"; label = "Title"; }; { type = "text-single"; name = "pubsub#description"; label = "Description"; }; { type = "text-single"; name = "pubsub#type"; label = "The type of node data, usually specified by the namespace of the payload (if any)"; }; { type = "text-single"; name = "pubsub#max_items"; label = "Max # of items to persist"; }; { type = "boolean"; name = "pubsub#persist_items"; label = "Persist items to storage"; }; { type = "list-single"; name = "pubsub#access_model"; label = "Specify the subscriber model"; options = { "authorize", "open", "presence", "roster", "whitelist", }; }; { type = "list-single"; name = "pubsub#publish_model"; label = "Specify the publisher model"; options = { "publishers"; "subscribers"; "open"; }; }; { type = "boolean"; label = "Whether to deliver payloads with event notifications"; name = "pubsub#deliver_payloads"; }; { type = "list-single"; name = "pubsub#notification_type"; label = "Specify the delivery style for notifications"; options = { { label = "Messages of type normal", value = "normal" }, { label = "Messages of type headline", value = "headline", default = true }, }; }; { type = "boolean"; label = "Whether to notify subscribers when the node is deleted"; name = "pubsub#notify_delete"; }; }; local subscribe_options_form = dataform { { type = "hidden"; name = "FORM_TYPE"; value = "http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#subscribe_options"; }; { type = "boolean"; name = "pubsub#include_body"; label = "Receive message body in addition to payload?"; }; }; local node_metadata_form = dataform { { type = "hidden"; name = "FORM_TYPE"; value = "http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#meta-data"; }; { type = "text-single"; name = "pubsub#title"; }; { type = "text-single"; name = "pubsub#description"; }; { type = "text-single"; name = "pubsub#type"; }; }; local config_field_map = { title = "pubsub#title"; description = "pubsub#description"; payload_type = "pubsub#type"; max_items = "pubsub#max_items"; persist_items = "pubsub#persist_items"; notification_type = "pubsub#notification_type"; access_model = "pubsub#access_model"; publish_model = "pubsub#publish_model"; notify_items = "pubsub#deliver_notifications"; notify_delete = "pubsub#notify_delete"; }; local reverse_config_field_map = {}; for k, v in pairs(config_field_map) do reverse_config_field_map[v] = k; end -- util.pubsub is meant to be agnostic to XEP-0060 local function config_to_xep0060(node_config) return { ["pubsub#title"] = node_config["title"]; ["pubsub#description"] = node_config["description"]; ["pubsub#type"] = node_config["payload_type"]; ["pubsub#max_items"] = tostring(node_config["max_items"]); ["pubsub#persist_items"] = node_config["persist_items"]; ["pubsub#notification_type"] = node_config["notification_type"]; ["pubsub#access_model"] = node_config["access_model"]; ["pubsub#publish_model"] = node_config["publish_model"]; ["pubsub#deliver_notifications"] = node_config["notify_items"]; ["pubsub#notify_delete"] = node_config["notify_delete"]; } end local function config_from_xep0060(config, strict) local ret = {}; for config_field, config_value in pairs(config) do local mapped_name = reverse_config_field_map[config_field]; if mapped_name then -- FIXME: The intention is to add "subtype" support to -- util.dataforms, which will remove the need for this -- ugly hack if mapped_name == "max_items" then config_value = tonumber(config_value); end ret[mapped_name] = config_value; elseif strict and config_field ~= "FORM_TYPE" then return nil, "unknown-field", config_field; end end return ret; end -- Used to check that the config of a node is as expected (i.e. 'publish-options') local function check_preconditions(node_config, required_config) if not (node_config and required_config) then return false; end for config_field, value in pairs(required_config) do if node_config[config_field] ~= value then return false; end end return true; end local service_method_feature_map = { add_subscription = { "subscribe" }; create = { "create-nodes", "instant-nodes", "item-ids", "create-and-configure" }; delete = { "delete-nodes" }; get_items = { "retrieve-items" }; get_subscriptions = { "retrieve-subscriptions" }; node_defaults = { "retrieve-default" }; publish = { "publish", "multi-items", "publish-options" }; purge = { "purge-nodes" }; retract = { "delete-items", "retract-items" }; set_node_config = { "config-node" }; set_affiliation = { "modify-affiliations" }; }; local service_config_feature_map = { autocreate_on_publish = { "auto-create" }; }; function _M.get_feature_set(service) local supported_features = set.new(); for method, features in pairs(service_method_feature_map) do if service[method] then for _, feature in ipairs(features) do if feature then supported_features:add(feature); end end end end for option, features in pairs(service_config_feature_map) do if service.config[option] then for _, feature in ipairs(features) do if feature then supported_features:add(feature); end end end end for affiliation in pairs(service.config.capabilities) do if affiliation ~= "none" and affiliation ~= "owner" then supported_features:add(affiliation.."