-- Prosody IM -- Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Matthew Wild -- Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Waqas Hussain -- -- This project is MIT/X11 licensed. Please see the -- COPYING file in the source package for more information. -- -- luacheck: ignore 431/log local st = require "prosody.util.stanza"; local sm_bind_resource = require "prosody.core.sessionmanager".bind_resource; local sm_make_authenticated = require "prosody.core.sessionmanager".make_authenticated; local base64 = require "prosody.util.encodings".base64; local set = require "prosody.util.set"; local errors = require "prosody.util.error"; local hex = require "prosody.util.hex"; local pem2der = require"util.x509".pem2der; local hashes = require"util.hashes"; local ssl = require "ssl"; -- FIXME Isolate LuaSec from the rest of the code local usermanager_get_sasl_handler = require "prosody.core.usermanager".get_sasl_handler; local secure_auth_only = module:get_option_boolean("c2s_require_encryption", module:get_option_boolean("require_encryption", true)); local allow_unencrypted_plain_auth = module:get_option_boolean("allow_unencrypted_plain_auth", false) local insecure_mechanisms = module:get_option_set("insecure_sasl_mechanisms", allow_unencrypted_plain_auth and {} or {"PLAIN", "LOGIN"}); local disabled_mechanisms = module:get_option_set("disable_sasl_mechanisms", { "DIGEST-MD5" }); local tls_server_end_point_hash = module:get_option_string("tls_server_end_point_hash"); local log = module._log; local xmlns_sasl ='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl'; local xmlns_bind ='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-bind'; local function build_reply(status, ret, err_msg) local reply = st.stanza(status, {xmlns = xmlns_sasl}); if status == "failure" then reply:tag(ret):up(); if err_msg then reply:tag("text"):text(err_msg); end elseif status == "challenge" or status == "success" then if ret == "" then reply:text("=") elseif ret then reply:text(base64.encode(ret)); end else module:log("error", "Unknown sasl status: %s", status); end return reply; end local function handle_status(session, status, ret, err_msg) if not session.sasl_handler then return "failure", "temporary-auth-failure", "Connection gone"; end if status == "failure" then module:fire_event("authentication-failure", { session = session, condition = ret, text = err_msg }); session.sasl_handler = session.sasl_handler:clean_clone(); elseif status == "success" then local ok, err = sm_make_authenticated(session, session.sasl_handler.username, session.sasl_handler.role); if ok then session.sasl_resource = session.sasl_handler.resource; module:fire_event("authentication-success", { session = session }); session.sasl_handler = nil; session:reset_stream(); else module:log("warn", "SASL succeeded but username was invalid"); module:fire_event("authentication-failure", { session = session, condition = "not-authorized", text = err }); session.sasl_handler = session.sasl_handler:clean_clone(); return "failure", "not-authorized", "User authenticated successfully, but username was invalid"; end end return status, ret, err_msg; end local function sasl_process_cdata(session, stanza) local text = stanza[1]; if text then text = base64.decode(text); if not text then session.sasl_handler = nil; session.send(build_reply("failure", "incorrect-encoding")); return true; end end local status, ret, err_msg = session.sasl_handler:process(text); status, ret, err_msg = handle_status(session, status, ret, err_msg); local s = build_reply(status, ret, err_msg); session.send(s); return true; end module:hook_tag(xmlns_sasl, "success", function (session) if session.type ~= "s2sout_unauthed" or session.external_auth ~= "attempting" then return; end module:log("debug", "SASL EXTERNAL with %s succeeded", session.to_host); session.external_auth = "succeeded" session:reset_stream(); session:open_stream(session.from_host, session.to_host); module:fire_event("s2s-authenticated", { session = session, host = session.to_host, mechanism = "EXTERNAL" }); return true; end) module:hook_tag(xmlns_sasl, "failure", function (session, stanza) if session.type ~= "s2sout_unauthed" or session.external_auth ~= "attempting" then