local names = { "Romeo", "Juliet", "Mercutio", "Tybalt", "Benvolio" }; local devices = { "", "phone", "laptop", "tablet", "toaster", "fridge", "shoe" }; local users = {}; local full_jids = {}; local filters = require "util.filters"; local id = require "util.id"; local record_file = require "util.datamanager".getpath(id.medium():lower(), "scansion", os.date("%Y%b%d"):lower(), "scs", true); local scan = io.open(record_file, "w"); local function record(string) scan:write(string); end local function record_event(session, event) record(session.scansion_id.." "..event.."\n\n"); end local function record_stanza(stanza, session, verb) record(session.scansion_id.." "..verb..":\n\t"..tostring(stanza).."\n\n"); end local function record_stanza_in(stanza, session) if stanza.attr.xmlns == nil then record_stanza(stanza, session, "sends") end return stanza; end local function record_stanza_out(stanza, session) if stanza.attr.xmlns == nil then if not (stanza.name == "iq" and stanza:get_child("bind", "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-bind")) then record_stanza(stanza, session, "receives"); end end return stanza; end module:hook("resource-bind", function (event) local session = event.session; if not users[session.username] then users[session.username] = { character = table.remove(names, 1) or id.short(); devices = {}; n_devices = 0; }; end local user = users[session.username]; local device = user.devices[session.resource]; if not device then user.n_devices = user.n_devices + 1; device = devices[user.n_devices] or ("device"..id.short()); user.devices[session.resource] = device; end session.scansion_character = user.character; session.scansion_device = device; session.scansion_id = user.character..(device ~= "" and "'s "..device or device); full_jids[session.full_jid] = session.scansion_id; module:log("warn", "Connected: %s's %s", user.character, device); record_event(session, "connects"); filters.add_filter(session, "stanzas/in", record_stanza_in); filters.add_filter(session, "stanzas/out", record_stanza_out); end); module:hook_global("server-shutdown", function () fh:close(); end);