-affiliation"); end end if service.node_defaults.access_model then supported_features:add("access-"..service.node_defaults.access_model); end if rawget(service.config, "itemstore") and rawget(service.config, "nodestore") then supported_features:add("persistent-items"); end return supported_features; end function _M.handle_disco_info_node(event, service) local stanza, reply, node = event.stanza, event.reply, event.node; local ok, ret = service:get_nodes(stanza.attr.from); local node_obj = ret[node]; if not ok or not node_obj then return; end event.exists = true; reply:tag("identity", { category = "pubsub", type = "leaf" }):up(); if node_obj.config then reply:add_child(node_metadata_form:form({ ["pubsub#title"] = node_obj.config.title; ["pubsub#description"] = node_obj.config.description; ["pubsub#type"] = node_obj.config.payload_type; }, "result")); end end function _M.handle_disco_items_node(event, service) local stanza, reply, node = event.stanza, event.reply, event.node; local ok, ret = service:get_items(node, stanza.attr.from); if not ok then return; end for _, id in ipairs(ret) do reply:tag("item", { jid = module.host, name = id }):up(); end event.exists = true; end function _M.handle_pubsub_iq(event, service) local origin, stanza = event.origin, event.stanza; local pubsub_tag = stanza.tags[1]; local action = pubsub_tag.tags[1]; if not action then return origin.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "cancel", "bad-request")); end local prefix = ""; if pubsub_tag.attr.xmlns == xmlns_pubsub_owner then prefix = "owner_"; end local handler = handlers[prefix..stanza.attr.type.."_"..action.name]; if handler then handler(origin, stanza, action, service); return true; end end function handlers.get_items(origin, stanza, items, service) local node = items.attr.node; local item = items:get_child("item"); local item_id = item and item.attr.id; if not node then origin.send(pubsub_error_reply(stanza, "nodeid-required")); return true; end local ok, results = service:get_items(node, stanza.attr.from, item_id); if not ok then origin.send(pubsub_error_reply(stanza, results)); return true; end local data = st.stanza("items", { node = node }); for _, id in ipairs(results) do data:add_child(results[id]); end local reply; if data then reply = st.reply(stanza) :tag("pubsub", { xmlns = xmlns_pubsub }) :add_child(data); else reply = pubsub_error_reply(stanza, "item-not-found"); end origin.send(reply); return true; end function handlers.get_subscriptions(origin, stanza, subscriptions, service) local node = subscriptions.attr.node; local ok, ret = service:get_subscriptions(node, stanza.attr.from, stanza.attr.from); if not ok then origin.send(pubsub_error_reply(stanza, ret)); return true; end local reply = st.reply(stanza) :tag("pubsub", { xmlns = xmlns_pubsub }) :tag("subscriptions"); for _, sub in ipairs(ret) do reply:tag("subscription", { node = sub.node, jid = sub.jid, subscription = 'subscribed' }):up(); end origin.send(reply); return true; end function handlers.owner_get_subscriptions(origin, stanza, subscriptions, service) local node = subscriptions.attr.node; local ok, ret = service:get_subscriptions(node, stanza.attr.from); if not ok then origin.send(pubsub_error_reply(stanza, ret)); return true; end local reply = st.reply(stanza) :tag("pubsub", { xmlns = xmlns_pubsub_owner }) :tag("subscriptions"); for _, sub in ipairs(ret) do reply:tag("subscription", { node = sub.node, jid = sub.jid, subscription = 'subscribed' }):up(); end origin.send(reply); return true; end function handlers.owner_set_subscriptions(origin, stanza, subscriptions, service) local node = subscriptions.attr.node; if not node then origin.send(pubsub_error_reply(stanza, "nodeid-required")); return true; end if not service:may(node, stanza.attr.from, "subscribe_other") then origin.send(pubsub_error_reply(stanza, "forbidden")); return true; end local node_obj = service.nodes[node]; if not node_obj then origin.send(pubsub_error_reply(stanza, "item-not-found")); return true; end for subscription_tag in subscriptions:childtags("subscription") do if subscription_tag.attr.subscription == 