-- Prosody IM -- Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Matthew Wild -- Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Waqas Hussain -- Copyright (C) 2014 Daurnimator -- -- This project is MIT/X11 licensed. Please see the -- COPYING file in the source package for more information. -- local select = select; local pairs = pairs; local next = next; local setmetatable = setmetatable; local dataform = require "util.dataforms"; local iterators = require "util.iterators"; local jid_split = require "util.jid".split; local jid_bare = require "util.jid".bare; local jid_prep = require "util.jid".prep; local jid_join = require "util.jid".join; local st = require "util.stanza"; local base64 = require "util.encodings".base64; local md5 = require "util.hashes".md5; local log = module._log; local occupant_lib = module:require "muc/occupant" local muc_util = module:require "muc/util"; local is_kickable_error = muc_util.is_kickable_error; local valid_roles, valid_affiliations = muc_util.valid_roles, muc_util.valid_affiliations; local room_mt = {}; room_mt.__index = room_mt; function room_mt:__tostring() return "MUC room ("..self.jid..")"; end function room_mt.save() -- overriden by mod_muc.lua end function room_mt:get_occupant_jid(real_jid) return self._jid_nick[real_jid] end function room_mt:get_default_role(affiliation) local role = module:fire_event("muc-get-default-role", { room = self; affiliation = affiliation; affiliation_rank = valid_affiliations[affiliation or "none"]; }); return role, valid_roles[role or "none"]; end module:hook("muc-get-default-role", function(event) if event.affiliation_rank >= valid_affiliations.admin then return "moderator"; elseif event.affiliation_rank >= valid_affiliations.none then return "participant"; end end); --- Occupant functions function room_mt:new_occupant(bare_real_jid, nick) local occupant = occupant_lib.new(bare_real_jid, nick); local affiliation = self:get_affiliation(bare_real_jid); occupant.role = self:get_default_role(affiliation); return occupant; end function room_mt:get_occupant_by_nick(nick) local occupant = self._occupants[nick]; if occupant == nil then return nil end return occupant_lib.copy(occupant); end do local function next_copied_occupant(occupants, occupant_jid) local next_occupant_jid, raw_occupant = next(occupants, occupant_jid); if next_occupant_jid == nil then return nil end return next_occupant_jid, occupant_lib.copy(raw_occupant); end -- FIXME Explain what 'read_only' is supposed to be function room_mt:each_occupant(read_only) -- luacheck: ignore 212 return next_copied_occupant, self._occupants, nil; end end function room_mt:has_occupant() return next(self._occupants, nil) ~= nil end function room_mt:get_occupant_by_real_jid(real_jid) local occupant_jid = self:get_occupant_jid(real_jid); if occupant_jid == nil then return nil end return self:get_occupant_by_nick(occupant_jid); end function room_mt:save_occupant(occupant) occupant = occupant_lib.copy(occupant); -- So that occupant can be modified more local id = occupant.nick -- Need to maintain _jid_nick secondary index local old_occupant = self._occupants[id]; if old_occupant then for real_jid in old_occupant:each_session() do self._jid_nick[real_jid] = nil; end end local has_live_session = false if occupant.role ~= nil then for real_jid, presence in occupant:each_session() do if presence.attr.type == nil then has_live_session = true self._jid_nick[real_jid] = occupant.nick; end end if not has_live_session then -- Has no live sessions left; they have left the room. occupant.role = nil end end if not has_live_session then occupant = nil end self._occupants[id] = occupant end function room_mt:route_to_occupant(occupant, stanza) local to = stanza.attr.to; for jid in occupant:each_session() do stanza.attr.to = jid; self:route_stanza(stanza); end stanza.attr.to = to; end -- actor is the attribute table local function add_item(x, affiliation, role, jid, nick, actor_nick, actor_jid, reason) x:tag("item", {affiliation = affiliation; role = role; jid = jid; nick = nick;}) if actor_nick or actor_jid then x:tag("actor", {nick = actor_nick; jid = actor_jid;}):up() end if reason then x:tag("reason"):text(reason):up() end x:up(); return x end -- actor is (real) jid function room_mt:build_item_list(occupant, x, is_anonymous, nick, actor_nick, actor_jid, reason) local affiliation = self:get_affiliation(occupant.bare_jid) or "none"; local role = occupant.role or "none"; if is_anonymous then add_item(x, affiliation, role, nil, nick, actor_nick, actor_jid, reason); else for real_jid in occupant:each_session() do add_item(x, affiliation, role, real_jid, nick, actor_nick, actor_jid, reason); end end return x end function room_mt:broadcast_message(stanza) if module:fire_event("muc-broadcast-message", {room = self, stanza = stanza}) then return true; end self:broadcast(stanza); return true; end -- Strip delay tags claiming to be from us module:hook("muc-occupant-groupchat", function (event) local stanza = event.stanza; local room = event.room; local room_jid = room.jid; stanza:maptags(function (child) if child.name == "delay" and child.attr["xmlns"] == "urn:xmpp:delay" then if child.attr["from"] == room_jid then return nil; end end if child.name == "x" and child.attr["xmlns"] == "jabber:x:delay" then if child.attr["from"] == room_jid then return nil; end end return child; end) end); -- Broadcast a stanza to all occupants in the room. -- optionally checks conditional called with (nick, occupant) function room_mt:broadcast(stanza, cond_func) for nick, occupant in self:each_occupant() do if cond_func == nil or cond_func(nick, occupant) then self:route_to_occupant(occupant, stanza) end end end local function can_see_real_jids(whois, occupant) if whois == "anyone" then return true; elseif whois == "moderators" then return valid_roles[occupant.role or "none"] >= valid_roles.moderator; end