return; end local text = stanza:get_child_text("text"); local condition = "unknown-condition"; for child in stanza:childtags() do if child.name ~= "text" then condition = child.name; break; end end local err = errors.new({ -- TODO type = what? text = text, condition = condition, }, { session = session, stanza = stanza, }); module:log("info", "SASL EXTERNAL with %s failed: %s", session.to_host, err); session.external_auth = "failed" session.external_auth_failure_reason = err; end, 500) module:hook_tag(xmlns_sasl, "failure", function (session, stanza) -- luacheck: ignore 212/stanza session.log("debug", "No fallback from SASL EXTERNAL failure, giving up"); session:close(nil, session.external_auth_failure_reason, errors.new({ type = "wait", condition = "remote-server-timeout", text = "Could not authenticate to remote server", }, { session = session, sasl_failure = session.external_auth_failure_reason, })); return true; end, 90) module:hook_tag("http://etherx.jabber.org/streams", "features", function (session, stanza) if session.type ~= "s2sout_unauthed" or not session.secure then return; end local mechanisms = stanza:get_child("mechanisms", xmlns_sasl) if mechanisms then for mech in mechanisms:childtags() do if mech[1] == "EXTERNAL" then module:log("debug", "Initiating SASL EXTERNAL with %s", session.to_host); local reply = st.stanza("auth", {xmlns = xmlns_sasl, mechanism = "EXTERNAL"}); reply:text(base64.encode(session.from_host)) session.sends2s(reply) session.external_auth = "attempting" return true end end end end, 150); local function s2s_external_auth(session, stanza) if session.external_auth ~= "offered" then return end -- Unexpected request local mechanism = stanza.attr.mechanism; if mechanism ~= "EXTERNAL" then session.sends2s(build_reply("failure", "invalid-mechanism")); return true; end if not session.secure then session.sends2s(build_reply("failure", "encryption-required")); return true; end local text = stanza[1]; if not text then session.sends2s(build_reply("failure", "malformed-request")); return true; end text = base64.decode(text); if not text then session.sends2s(build_reply("failure", "incorrect-encoding")); return true; end -- The text value is either "" or equals session.from_host if not ( text == "" or text == session.from_host ) then session.sends2s(build_reply("failure", "invalid-authzid")); return true; end -- We've already verified the external cert identity before offering EXTERNAL if session.cert_chain_status ~= "valid" or session.cert_identity_status ~= "valid" then session.sends2s(build_reply("failure", "not-authorized")); session:close(); return true; end -- Success! session.external_auth = "succeeded"; session.sends2s(build_reply("success")); module:log("info", "Accepting SASL EXTERNAL identity from %s", session.from_host); module:fire_event("s2s-authenticated", { session = session, host = session.from_host, mechanism = mechanism }); session:reset_stream(); return true; end module:hook("stanza/urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl:auth", function(event) local session, stanza = event.origin, event.stanza; if session.type == "s2sin_unauthed" then return s2s_external_auth(session, stanza) end if session.type ~= "c2s_unauthed" or module:get_host_type() ~= "local" then return; end if session.sasl_handler and session.sasl_handler.selected then session.sasl_handler = nil; -- allow starting a new SASL negotiation before completing an old one end if not session.sasl_handler then session.sasl_handler = usermanager_get_sasl_handler(module.host, session); end local mechanism = stanza.attr.mechanism; if not session.secure and (secure_auth_only or insecure_mechanisms:contains(mechanism)) then session.send(build_reply("failure", "encryption-required")); return true; elseif disabled_mechanisms:contains(mechanism) then session.send(build_reply("failure", "invalid-mechanism")); return true; end local valid_mechanism = session.sasl_handler:select(mechanism); if not valid_mechanism then session.send(build_reply("failure", "invalid-mechanism")); return true; end return sasl_process_cdata(session, stanza); end); module:hook("stanza/urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl:response", function(event) local