'subscribed' then local ok, err = service:add_subscription(node, stanza.attr.from, subscription_tag.attr.jid); if not ok then origin.send(pubsub_error_reply(stanza, err)); return true; end elseif subscription_tag.attr.subscription == 'none' then local ok, err = service:remove_subscription(node, stanza.attr.from, subscription_tag.attr.jid); if not ok then origin.send(pubsub_error_reply(stanza, err)); return true; end end end local reply = st.reply(stanza); origin.send(reply); return true; end function handlers.set_create(origin, stanza, create, service) local node = create.attr.node; local ok, ret, reply; local config; local configure = stanza.tags[1]:get_child("configure"); if configure then local config_form = configure:get_child("x", "jabber:x:data"); if not config_form then origin.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "modify", "bad-request", "Missing dataform")); return true; end local form_data, err = node_config_form:data(config_form); if not form_data then origin.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "modify", "bad-request", err)); return true; end config = config_from_xep0060(form_data); end if node then ok, ret = service:create(node, stanza.attr.from, config); if ok then reply = st.reply(stanza); else reply = pubsub_error_reply(stanza, ret); end else repeat node = uuid_generate(); ok, ret = service:create(node, stanza.attr.from, config); until ok or ret ~= "conflict"; if ok then reply = st.reply(stanza) :tag("pubsub", { xmlns = xmlns_pubsub }) :tag("create", { node = node }); else reply = pubsub_error_reply(stanza, ret); end end origin.send(reply); return true; end function handlers.owner_set_delete(origin, stanza, delete, service) local node = delete.attr.node; local reply; if not node then origin.send(pubsub_error_reply(stanza, "nodeid-required")); return true; end local ok, ret = service:delete(node, stanza.attr.from); if ok then reply = st.reply(stanza); else reply = pubsub_error_reply(stanza, ret); end origin.send(reply); return true; end function handlers.set_subscribe(origin, stanza, subscribe, service) local node, jid = subscribe.attr.node, subscribe.attr.jid; jid = jid_prep(jid); if not (node and jid) then origin.send(pubsub_error_reply(stanza, jid and "nodeid-required" or "invalid-jid")); return true; end local options_tag, options = stanza.tags[1]:get_child("options"), nil; if options_tag then options = subscribe_options_form:data(options_tag.tags[1]); end local ok, ret = service:add_subscription(node, stanza.attr.from, jid, options); local reply; if ok then reply = st.reply(stanza) :tag("pubsub", { xmlns = xmlns_pubsub }) :tag("subscription", { node = node, jid = jid, subscription = "subscribed" }):up(); if options_tag then reply:add_child(options_tag); end else reply = pubsub_error_reply(stanza, ret); end origin.send(reply); end function handlers.set_unsubscribe(origin, stanza, unsubscribe, service) local node, jid = unsubscribe.attr.node, unsubscribe.attr.jid; jid = jid_prep(jid); if not (node and jid) then origin.send(pubsub_error_reply(stanza, jid and "nodeid-required" or "invalid-jid")); return true; end local ok, ret = service:remove_subscription(node, stanza.attr.from, jid); local reply; if ok then reply = st.reply(stanza); else reply = pubsub_error_reply(stanza, ret); end origin.send(reply); return true; end function handlers.get_options(origin, stanza, options, service) local node, jid = options.attr.node, options.attr.jid; jid = jid_prep(jid); if not (node and jid) then origin.send(pubsub_error_reply(stanza, jid and "nodeid-required" or "invalid-jid")); return true; end local ok, ret = service:get_subscription(node, stanza.attr.from, jid); if not ok then origin.send(pubsub_error_reply(stanza, "not-subscribed")); return true; end if ret == true then ret = {} end origin.send(st.reply(stanza) :tag("pubsub", { xmlns = xmlns_pubsub }) :tag("options", { node = node, jid = jid }) :add_child(subscribe_options_form:form(ret))); return true; end function handlers.set_options(origin, stanza, options, service) local node, jid = options.attr.node, options.attr.jid; jid = jid_prep(jid); if not (node and jid) then origin.send(pubsub_error_reply(stanza, jid and "nodeid-required" or "invalid-jid")); return true; end local ok, ret = service:get_subscription(node, stanza.attr.from, jid); if not ok then origin.send(pubsub_error_reply(stanza, ret)); return true; elseif not ret then origin.send(pubsub_error_reply(stanza, "not-subscribed")); return true; end local new_subopts, err = subscribe_options_form:data(options.tags[1]); if not new_subopts then origin.send(pubsub_error_reply(stanza, ret)); return true; end