end -- Broadcasts an occupant's presence to the whole room -- Takes the x element that goes into the stanzas function room_mt:publicise_occupant_status(occupant, x, nick, actor, reason) local base_x = x.base or x; -- Build real jid and (optionally) occupant jid template presences local base_presence do -- Try to use main jid's presence local pr = occupant:get_presence(); if pr and (pr.attr.type ~= "unavailable" and occupant.role ~= nil) then base_presence = st.clone(pr); else -- user is leaving but didn't send a leave presence. make one for them base_presence = st.presence {from = occupant.nick; type = "unavailable";}; end end -- Fire event (before full_p and anon_p are created) local event = { room = self; stanza = base_presence; x = base_x; occupant = occupant; nick = nick; actor = actor; reason = reason; } module:fire_event("muc-broadcast-presence", event); -- Allow muc-broadcast-presence listeners to change things nick = event.nick; actor = event.actor; reason = event.reason; local whois = self:get_whois(); local actor_nick; if actor then actor_nick = select(3, jid_split(self:get_occupant_jid(actor))); end local full_p, full_x; local function get_full_p() if full_p == nil then full_x = st.clone(x.full or base_x); self:build_item_list(occupant, full_x, false, nick, actor_nick, actor, reason); full_p = st.clone(base_presence):add_child(full_x); end return full_p, full_x; end local anon_p, anon_x; local function get_anon_p() if anon_p == nil then anon_x = st.clone(x.anon or base_x); self:build_item_list(occupant, anon_x, true, nick, actor_nick, nil, reason); anon_p = st.clone(base_presence):add_child(anon_x); end return anon_p, anon_x; end local self_p, self_x; if can_see_real_jids(whois, occupant) then self_p, self_x = get_full_p(); else -- Can always see your own full jids -- But not allowed to see actor's self_x = st.clone(x.self or base_x); self:build_item_list(occupant, self_x, false, nick, actor_nick, nil, reason); self_p = st.clone(base_presence):add_child(self_x); end -- General populance for occupant_nick, n_occupant in self:each_occupant() do if occupant_nick ~= occupant.nick then local pr; if can_see_real_jids(whois, n_occupant) then pr = get_full_p(); elseif occupant.bare_jid == n_occupant.bare_jid then pr = self_p; else pr = get_anon_p(); end self:route_to_occupant(n_occupant, pr); end end -- Presences for occupant itself self_x:tag("status", {code = "110";}):up(); if occupant.role == nil then -- They get an unavailable self:route_to_occupant(occupant, self_p); else -- use their own presences as templates for full_jid, pr in occupant:each_session() do pr = st.clone(pr); pr.attr.to = full_jid; pr:add_child(self_x); self:route_stanza(pr); end end end function room_mt:send_occupant_list(to, filter) local to_bare = jid_bare(to); local is_anonymous = false; local whois = self:get_whois(); if whois ~= "anyone" then local affiliation = self:get_affiliation(to); if affiliation ~= "admin" and affiliation ~= "owner" then local occupant = self:get_occupant_by_real_jid(to); if not (occupant and can_see_real_jids(whois, occupant)) then is_anonymous = true; end end end for occupant_jid, occupant in self:each_occupant() do if filter == nil or filter(occupant_jid, occupant) then local x = st.stanza("x", {xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user'}); self:build_item_list(occupant, x, is_anonymous and to_bare ~= occupant.bare_jid); -- can always see your own jids local pres = st.clone(occupant:get_presence()); pres.attr.to = to; pres:add_child(x); self:route_stanza(pres); end end end function room_mt:get_disco_info(stanza) local reply = st.reply(stanza):query("http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info"); local form = dataform.new { { name = "FORM_TYPE", type = "hidden", value = "http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roominfo" }; }; local formdata = {}; module:fire_event("muc-disco#info", {room = self; reply = reply; form = form, formdata = formdata ;}); reply:add_child(form:form(formdata, "result")); return reply; end module:hook("muc-disco#info", function(event) event.reply:tag("feature", {var = "http://jabber.org/protocol/muc"}):up(); event.reply:tag("feature", {var = "http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#stable_id"}):up(); end); module:hook("muc-disco#info", function(event) table.insert(event.form, { name = "muc#roominfo_occupants", label = "Number of occupants" }); event.formdata["muc#roominfo_occupants"] = tostring(iterators.count(event.room:each_occupant())); end); function room_mt:get_disco_items(stanza) local reply = st.reply(stanza):query("http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#items"); for room_jid in self:each_occupant() do reply:tag("item", {jid = room_jid, name = room_jid:match("/(.*)")}):up(); end return reply; end function room_mt:handle_kickable(origin, stanza) -- luacheck: ignore 212 local real_jid = stanza.attr.from; local occupant = self:get_occupant_by_real_jid(real_jid); if occupant == nil then return nil; end local type, condition, text = stanza:get_error(); local error_message = "Kicked: "..(condition and condition:gsub("%-", " ") or "presence error"); if text then error_message = error_message..": "..text; end occupant:set_session(real_jid, st.presence({type="unavailable"}) :tag('status'):text(error_message)); self:save_occupant(occupant); local x = st.stanza("x", {xmlns = "http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user";}) :tag("status", {code = "307"}):up() :tag("status", {code = "333"}) self:publicise_occupant_status(occupant, x); if occupant.jid == real_jid then -- Was last session module:fire_event("muc-occupant-left", {room = self; nick = occupant.nick; occupant = occupant;}); end return true; end if not module:get_option_boolean("muc_compat_create", true) then module:hook("muc-room-pre-create", function(event) local origin, stanza = event.origin, event.stanza; if not stanza:get_child("x", "http://jabber.org/protocol/muc") then origin.