local st = require "util.stanza"; local send = require "core.sessionmanager".send_to_session; local sm_bind_resource = require "core.sessionmanager".bind_resource; local jid local usermanager_validate_credentials = require "core.usermanager".validate_credentials; local t_concat, t_insert = table.concat, table.insert; local tostring = tostring; local log = require "util.logger".init("mod_saslauth"); local xmlns_sasl ='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl'; local xmlns_bind ='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-bind'; local xmlns_stanzas ='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas'; local new_sasl = require "util.sasl".new; local function build_reply(status, ret) local reply = st.stanza(status, {xmlns = xmlns_sasl}); if status == "challenge" then reply:text(ret or ""); elseif status == "failure" then reply:tag(ret):up(); elseif status == "success" then reply:text(ret or ""); else error("Unknown sasl status: "..status); end return reply; end local function handle_status(session, status) if status == "failure" then session.sasl_handler = nil; elseif status == "success" then session.sasl_handler = nil; session:reset_stream(); end end local function password_callback(jid, mechanism) local node, host = jid_split(jid); local password = (datamanager.load(node, host, "accounts") or {}).password; -- FIXME handle hashed passwords local func = function(x) return x; end; if password then if mechanism == "PLAIN" then return func, password; elseif mechanism == "DIGEST-MD5" then return func, require "hashes".md5(node.."::"..password); end end return func, nil; end add_handler("c2s_unauthed", "auth", xmlns_sasl, function (session, stanza) if not session.sasl_handler then session.sasl_handler = new_sasl(stanza.attr.mechanism, session.host, password_callback); local status, ret = session.sasl_handler:feed(stanza[1]); handle_status(session, status); session.send(build_reply(status, ret)); --[[session.sasl_handler = new_sasl(stanza.attr.mechanism, function (username, password) -- onAuth require "core.usermanager" if usermanager_validate_credentials(session.host, username, password) then return true; end return false; end, function (username) -- onSuccess local success, err = sessionmanager.make_authenticated(session, username); if not success then sessionmanager.destroy_session(session); return; end session.sasl_handler = nil; session:reset_stream(); end, function (reason) -- onFail log("debug", "SASL failure, reason: %s", reason); end, function (stanza) -- onWrite log("debug", "SASL writes: %s", tostring(stanza)); send(session, stanza); end ); session.sasl_handler:feed(stanza); ]] else error("Client tried to negotiate SASL again", 0); end end); add_handler("c2s_unauthed", "abort", xmlns_sasl, function(session, stanza) if not session.sasl_handler then error("Attempt to abort when sasl has not started"); end local status, ret = session.sasl_handler:feed(stanza[1]); handle_status(session, status); session.send(build_reply(status, ret)); end); add_handler("c2s_unauthed", "response", xmlns_sasl, function(session, stanza) if not session.sasl_handler then error("Attempt to respond when sasl has not started"); end local status, ret = session.sasl_handler:feed(stanza[1]); handle_status(session, status); session.send(build_reply(status, ret)); end); add_event_hook("stream-features", function (session, features) if not session.username then t_insert(features, ""); t_insert(features, "PLAIN"); t_insert(features, ""); else t_insert(features, ""); t_insert(features, ""); end --send [[ ]] end); add_iq_handler("c2s", "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-bind", function (session, stanza) log("debug", "Client tried to bind to a resource"); local resource; if stanza.attr.type == "set" then local bind = stanza.tags[1]; if bind and bind.attr.xmlns == xmlns_bind then resource = bind:child_with_name("resource"); if resource then resource = resource[1]; end end end local success, err = sm_bind_resource(session, resource); if not success then local reply = st.reply(stanza); reply.attr.type = "error"; if err == "conflict" then reply:tag("error", { type = "modify" }) :tag("conflict", { xmlns = xmlns_stanzas }); elseif err == "constraint" then reply:tag("error", { type = "cancel" }) :tag("resource-constraint", { xmlns = xmlns_stanzas }); elseif err == "auth" then reply:tag("error", { type = "cancel" }) :tag("not-allowed", { xmlns = xmlns_stanzas }); end send(session, reply); else local reply = st.reply(stanza); reply:tag("bind", { xmlns = xmlns_bind}) :tag("jid"):text(session.full_jid); send(session, reply); end end); add_iq_handler("c2s", "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-session", function (session, stanza) log("debug", "Client tried to bind to a resource"); send(session, st.reply(stanza)); end);