local ok, err = service:add_subscription(node, stanza.attr.from, jid, new_subopts); if not ok then origin.send(pubsub_error_reply(stanza, err)); return true; end origin.send(st.reply(stanza)); return true; end function handlers.set_publish(origin, stanza, publish, service) local node = publish.attr.node; if not node then origin.send(pubsub_error_reply(stanza, "nodeid-required")); return true; end local publish_options = stanza.tags[1]:get_child("publish-options"); if publish_options then -- Ensure that the node configuration matches the values in publish-options local publish_options_form = publish_options:get_child("x", "jabber:x:data"); local required_config = config_from_xep0060(node_config_form:data(publish_options_form), true); local node_accessible, node_config = service:get_node_config(node, stanza.attr.from); if node_accessible == false and service.config.autocreate_on_publish then module:log("debug", "creating node %s with publish-options", node) -- we need to create the node here so that it is configured -- correctly local created, err = service:create(node, stanza.attr.from, required_config) if not created then local reply = pubsub_error_reply(stanza, err); origin.send(reply); return true; end elseif not check_preconditions(node_config, required_config) then local reply = pubsub_error_reply(stanza, "precondition-not-met"); origin.send(reply); return true; end end local item = publish:get_child("item"); local id = (item and item.attr.id); if not id then id = uuid_generate(); if item then item.attr.id = id; end end local ok, ret = service:publish(node, stanza.attr.from, id, item); local reply; if ok then if type(ok) == "string" then id = ok; end reply = st.reply(stanza) :tag("pubsub", { xmlns = xmlns_pubsub }) :tag("publish", { node = node }) :tag("item", { id = id }); else reply = pubsub_error_reply(stanza, ret); end origin.send(reply); return true; end function handlers.set_retract(origin, stanza, retract, service) local node, notify = retract.attr.node, retract.attr.notify; notify = (notify == "1") or (notify == "true"); local item = retract:get_child("item"); local id = item and item.attr.id if not (node and id) then origin.send(pubsub_error_reply(stanza, node and "item-not-found" or "nodeid-required")); return true; end local reply, notifier; if notify then notifier = st.stanza("retract", { id = id }); end local ok, ret = service:retract(node, stanza.attr.from, id, notifier); if ok then reply = st.reply(stanza); else reply = pubsub_error_reply(stanza, ret); end origin.send(reply); return true; end function handlers.owner_set_purge(origin, stanza, purge, service) local node, notify = purge.attr.node, purge.attr.notify; notify = (notify == "1") or (notify == "true"); local reply; if not node then origin.send(pubsub_error_reply(stanza, "nodeid-required")); return true; end local ok, ret = service:purge(node, stanza.attr.from, notify); if ok then reply = st.reply(stanza); else reply = pubsub_error_reply(stanza, ret); end origin.send(reply); return true; end function handlers.owner_get_configure(origin, stanza, config, service) local node = config.attr.node; if not node then origin.send(pubsub_error_reply(stanza, "nodeid-required")); return true; end local ok, node_config = service:get_node_config(node, stanza.attr.from); if not ok then origin.send(pubsub_error_reply(stanza, node_config)); return true; end local pubsub_form_data = config_to_xep0060(node_config); local reply = st.reply(stanza) :tag("pubsub", { xmlns = xmlns_pubsub_owner }) :tag("configure", { node = node }) :add_child(node_config_form:form(pubsub_form_data)); origin.send(reply); return true; end function handlers.owner_set_configure(origin, stanza, config, service) local node = config.attr.node; if not node then origin.send(pubsub_error_reply(stanza, "nodeid-required")); return true; end if not service:may(node, stanza.attr.from, "configure") then origin.send(pubsub_error_reply(stanza, "forbidden")); return true; end local config_form = config:get_child("x", "jabber:x:data"); if not config_form then origin.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "modify", "bad-request", "Missing dataform")); return true; end local ok, old_config = service:get_node_config(node, stanza.attr.from); if not ok then origin.send(pubsub_error_reply(stanza, old_config)); return true; end local form_data, err = node_config_form:data(config_form, old_config); if not form_data then origin.