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "cancel", "item-not-found")); return true; end end, -1); end -- Give the room creator owner affiliation module:hook("muc-room-pre-create", function(event) event.room:set_affiliation(true, jid_bare(event.stanza.attr.from), "owner"); end, -1); -- check if user is banned module:hook("muc-occupant-pre-join", function(event) local room, stanza = event.room, event.stanza; local affiliation = room:get_affiliation(stanza.attr.from); if affiliation == "outcast" then local reply = st.error_reply(stanza, "auth", "forbidden"):up(); reply.tags[1].attr.code = "403"; event.origin.send(reply:tag("x", {xmlns = "http://jabber.org/protocol/muc"})); return true; end end, -10); function room_mt:handle_first_presence(origin, stanza) local real_jid = stanza.attr.from; local dest_jid = stanza.attr.to; local bare_jid = jid_bare(real_jid); if module:fire_event("muc-room-pre-create", { room = self; origin = origin; stanza = stanza; }) then return true; end local is_first_dest_session = true; local dest_occupant = self:new_occupant(bare_jid, dest_jid); -- TODO Handle this case sensibly if not stanza:get_child("x", "http://jabber.org/protocol/muc") then module:log("debug", "Room creation without , possibly desynced"); end local orig_nick = dest_occupant.nick; if module:fire_event("muc-occupant-pre-join", { room = self; origin = origin; stanza = stanza; is_first_session = is_first_dest_session; is_new_room = true; occupant = dest_occupant; }) then return true; end local nick_changed = orig_nick ~= dest_occupant.nick; dest_occupant:set_session(real_jid, stanza); local dest_x = st.stanza("x", {xmlns = "http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user";}); dest_x:tag("status", {code = "201"}):up(); if self:get_whois() == "anyone" then dest_x:tag("status", {code = "100"}):up(); end local self_x; if nick_changed then self_x = st.clone(dest_x); self_x:tag("status", {code = "210"}):up(); end self:save_occupant(dest_occupant); self:publicise_occupant_status(dest_occupant, {base = dest_x, self = self_x}); module:fire_event("muc-occupant-joined", { room = self; nick = dest_occupant.nick; occupant = dest_occupant; stanza = stanza; origin = origin; }); module:fire_event("muc-occupant-session-new", { room = self; nick = dest_occupant.nick; occupant = dest_occupant; stanza = stanza; origin = origin; jid = real_jid; }); module:fire_event("muc-room-created", { room = self; creator = dest_occupant; stanza = stanza; origin = origin; }); return true; end function room_mt:handle_normal_presence(origin, stanza) local type = stanza.attr.type; local real_jid = stanza.attr.from; local bare_jid = jid_bare(real_jid); local orig_occupant = self:get_occupant_by_real_jid(real_jid); local is_first_dest_session; local dest_occupant; if type == "unavailable" then if orig_occupant == nil then return true; end -- Unavailable from someone not in the room -- dest_occupant = nil elseif orig_occupant and orig_occupant.nick == stanza.attr.to then -- Just a presence update log("debug", "presence update for %s from session %s", orig_occupant.nick, real_jid); dest_occupant = orig_occupant; else local dest_jid = stanza.attr.to; dest_occupant = self:get_occupant_by_nick(dest_jid); if dest_occupant == nil then log("debug", "no occupant found for %s; creating new occupant object for %s", dest_jid, real_jid); is_first_dest_session = true; dest_occupant = self:new_occupant(bare_jid, dest_jid); else is_first_dest_session = false; end end local is_last_orig_session; if orig_occupant ~= nil then -- Is there are least 2 sessions? local iter, ob, last = orig_occupant:each_session(); is_last_orig_session = iter(ob, iter(ob, last)) == nil; end -- TODO Handle these cases sensibly local muc_x = stanza:get_child("x", "http://jabber.org/protocol/muc"); if orig_occupant == nil and not muc_x then module:log("debug", "Join without , possibly desynced"); elseif orig_occupant ~= nil and muc_x then module:log("debug", "Presence update with , possibly desynced"); end local orig_nick = dest_occupant and dest_occupant.nick; local event, event_name = { room = self; origin = origin; stanza = stanza; is_first_session = is_first_dest_session; is_last_session = is_last_orig_session; }; if orig_occupant == nil then event_name = "muc-occupant-pre-join"; event.occupant = dest_occupant; elseif dest_occupant == nil then event_name = "muc-occupant-pre-leave"; event.occupant = orig_occupant; else event_name = "muc-occupant-pre-change"; event.orig_occupant = orig_occupant; event.dest_occupant = dest_occupant; end if module:fire_event(event_name, event) then return true; end local nick_changed = dest_occupant and orig_nick ~= dest_occupant.nick; -- Check for nick conflicts if dest_occupant ~= nil and not is_first_dest_session and bare_jid ~= jid_bare(dest_occupant.bare_jid) then -- new nick or has different bare real jid log("debug", "%s couldn't join due to nick conflict: %s", real_jid, dest_occupant.nick); local reply = st.error_reply(stanza, "cancel", "conflict"):up(); reply.tags[1].attr.code = "409"; origin.send(reply:tag("x", {xmlns = "http://jabber.org/protocol/muc"})); return true; end -- Send presence stanza about original occupant if orig_occupant ~= nil and orig_occupant ~= dest_occupant then local orig_x = st.stanza("x", {xmlns = "http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user";}); local dest_nick; if dest_occupant == nil then -- Session is leaving log("debug", "session %s is leaving occupant %s", real_jid, orig_occupant.nick); if is_last_orig_session then orig_occupant.role = nil; end orig_occupant:set_session(real_jid, stanza); else log("debug", "session %s is changing from occupant %s to %s", real_jid, orig_occupant.nick, dest_occupant.nick); local generated_unavail = st.presence {from = orig_occupant.nick, to = real_jid, type = "unavailable"}; orig_occupant:set_session(real_jid, generated_unavail); dest_nick = select(3, jid_split(dest_occupant.nick)); if not is_first_dest_session then -- User is swapping into another pre-existing session log("debug", "session %s is swapping into multisession %s, showing it leave.", real_jid, dest_occupant.nick); -- Show the other session leaving local x = st.stanza("x", {xmlns = "http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user";}); add_item(x, self:get_affiliation(bare_jid), "none"); local pr = st.presence{from = dest_occupant.nick, to = real_jid, type = "unavailable"} :tag("status"):text("you are joining pre-existing session " .. dest_nick):up() :add_child(x); self:route_stanza(pr); end if is_first_dest_session and is_last_orig_session then -- Normal nick change log("debug", "no sessions in %s left; publicly marking as nick change", orig_occupant.nick); orig_x:tag("status", {code = "303";}):up(); else -- The session itself always needs to see a nick change -- don't want to get our old nick's available presence, -- so remove our session from there, and manually generate an unavailable orig_occupant:remove_session(real_jid); log("debug", "generating nick change for %s", real_jid); local x = st.stanza("x", {xmlns = "http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user";}); -- self:build_item_list(orig_occupant, x, false, dest_nick); -- COMPAT: clients get confused if they see other items besides their own add_item(x, self:get_affiliation(bare_jid), orig_occupant.role, real_jid, dest_nick); x:tag("status", {code = "303";}):up(); x:tag("status", {code = "110";}):up(); self:route_stanza(generated_unavail:add_child(x)); dest_nick = nil; -- set dest_nick to nil; so general populance doesn't see it for whole orig_occupant end end self:save_occupant(orig_occupant); self:publicise_occupant_status(orig_occupant, orig_x, dest_nick); if is_last_orig_session then module:fire_event("muc-occupant-left", { room = self; nick = orig_occupant.nick; occupant = orig_occupant; origin = origin; stanza = stanza; }); end end if dest_occupant ~= nil then dest_occupant:set_session(real_jid, stanza); local dest_x = st.stanza("x", {xmlns = "http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user";}); if orig_occupant == nil and self:get_whois() == "anyone" then dest_x:tag("status", {code = "100"}):up(); end self:save_occupant(dest_occupant); if orig_occupant == nil or muc_x then -- Send occupant list to newly joined user self:send_occupant_list(real_jid, function(nick, occupant) -- luacheck: ignore 212 -- Don't include self return occupant:get_presence(real_jid) == nil; end) end local self_x; if nick_changed then self_x = st.clone(dest_x); self_x:tag("status", {code="210"}):up(); end self:publicise_occupant_status(dest_occupant, {base=dest_x,self=self_x}); if orig_occupant ~= nil and orig_occupant ~= dest_occupant and not is_last_orig_session then -- If user is swapping and wasn't last original session log("debug", "session %s split nicks; showing %s rejoining", real_jid, orig_occupant.nick); -- Show the original nick joining again local pr = st.clone(orig_occupant:get_presence()); pr.attr.to = real_jid; local x = st.stanza("x", {xmlns = "http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user";}); self:build_item_list(orig_occupant, x, false); -- TODO: new status code to inform client this was the multi-session it left? pr:add_child(x); self:route_stanza(pr); end if orig_occupant == nil or muc_x then if is_first_dest_session then module:fire_event("muc-occupant-joined", { room = self; nick = dest_occupant.nick; occupant = dest_occupant; stanza = stanza; origin = origin; }); end module:fire_event("muc-occupant-session-new", { room = self; nick = dest_occupant.nick; occupant = dest_occupant; stanza = stanza; origin = origin; jid = real_jid; }); end end return true; end function room_mt:handle_presence_to_occupant(origin, stanza) local type = stanza.attr.type; if type == "error" then -- error, kick em out! return self:handle_kickable(origin, stanza) elseif type == nil or type == "unavailable" then return self:handle_normal_presence(origin, stanza); elseif type ~= 'result' then -- bad type if type ~= 'visible' and type ~= 'invisible' then -- COMPAT ejabberd can broadcast or forward XEP-0018 presences origin.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "modify", "bad-request")); -- FIXME correct error? end end return true; end function room_mt:handle_iq_to_occupant(origin, stanza) local from, to = stanza.attr.from, stanza.attr.to; local type = stanza.attr.type; local id = stanza.attr.id; local occupant = self:get_occupant_by_nick(to); if (type == "error" or type == "result") then do -- deconstruct_stanza_id if not occupant then return nil; end local from_jid, orig_id, to_jid_hash = (base64.decode(id) or ""):match("^(%Z+)%z(%Z*)%z(.+)$"); if not(from == from_jid or from == jid_bare(from_jid)) then return nil; end local from_occupant_jid = self:get_occupant_jid(from_jid); if from_occupant_jid == nil then return nil; end local session_jid for to_jid in occupant:each_session() do if md5(to_jid) == to_jid_hash then session_jid = to_jid; break; end end if session_jid == nil then return nil; end stanza.attr.from, stanza.attr.to, stanza.attr.id = from_occupant_jid, session_jid, orig_id; end log("debug", "%s sent private iq stanza to %s (%s)", from, to, stanza.attr.to); self:route_stanza(stanza); stanza.attr.from, stanza.attr.to, stanza.attr.id = from, to, id; return true; else -- Type is "get" or "set" local current_nick = self:get_occupant_jid(from); if not current_nick then origin.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "cancel", "not-acceptable")); return true; end if not occupant then -- recipient not in room origin.