session = event.origin; if not(session.sasl_handler and session.sasl_handler.selected) then session.send(build_reply("failure", "not-authorized", "Out of order SASL element")); return true; end return sasl_process_cdata(session, event.stanza); end); module:hook("stanza/urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl:abort", function(event) local session = event.origin; session.sasl_handler = nil; session.send(build_reply("failure", "aborted")); return true; end); local function tls_unique(self) return self.userdata["tls-unique"]:ssl_peerfinished(); end local function tls_exporter(conn) if not conn.ssl_exportkeyingmaterial then return end return conn:ssl_exportkeyingmaterial("EXPORTER-Channel-Binding", 32, ""); end local function sasl_tls_exporter(self) return tls_exporter(self.userdata["tls-exporter"]); end local function tls_server_end_point(self) local cert_hash = self.userdata["tls-server-end-point"]; if cert_hash then return hex.from(cert_hash); end local conn = self.userdata["tls-server-end-point-conn"]; local cert = conn.getlocalcertificate and conn:getlocalcertificate(); if not cert then -- We don't know that this is the right cert, it could have been replaced on -- disk since we started. local certfile = self.userdata["tls-server-end-point-cert"]; if not certfile then return end local f = io.open(certfile); if not f then return end local certdata = f:read("*a"); cert = ssl.loadcertificate(certdata); end -- Hash function selection, see RFC 5929 ยง4.1 local hash = hashes.sha256; if cert.getsignaturename then local sigalg = cert:getsignaturename():lower():match("sha%d+"); if sigalg and sigalg ~= "sha1" and hashes[sigalg] then -- This should have ruled out MD5 and SHA1 hash = hashes[sigalg]; end end return hash(pem2der(cert)); end local mechanisms_attr = { xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl' }; local bind_attr = { xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-bind' }; local xmpp_session_attr = { xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-session' }; module:hook("stream-features", function(event) local origin, features = event.origin, event.features; local log = origin.log or log; if not origin.username then if secure_auth_only and not origin.secure then log("debug", "Not offering authentication on insecure connection"); return; end local sasl_handler = usermanager_get_sasl_handler(module.host, origin) origin.sasl_handler = sasl_handler; local channel_bindings = set.new() if origin.encrypted then -- check whether LuaSec has the nifty binding to the function needed for tls-unique -- FIXME: would be nice to have this check only once and not for every socket if sasl_handler.add_cb_handler then local info = origin.conn:ssl_info(); if info and info.protocol == "TLSv1.3" then log("debug", "Channel binding 'tls-unique' undefined in context of TLS 1.3"); if tls_exporter(origin.conn) then log("debug", "Channel binding 'tls-exporter' supported"); sasl_handler:add_cb_handler("tls-exporter", sasl_tls_exporter); channel_bindings:add("tls-exporter"); end elseif origin.conn.ssl_peerfinished and origin.conn:ssl_peerfinished() then log("debug", "Channel binding 'tls-unique' supported"); sasl_handler:add_cb_handler("tls-unique", tls_unique); channel_bindings:add("tls-unique"); else log("debug", "Channel binding 'tls-unique' not supported (by LuaSec?)"); end local certfile = origin.ssl_cfg and origin.ssl_cfg.certificate; -- FIXME .ssl_cfg is set by mod_tls and thus only available with starttls if tls_server_end_point_hash then log("debug", "Channel binding 'tls-server-end-point' can be offered with the configured certificate hash"); sasl_handler:add_cb_handler("tls-server-end-point", tls_server_end_point); channel_bindings:add("tls-server-end-point"); elseif certfile then log("debug", "Channel binding 'tls-server-end-point' can be offered based on the certificate used"); sasl_handler:add_cb_handler("tls-server-end-point", tls_server_end_point); channel_bindings:add("tls-server-end-point"); end sasl_handler["userdata"] = { ["tls-unique"] = origin.conn; ["tls-exporter"] = origin.conn; ["tls-server-end-point-cert"] = certfile; ["tls-server-end-point-conn"] = origin.conn; ["tls-server-end-point"] = tls_server_end_point_hash; }; else