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "modify", "bad-request", err)); return true; end local new_config = config_from_xep0060(form_data); local ok, err = service:set_node_config(node, stanza.attr.from, new_config); if not ok then origin.send(pubsub_error_reply(stanza, err)); return true; end origin.send(st.reply(stanza)); return true; end function handlers.owner_get_default(origin, stanza, default, service) -- luacheck: ignore 212/default local pubsub_form_data = config_to_xep0060(service.node_defaults); local reply = st.reply(stanza) :tag("pubsub", { xmlns = xmlns_pubsub_owner }) :tag("default") :add_child(node_config_form:form(pubsub_form_data)); origin.send(reply); return true; end function handlers.owner_get_affiliations(origin, stanza, affiliations, service) local node = affiliations.attr.node; if not node then origin.send(pubsub_error_reply(stanza, "nodeid-required")); return true; end if not service:may(node, stanza.attr.from, "set_affiliation") then origin.send(pubsub_error_reply(stanza, "forbidden")); return true; end local node_obj = service.nodes[node]; if not node_obj then origin.send(pubsub_error_reply(stanza, "item-not-found")); return true; end local reply = st.reply(stanza) :tag("pubsub", { xmlns = xmlns_pubsub_owner }) :tag("affiliations", { node = node }); for jid, affiliation in pairs(node_obj.affiliations) do reply:tag("affiliation", { jid = jid, affiliation = affiliation }):up(); end origin.send(reply); return true; end function handlers.owner_set_affiliations(origin, stanza, affiliations, service) local node = affiliations.attr.node; if not node then origin.send(pubsub_error_reply(stanza, "nodeid-required")); return true; end if not service:may(node, stanza.attr.from, "set_affiliation") then origin.send(pubsub_error_reply(stanza, "forbidden")); return true; end local node_obj = service.nodes[node]; if not node_obj then origin.send(pubsub_error_reply(stanza, "item-not-found")); return true; end for affiliation_tag in affiliations:childtags("affiliation") do local jid = affiliation_tag.attr.jid; local affiliation = affiliation_tag.attr.affiliation; jid = jid_prep(jid); if affiliation == "none" then affiliation = nil; end local ok, err = service:set_affiliation(node, stanza.attr.from, jid, affiliation); if not ok then -- FIXME Incomplete error handling, -- see XEP 60 Multiple Simultaneous Modifications origin.send(pubsub_error_reply(stanza, err)); return true; end end local reply = st.reply(stanza); origin.send(reply); return true; end local function create_encapsulating_item(id, payload) local item = st.stanza("item", { id = id, xmlns = xmlns_pubsub }); item:add_child(payload); return item; end local function archive_itemstore(archive, config, user, node) module:log("debug", "Creation of itemstore for node %s with config %s", node, config); local get_set = {}; local max_items = config["max_items"]; function get_set:items() -- luacheck: ignore 212/self local data, err = archive:find(user, { limit = tonumber(max_items); reverse = true; }); if not data then module:log("error", "Unable to get items: %s", err); return true; end module:log("debug", "Listed items %s", data); return it.reverse(function() local id, payload, when, publisher = data(); if id == nil then return; end local item = create_encapsulating_item(id, payload, publisher); return id, item; end); end function get_set:get(key) -- luacheck: ignore 212/self local data, err = archive:find(user, { key = key; -- Get the last item with that key, if the archive doesn't deduplicate reverse = true, limit = 1; }); if not data then module:log("error", "Unable to get item: %s", err); return nil, err; end local id, payload, when, publisher = data(); module:log("debug", "Get item %s (published at %s by %s)", id, when, publisher); if id == nil then return nil; end return create_encapsulating_item(id, payload, publisher); end function get_set:set(key, value) -- luacheck: ignore 212/self local data, err; if value ~= nil then local publisher = value.attr.publisher; local payload = value.tags[1]; data, err = archive:append(user, key, payload, time_now(), publisher); else data, err = archive:delete(user, { key = key; }); end -- TODO archive support for maintaining maximum items archive:delete(user, { truncate = max_items; }); if not data then module:log("error", "Unable to set item: %s", err); return nil, err; end return data; end function get_set:clear() -- luacheck: ignore 212/self return archive:delete(user); end function get_set:resize(size) -- luacheck: ignore 212/self max_items = size; return archive:delete(user, { truncate = size; }); end function get_set:tail() -- This should conveniently return the last item local item = self:get(nil); if item then return item.attr.id, item; end end return setmetatable(get_set, archive); end _M.archive_itemstore = archive_itemstore; return _M;