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "cancel", "item-not-found", "Recipient not in room")); return true; end do -- construct_stanza_id stanza.attr.id = base64.encode(occupant.jid.."\0"..stanza.attr.id.."\0"..md5(from)); end stanza.attr.from, stanza.attr.to = current_nick, occupant.jid; log("debug", "%s sent private iq stanza to %s (%s)", from, to, occupant.jid); if stanza.tags[1].attr.xmlns == 'vcard-temp' then stanza.attr.to = jid_bare(stanza.attr.to); end self:route_stanza(stanza); stanza.attr.from, stanza.attr.to, stanza.attr.id = from, to, id; return true; end end function room_mt:handle_message_to_occupant(origin, stanza) local from, to = stanza.attr.from, stanza.attr.to; local current_nick = self:get_occupant_jid(from); local type = stanza.attr.type; if not current_nick then -- not in room if type ~= "error" then origin.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "cancel", "not-acceptable")); end return true; end if type == "groupchat" then -- groupchat messages not allowed in PM origin.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "modify", "bad-request")); return true; elseif type == "error" and is_kickable_error(stanza) then log("debug", "%s kicked from %s for sending an error message", current_nick, self.jid); return self:handle_kickable(origin, stanza); -- send unavailable end local o_data = self:get_occupant_by_nick(to); if not o_data then origin.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "cancel", "item-not-found", "Recipient not in room")); return true; end log("debug", "%s sent private message stanza to %s (%s)", from, to, o_data.jid); stanza:tag("x", { xmlns = "http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user" }):up(); stanza.attr.from = current_nick; self:route_to_occupant(o_data, stanza) -- TODO: Remove x tag? stanza.attr.from = from; return true; end function room_mt:send_form(origin, stanza) origin.send(st.reply(stanza):query("http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#owner") :add_child(self:get_form_layout(stanza.attr.from):form()) ); end function room_mt:get_form_layout(actor) local form = dataform.new({ title = "Configuration for "..self.jid, instructions = "Complete and submit this form to configure the room.", { name = 'FORM_TYPE', type = 'hidden', value = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roomconfig' } }); return module:fire_event("muc-config-form", { room = self, actor = actor, form = form }) or form; end function room_mt:get_voice_form_layout() local form = dataform.new({ { name = "FORM_TYPE"; type = "hidden"; value = "http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#request"; }, { name = "muc#jid"; type = "jid-single"; }, { name = "muc#roomnick"; type = "text-single"; }, { name = "muc#role"; type = "text-single"; }, { name = "muc#request_allow"; type = "boolean"; } }); return form; end function room_mt:process_form(origin, stanza) local form = stanza.tags[1]:get_child("x", "jabber:x:data"); if form.attr.type == "cancel" then origin.send(st.reply(stanza)); elseif form.attr.type == "submit" then local fields, errors, present; if form.tags[1] == nil then -- Instant room fields, present = {}, {}; else fields, errors, present = self:get_form_layout(stanza.attr.from):data(form); if fields.FORM_TYPE ~= "http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roomconfig" then origin.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "cancel", "bad-request", "Form is not of type room configuration")); return true; end end local event = {room = self; origin = origin; stanza = stanza; fields = fields; status_codes = {};}; function event.update_option(name, field, allowed) local new = fields[field]; if new == nil then return; end if allowed and not allowed[new] then return; end if new == self["get_"..name](self) then return; end event.status_codes["104"] = true; self["set_"..name](self, new); return true; end module:fire_event("muc-config-submitted", event); for submitted_field in pairs(present) do event.field, event.value = submitted_field, fields[submitted_field]; module:fire_event("muc-config-submitted/"..submitted_field, event); end event.field, event.value = nil, nil; self:save(true); origin.send(st.reply(stanza)); if next(event.status_codes) then local msg = st.message({type='groupchat', from=self.jid}) :tag('x', {xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user'}) for code in pairs(event.status_codes) do msg:tag("status", {code = code;}):up(); end msg:up(); self:broadcast_message(msg); end else origin.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "cancel", "bad-request", "Not a submitted form")); end return true; end -- Removes everyone from the room function room_mt:clear(x) x = x or st.stanza("x", {xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user'}); local occupants_updated = {}; for nick, occupant in self:each_occupant() do -- luacheck: ignore 213 occupant.role = nil; self:save_occupant(occupant); occupants_updated[occupant] = true; end for occupant in pairs(occupants_updated) do self:publicise_occupant_status(occupant, x); module:fire_event("muc-occupant-left", { room = self; nick = occupant.nick; occupant = occupant;}); end end function room_mt:destroy(newjid, reason, password) local x = st.stanza("x", {xmlns = "http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user"}) :tag("item", { affiliation='none', role='none' }):up() :tag("destroy", {jid=newjid}); if reason then x:tag("reason"):text(reason):up(); end if password then x:tag("password"):text(password):up(); end x:up(); self:clear(x); module:fire_event("muc-room-destroyed", { room = self }); return true; end function room_mt:handle_disco_info_get_query(origin, stanza) origin.send(self:get_disco_info(stanza)); return true; end function room_mt:handle_disco_items_get_query(origin, stanza) origin.send(self:get_disco_items(stanza)); return true; end function room_mt:handle_admin_query_set_command(origin, stanza) local item = stanza.tags[1].tags[1]; if not item then origin.