-- Prosody IM -- Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Matthew Wild -- Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Waqas Hussain -- -- This project is MIT/X11 licensed. Please see the -- COPYING file in the source package for more information. -- local create_context = require "core.certmanager".create_context; local st = require "util.stanza"; local c2s_require_encryption = module:get_option("c2s_require_encryption") or module:get_option("require_encryption"); local s2s_require_encryption = module:get_option("s2s_require_encryption"); local allow_s2s_tls = module:get_option("s2s_allow_encryption") ~= false; local s2s_secure_auth = module:get_option("s2s_secure_auth"); if s2s_secure_auth and s2s_require_encryption == false then module:log("warn", "s2s_secure_auth implies s2s_require_encryption, but s2s_require_encryption is set to false"); s2s_require_encryption = true; end local xmlns_starttls = 'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-tls'; local starttls_attr = { xmlns = xmlns_starttls }; local starttls_proceed = st.stanza("proceed", starttls_attr); local starttls_failure = st.stanza("failure", starttls_attr); local c2s_feature = st.stanza("starttls", starttls_attr); local s2s_feature = st.stanza("starttls", starttls_attr); if c2s_require_encryption then c2s_feature:tag("required"):up(); end if s2s_require_encryption then s2s_feature:tag("required"):up(); end local hosts = prosody.hosts; local host = hosts[module.host]; local ssl_ctx_c2s, ssl_ctx_s2sout, ssl_ctx_s2sin; do local NULL, err = {}; local global = module:context("*"); local parent = module:context(module.host:match("%.(.*)$")); local parent_ssl = parent:get_option("ssl"); local host_ssl = module:get_option("ssl", parent_ssl); local global_c2s = global:get_option("c2s_ssl", NULL); local parent_c2s = parent:get_option("c2s_ssl", NULL); local host_c2s = module:get_option("c2s_ssl", parent_c2s); local global_s2s = global:get_option("s2s_ssl", NULL); local parent_s2s = parent:get_option("s2s_ssl", NULL); local host_s2s = module:get_option("s2s_ssl", parent_s2s); ssl_ctx_c2s, err = create_context(host.host, "server", host_c2s, host_ssl, global_c2s); -- for incoming client connections if err then module:log("error", "Error creating context for c2s: %s", err); end ssl_ctx_s2sin, err = create_context(host.host, "server", host_s2s, host_ssl, global_s2s); -- for incoming server connections ssl_ctx_s2sout = create_context(host.host, "client", host_s2s, host_ssl, global_s2s); -- for outgoing server connections if err then module:log("error", "Error creating context for s2s: %s", err); end -- Both would have the same issue end local function can_do_tls(session) if not session.conn.starttls then return false; elseif session.ssl_ctx then return true; end if session.type == "c2s_unauthed" then session.ssl_ctx = ssl_ctx_c2s; elseif session.type == "s2sin_unauthed" and allow_s2s_tls then session.ssl_ctx = ssl_ctx_s2sin; elseif session.direction == "outgoing" and allow_s2s_tls then session.ssl_ctx = ssl_ctx_s2sout; else return false; end return session.ssl_ctx; end -- Hook <starttls/> module:hook("stanza/urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-tls:starttls", function(event) local origin = event.origin; if can_do_tls(origin) then (origin.sends2s or origin.send)(starttls_proceed); origin:reset_stream(); origin.conn:starttls(origin.ssl_ctx); origin.log("debug", "TLS negotiation started for %s...", origin.type); origin.secure = false; else origin.log("warn", "Attempt to start TLS, but TLS is not available on this %s connection", origin.type); (origin.sends2s or origin.send)(starttls_failure); origin:close(); end return true; end); -- Advertize stream feature module:hook("stream-features", function(event) local origin, features = event.origin, event.features; if can_do_tls(origin) then features:add_child(c2s_feature); end end); module:hook("s2s-stream-features", function(event) local origin, features = event.origin, event.features; if can_do_tls(origin) then features:add_child(s2s_feature); end end); -- For s2sout connections, start TLS if we can module:hook_stanza("http://etherx.jabber.org/streams", "features", function (session, stanza) module:log("debug", "Received features element"); if can_do_tls(session) and stanza:child_with_ns(xmlns_starttls) then module:log("debug", "%s is offering TLS, taking up the offer...", session.to_host); session.sends2s("<starttls xmlns='"..xmlns_starttls.."'/>"); return true; end end, 500); module:hook_stanza(xmlns_starttls, "proceed", function (session, stanza) module:log("debug", "Proceeding with TLS on s2sout..."); session:reset_stream(); session.conn:starttls(session.ssl_ctx); session.secure = false; return true; end);