local base64 = require "prosody.util.encodings".base64; local hashes = require "prosody.util.hashes"; local id = require "prosody.util.id"; local jid = require "prosody.util.jid"; local random = require "prosody.util.random"; local usermanager = require "prosody.core.usermanager"; local generate_identifier = require "prosody.util.id".short; local token_store = module:open_store("auth_tokens", "map"); local access_time_granularity = module:get_option_number("token_auth_access_time_granularity", 60); local function select_role(username, host, role) if role then return prosody.hosts[host].authz.get_role_by_name(role); end return usermanager.get_user_role(username, host); end function create_jid_token(actor_jid, token_jid, token_role, token_ttl, token_data, token_purpose) token_jid = jid.prep(token_jid); if not actor_jid or token_jid ~= actor_jid and not jid.compare(token_jid, actor_jid) then return nil, "not-authorized"; end local token_username, token_host, token_resource = jid.split(token_jid); if token_host ~= module.host then return nil, "invalid-host"; end if (token_data and type(token_data) ~= "table") or (token_purpose and type(token_purpose) ~= "string") then return nil, "bad-request"; end local token_id = id.short(); local now = os.time(); local token_info = { id = token_id; owner = actor_jid; created = now; expires = token_ttl and (now + token_ttl) or nil; accessed = now; jid = token_jid; purpose = token_purpose; resource = token_resource; role = token_role; data = token_data; }; local token_secret = random.bytes(18); local token = "secret-token:"..base64.encode("2;"..token_id..";"..token_secret..";"..jid.join(token_username, token_host)); local ok, err = token_store:set(token_username, token_id, { secret_sha256 = hashes.sha256(token_secret, true); token_info = token_info }); if not ok then return nil, err; end return token, token_info; end local function parse_token(encoded_token) if not encoded_token then return nil; end local encoded_data = encoded_token:match("^secret%-token:(.+)$"); if not encoded_data then return nil; end local token = base64.decode(encoded_data); if not token then return nil; end local token_id, token_secret, token_jid = token:match("^2;([^;]+);([^;]+);(.+)$"); if not token_id then return nil; end local token_user, token_host = jid.split(token_jid); return token_id, token_user, token_host, token_secret; end local function _get_validated_token_info(token_id, token_user, token_host, token_secret) if token_host ~= module.host then return nil, "invalid-host"; end local token, err = token_store:get(token_user, token_id); if not token then if err then return nil, "internal-error"; end return nil, "not-authorized"; elseif not token.secret_sha256 then -- older token format token_store:set(token_user, token_id, nil); return nil, "not-authorized"; end -- Check provided secret if not hashes.equals(hashes.sha256(token_secret, true), token.secret_sha256) then return nil, "not-authorized"; end local token_info = token.token_info; local now = os.time(); if token_info.expires and token_info.expires < now then token_store:set(token_user, token_id, nil); return nil, "not-authorized"; end local account_info = usermanager.get_account_info(token_user, module.host); local password_updated_at = account_info and account_info.password_updated; if password_updated_at and password_updated_at > token_info.created then token_store:set(token_user, token_id, nil); return nil, "not-authorized"; end local last_accessed = token_info.accessed; if not last_accessed or (now - last_accessed) > access_time_granularity then token_info.accessed = now; token_store:set(token_user, token_id, token_info); end return token_info end function get_token_info(token) local token_id, token_user, token_host, token_secret = parse_token(token); if not token_id then module:log("warn", "Failed to verify access token: %s", token_user); return nil, "invalid-token-format"; end return _get_validated_token_info(token_id, token_user, token_host, token_secret); end function get_token_session(token, resource) local token_id, token_user, token_host, token_secret = parse_token(token); if not token_id then module:log("warn", "Failed to verify access token: %s", token_user); return nil, "invalid-token-format"; end local token_info, err = _get_validated_token_info(token_id, token_user, token_host, token_secret); if not token_info then return nil, err; end return { username = token_user; host = token_host; resource = token_info.resource or resource or generate_identifier(); role = select_role(token_user, token_host, token_info.role); }; end function revoke_token(token) local token_id, token_user, token_host = parse_token(token); if not token_id then module:log("warn", "Failed to verify access token: %s", token_user); return nil, "invalid-token-format"; end if token_host ~= module.host then return nil, "invalid-host"; end return token_store:set(token_user, token_id, nil); end function sasl_handler(auth_provider, purpose, extra) return function (sasl, token, realm, _authzid) local token_info, err = get_token_info(token); if not token_info then module:log("debug", "SASL handler failed to verify token: %s", err); return nil, nil, extra; end local token_user, token_host, resource = jid.split(token_info.jid); if realm ~= token_host or (purpose and token_info.purpose ~= purpose) then return nil, nil, extra; end if auth_provider.is_enabled and not auth_provider.is_enabled(token_user) then return true, false, token_info; end sasl.resource = resource; sasl.token_info = token_info; return token_user, true, token_info; end; end