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "cancel", "bad-request")); end if item.attr.jid then -- Validate provided JID item.attr.jid = jid_prep(item.attr.jid); if not item.attr.jid then origin.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "modify", "jid-malformed")); return true; end end if not item.attr.jid and item.attr.nick then -- COMPAT Workaround for Miranda sending 'nick' instead of 'jid' when changing affiliation local occupant = self:get_occupant_by_nick(self.jid.."/"..item.attr.nick); if occupant then item.attr.jid = occupant.jid; end elseif not item.attr.nick and item.attr.jid then local nick = self:get_occupant_jid(item.attr.jid); if nick then item.attr.nick = select(3, jid_split(nick)); end end local actor = stanza.attr.from; local reason = item:get_child_text("reason"); local success, errtype, err if item.attr.affiliation and item.attr.jid and not item.attr.role then success, errtype, err = self:set_affiliation(actor, item.attr.jid, item.attr.affiliation, reason); elseif item.attr.role and item.attr.nick and not item.attr.affiliation then success, errtype, err = self:set_role(actor, self.jid.."/"..item.attr.nick, item.attr.role, reason); else success, errtype, err = nil, "cancel", "bad-request"; end self:save(true); if not success then origin.send(st.error_reply(stanza, errtype, err)); else origin.send(st.reply(stanza)); end return true; end function room_mt:handle_admin_query_get_command(origin, stanza) local actor = stanza.attr.from; local affiliation = self:get_affiliation(actor); local item = stanza.tags[1].tags[1]; local _aff = item.attr.affiliation; local _aff_rank = valid_affiliations[_aff or "none"]; local _rol = item.attr.role; if _aff and _aff_rank and not _rol then -- You need to be at least an admin, and be requesting info about your affifiliation or lower -- e.g. an admin can't ask for a list of owners local affiliation_rank = valid_affiliations[affiliation or "none"]; if affiliation_rank >= valid_affiliations.admin and affiliation_rank >= _aff_rank or self:get_members_only() and self:get_whois() == "anyone" and affiliation_rank >= valid_affiliations.member then local reply = st.reply(stanza):query("http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#admin"); for jid in self:each_affiliation(_aff or "none") do reply:tag("item", {affiliation = _aff, jid = jid}):up(); end origin.send(reply:up()); return true; else origin.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "auth", "forbidden")); return true; end elseif _rol and valid_roles[_rol or "none"] and not _aff then local role = self:get_role(self:get_occupant_jid(actor)) or self:get_default_role(affiliation); if valid_roles[role or "none"] >= valid_roles.moderator then if _rol == "none" then _rol = nil; end local reply = st.reply(stanza):query("http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#admin"); -- TODO: whois check here? (though fully anonymous rooms are not supported) for occupant_jid, occupant in self:each_occupant() do if occupant.role == _rol then local nick = select(3,jid_split(occupant_jid)); self:build_item_list(occupant, reply, false, nick); end end origin.send(reply:up()); return true; else origin.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "auth", "forbidden")); return true; end else origin.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "cancel", "bad-request")); return true; end end function room_mt:handle_owner_query_get_to_room(origin, stanza) if self:get_affiliation(stanza.attr.from) ~= "owner" then origin.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "auth", "forbidden", "Only owners can configure rooms")); return true; end self:send_form(origin, stanza); return true; end function room_mt:handle_owner_query_set_to_room(origin, stanza) if self:get_affiliation(stanza.attr.from) ~= "owner" then origin.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "auth", "forbidden", "Only owners can configure rooms")); return true; end local child = stanza.tags[1].tags[1]; if not child then origin.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "modify", "bad-request")); return true; elseif child.name == "destroy" then local newjid = child.attr.jid; local reason = child:get_child_text("reason"); local password = child:get_child_text("password"); self:destroy(newjid, reason, password); origin.send(st.reply(stanza)); return true; elseif child.name == "x" and child.attr.xmlns == "jabber:x:data" then return self:process_form(origin, stanza); else origin.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "cancel", "service-unavailable")); return true; end end function room_mt:handle_groupchat_to_room(origin, stanza) local from = stanza.attr.from; local occupant = self:get_occupant_by_real_jid(from); if module:fire_event("muc-occupant-groupchat", { room = self; origin = origin; stanza = stanza; from = from; occupant = occupant; }) then return true; end stanza.attr.from = occupant.nick; self:broadcast_message(stanza); stanza.attr.from = from; return true; end -- Role check module:hook("muc-occupant-groupchat", function(event) local role_rank = valid_roles[event.occupant and event.occupant.role or "none"]; if role_rank <= valid_roles.none then event.origin.send(st.error_reply(event.stanza, "cancel", "not-acceptable")); return true; elseif role_rank <= valid_roles.visitor then event.origin.send(st.error_reply(event.stanza, "auth", "forbidden")); return true; end end, 50); -- hack - some buggy clients send presence updates to the room rather than their nick function room_mt:handle_presence_to_room(origin, stanza) local current_nick = self:get_occupant_jid(stanza.attr.from); local handled if current_nick then local to = stanza.attr.to; stanza.attr.to = current_nick; handled = self:handle_presence_to_occupant(origin, stanza); stanza.attr.to = to; end return handled; end -- Need visitor role or higher to invite module:hook("muc-pre-invite", function(event) local room, stanza = event.room, event.stanza; local _from = stanza.attr.from; local inviter = room:get_occupant_by_real_jid(_from); local role = inviter and inviter.role or room:get_default_role(room:get_affiliation(_from)); if valid_roles[role or "none"] <= valid_roles.visitor then event.origin.