local set = require "prosody.util.set"; local secret = module:get_option_string("turn_external_secret"); local host = module:get_option_string("turn_external_host", module.host); local user = module:get_option_string("turn_external_user"); local port = module:get_option_number("turn_external_port", 3478); local ttl = module:get_option_period("turn_external_ttl", "1 day"); local tcp = module:get_option_boolean("turn_external_tcp", false); local tls_port = module:get_option_number("turn_external_tls_port"); if not secret then module:log_status("error", "Failed to initialize: the 'turn_external_secret' option is not set in your configuration"); return; end local services = set.new({ "stun-udp"; "turn-udp" }); if tcp then services:add("stun-tcp"); services:add("turn-tcp"); end if tls_port then services:add("turns-tcp"); end module:depends "external_services"; for _, type in ipairs({ "stun"; "turn"; "turns" }) do for _, transport in ipairs({"udp"; "tcp"}) do if services:contains(type .. "-" .. transport) then module:add_item("external_service", { type = type; transport = transport; host = host; port = type == "turns" and tls_port or port; username = type == "turn" and user or nil; secret = type == "turn" and secret or nil; ttl = type == "turn" and ttl or nil; }) end end end