log("debug", "Channel binding not supported by SASL handler"); end end local mechanisms = st.stanza("mechanisms", mechanisms_attr); local sasl_mechanisms = sasl_handler:mechanisms() local available_mechanisms = set.new(); for mechanism in pairs(sasl_mechanisms) do available_mechanisms:add(mechanism); end log("debug", "SASL mechanisms supported by handler: %s", available_mechanisms); local usable_mechanisms = available_mechanisms - disabled_mechanisms; local available_disabled = set.intersection(available_mechanisms, disabled_mechanisms); if not available_disabled:empty() then log("debug", "Not offering disabled mechanisms: %s", available_disabled); end local available_insecure = set.intersection(available_mechanisms, insecure_mechanisms); if not origin.secure and not available_insecure:empty() then log("debug", "Session is not secure, not offering insecure mechanisms: %s", available_insecure); usable_mechanisms = usable_mechanisms - insecure_mechanisms; end if not usable_mechanisms:empty() then log("debug", "Offering usable mechanisms: %s", usable_mechanisms); for mechanism in usable_mechanisms do mechanisms:tag("mechanism"):text(mechanism):up(); end features:add_child(mechanisms); if not channel_bindings:empty() then -- XXX XEP-0440 is Experimental features:tag("sasl-channel-binding", {xmlns='urn:xmpp:sasl-cb:0'}) for channel_binding in channel_bindings do features:tag("channel-binding", {type=channel_binding}):up() end features:up(); end return; end local authmod = module:get_option_string("authentication", "internal_hashed"); if available_mechanisms:empty() then log("warn", "No available SASL mechanisms, verify that the configured authentication module '%s' is loaded and configured correctly", authmod); return; end if not origin.secure and not available_insecure:empty() then if not available_disabled:empty() then log("warn", "All SASL mechanisms provided by authentication module '%s' are forbidden on insecure connections (%s) or disabled (%s)", authmod, available_insecure, available_disabled); else log("warn", "All SASL mechanisms provided by authentication module '%s' are forbidden on insecure connections (%s)", authmod, available_insecure); end elseif not available_disabled:empty() then log("warn", "All SASL mechanisms provided by authentication module '%s' are disabled (%s)", authmod, available_disabled); end elseif not origin.full_jid then features:tag("bind", bind_attr):tag("required"):up():up(); features:tag("session", xmpp_session_attr):tag("optional"):up():up(); end end); module:hook("s2s-stream-features", function(event) local origin, features = event.origin, event.features; if origin.secure and origin.type == "s2sin_unauthed" then -- Offer EXTERNAL only if both chain and identity is valid. if origin.cert_chain_status == "valid" and origin.cert_identity_status == "valid" then module:log("debug", "Offering SASL EXTERNAL"); origin.external_auth = "offered" features:tag("mechanisms", { xmlns = xmlns_sasl }) :tag("mechanism"):text("EXTERNAL") :up():up(); end end end); module:hook("stanza/iq/urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-bind:bind", function(event) local origin, stanza = event.origin, event.stanza; local resource = origin.sasl_resource; if stanza.attr.type == "set" and not resource then local bind = stanza.tags[1]; resource = bind:get_child("resource"); resource = resource and #resource.tags == 0 and resource[1] or nil; end local success, err_type, err, err_msg = sm_bind_resource(origin, resource); if success then origin.sasl_resource = nil; origin.send(st.reply(stanza) :tag("bind", { xmlns = xmlns_bind }) :tag("jid"):text(origin.full_jid)); origin.log("debug", "Resource bound: %s", origin.full_jid); else origin.send(st.error_reply(stanza, err_type, err, err_msg)); origin.log("debug", "Resource bind failed: %s", err_msg or err); end return true; end); local function handle_legacy_session(event) event.origin.send(st.reply(event.stanza)); return true; end module:hook("iq/self/urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-session:session", handle_legacy_session); module:hook("iq/host/urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-session:session", handle_legacy_session);