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "auth", "forbidden")); return true; end end); function room_mt:handle_mediated_invite(origin, stanza) local payload = stanza:get_child("x", "http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user"):get_child("invite"); local invitee = jid_prep(payload.attr.to); if not invitee then origin.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "cancel", "jid-malformed")); return true; elseif module:fire_event("muc-pre-invite", {room = self, origin = origin, stanza = stanza}) then return true; end local invite = muc_util.filter_muc_x(st.clone(stanza)); invite.attr.from = self.jid; invite.attr.to = invitee; invite:tag('x', {xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user'}) :tag('invite', {from = stanza.attr.from;}) :tag('reason'):text(payload:get_child_text("reason")):up() :up() :up(); if not module:fire_event("muc-invite", {room = self, stanza = invite, origin = origin, incoming = stanza}) then self:route_stanza(invite); end return true; end -- COMPAT: Some older clients expect this module:hook("muc-invite", function(event) local room, stanza = event.room, event.stanza; local invite = stanza:get_child("x", "http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user"):get_child("invite"); local reason = invite:get_child_text("reason"); stanza:tag('x', {xmlns = "jabber:x:conference"; jid = room.jid;}) :text(reason or "") :up(); end); -- Add a plain message for clients which don't support invites module:hook("muc-invite", function(event) local room, stanza = event.room, event.stanza; if not stanza:get_child("body") then local invite = stanza:get_child("x", "http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user"):get_child("invite"); local reason = invite:get_child_text("reason") or ""; stanza:tag("body") :text(invite.attr.from.." invited you to the room "..room.jid..(reason == "" and (" ("..reason..")") or "")) :up(); end end); function room_mt:handle_mediated_decline(origin, stanza) local payload = stanza:get_child("x", "http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user"):get_child("decline"); local declinee = jid_prep(payload.attr.to); if not declinee then origin.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "cancel", "jid-malformed")); return true; elseif module:fire_event("muc-pre-decline", {room = self, origin = origin, stanza = stanza}) then return true; end local decline = muc_util.filter_muc_x(st.clone(stanza)); decline.attr.from = self.jid; decline.attr.to = declinee; decline:tag("x", {xmlns = "http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user"}) :tag("decline", {from = stanza.attr.from}) :tag("reason"):text(payload:get_child_text("reason")):up() :up() :up(); if not module:fire_event("muc-decline", {room = self, stanza = decline, origin = origin, incoming = stanza}) then declinee = decline.attr.to; -- re-fetch, in case event modified it local occupant if jid_bare(declinee) == self.jid then -- declinee jid is already an in-room jid occupant = self:get_occupant_by_nick(declinee); end if occupant then self:route_to_occupant(occupant, decline); else self:route_stanza(decline); end end return true; end -- Add a plain message for clients which don't support declines module:hook("muc-decline", function(event) local room, stanza = event.room, event.stanza; if not stanza:get_child("body") then local decline = stanza:get_child("x", "http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user"):get_child("decline"); local reason = decline:get_child_text("reason") or ""; stanza:tag("body") :text(decline.attr.from.." declined your invite to the room "..room.jid..(reason == "" and (" ("..reason..")") or "")) :up(); end end); function room_mt:handle_message_to_room(origin, stanza) local type = stanza.attr.type; if type == "groupchat" then return self:handle_groupchat_to_room(origin, stanza) elseif type == "error" and is_kickable_error(stanza) then return self:handle_kickable(origin, stanza) elseif type == nil or type == "normal" then local x = stanza:get_child("x", "http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user"); if x then local payload = x.tags[1]; if payload == nil then --luacheck: ignore 542 -- fallthrough elseif payload.name == "invite" and payload.attr.to then return self:handle_mediated_invite(origin, stanza) elseif payload.name == "decline" and payload.attr.to then return self:handle_mediated_decline(origin, stanza) end origin.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "cancel", "bad-request")); return true; end local form = stanza:get_child("x", "jabber:x:data"); if form and form.attr.type == "submit" then local fields, errors, present = self:get_voice_form_layout():data(form); if fields.FORM_TYPE == "http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#request" then local occupant = self:get_occupant_by_real_jid(stanza.attr.from); local event = { room = self; origin = origin; stanza = stanza; fields = fields; occupant = occupant; }; if occupant.role == "moderator" then module:fire_event("muc-voice-response", event); else module:fire_event("muc-voice-request", event); end return true; end end end end function room_mt:route_stanza(stanza) -- luacheck: ignore 212 module:send(stanza); end function room_mt:get_affiliation(jid) local node, host, resource = jid_split(jid); local bare = node and node.."@"..host or host; local result = self._affiliations[bare]; -- Affiliations are granted, revoked, and maintained based on the user's bare JID. if not result and self._affiliations[host] == "outcast" then result = "outcast"; end -- host banned return result; end -- Iterates over jid, affiliation pairs function room_mt:each_affiliation(with_affiliation) if not with_affiliation then return pairs(self._affiliations); else return function(_affiliations, jid) local affiliation; repeat -- Iterate until we get a match jid, affiliation = next(_affiliations, jid); until jid == nil or affiliation == with_affiliation return jid, affiliation; end, self._affiliations, nil end end function room_mt:set_affiliation(actor, jid, affiliation, reason) if not actor then return nil, "modify", "not-acceptable"; end; local node, host, resource = jid_split(jid); if not host then return nil, "modify", "not-acceptable"; end jid = jid_join(node, host); -- Bare local is_host_only = node == nil; if valid_affiliations[affiliation or "none"] == nil then return nil, "modify", "not-acceptable"; end affiliation = affiliation ~= "none" and affiliation or nil; -- coerces `affiliation == false` to `nil` local target_affiliation = self._affiliations[jid]; -- Raw; don't want to check against host local is_downgrade = valid_affiliations[target_affiliation or "none"] > valid_affiliations[affiliation or "none"]; if actor == true then actor = nil -- So we can pass it safely to 'publicise_occupant_status' below else local actor_affiliation = self:get_affiliation(actor); if actor_affiliation == "owner" then if jid_bare(actor) == jid then -- self change -- need at least one owner local is_last = true; for j in self:each_affiliation("owner") do if j ~= jid then is_last = false; break; end end if is_last then return nil, "cancel", "conflict"; end end -- owners can do anything else elseif affiliation == "owner" or affiliation == "admin" or actor_affiliation ~= "admin" or target_affiliation == "owner" or target_affiliation == "admin" then -- Can't demote owners or other admins return nil, "cancel", "not-allowed"; end end -- Set in 'database' self._affiliations[jid] = affiliation; -- Update roles local role = self:get_default_role(affiliation); local role_rank = valid_roles[role or "none"]; local occupants_updated = {}; -- Filled with old roles for nick, occupant in self:each_occupant() do -- luacheck: ignore 213 if occupant.bare_jid == jid or ( -- Outcast can be by host. is_host_only and affiliation == "outcast" and select(2, jid_split(occupant.bare_jid)) == host ) then -- need to publcize in all cases; as affiliation in has changed. occupants_updated[occupant] = occupant.role; if occupant.role ~= role and ( is_downgrade or valid_roles[occupant.role or "none"] < role_rank -- upgrade ) then occupant.role = role; self:save_occupant(occupant); end end end -- Tell the room of the new occupant affiliations+roles local x = st.stanza("x", {xmlns = "http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user"}); if not role then -- getting kicked if affiliation == "outcast" then x:tag("status", {code="301"}):up(); -- banned else x:tag("status", {code="321"}):up(); -- affiliation change end end local is_semi_anonymous = self:get_whois() == "moderators"; for occupant, old_role in pairs(occupants_updated) do self:publicise_occupant_status(occupant, x, nil, actor, reason); if occupant.role == nil then module:fire_event("muc-occupant-left", {room = self; nick = occupant.nick; occupant = occupant;}); elseif is_semi_anonymous and (old_role == "moderator" and occupant.role ~= "moderator") or (old_role ~= "moderator" and occupant.role == "moderator") then -- Has gained or lost moderator status -- Send everyone else's presences (as jid visibility has changed) for real_jid in occupant:each_session() do self:send_occupant_list(real_jid, function(occupant_jid, occupant) --luacheck: ignore 212 433 return occupant.bare_jid ~= jid; end); end end end self:save(true); module:fire_event("muc-set-affiliation", { room = self; actor = actor; jid = jid; affiliation = affiliation or "none"; reason = reason; previous_affiliation = target_affiliation; in_room = next(occupants_updated) ~= nil; }); return true; end function room_mt:get_role(nick) local occupant = self:get_occupant_by_nick(nick); return occupant and occupant.role or nil; end function room_mt:set_role(actor, occupant_jid, role, reason) if not actor then return nil, "modify", "not-acceptable"; end local occupant = self:get_occupant_by_nick(occupant_jid); if not occupant then return nil, "modify", "item-not-found"; end if valid_roles[role or "none"] == nil then return nil, "modify", "not-acceptable"; end role = role ~= "none" and role or nil; -- coerces `role == false` to `nil` if actor == true then actor = nil -- So we can pass it safely to 'publicise_occupant_status' below else -- Can't do anything to other owners or admins local occupant_affiliation = self:get_affiliation(occupant.bare_jid); if occupant_affiliation == "owner" or occupant_affiliation == "admin" then return nil, "cancel", "not-allowed"; end -- If you are trying to give or take moderator role you need to be an owner or admin if occupant.role == "moderator" or role == "moderator" then local actor_affiliation = self:get_affiliation(actor); if actor_affiliation ~= "owner" and actor_affiliation ~= "admin" then return nil, "cancel", "not-allowed"; end end -- Need to be in the room and a moderator local actor_occupant = self:get_occupant_by_real_jid(actor); if not actor_occupant or actor_occupant.role ~= "moderator" then return nil, "cancel", "not-allowed"; end end local x = st.stanza("x", {xmlns = "http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user"}); if not role then x:tag("status", {code = "307"}):up(); end occupant.role = role; self:save_occupant(occupant); self:publicise_occupant_status(occupant, x, nil, actor, reason); if role == nil then module:fire_event("muc-occupant-left", {room = self; nick = occupant.nick; occupant = occupant;}); end return true; end local whois = module:require "muc/whois"; room_mt.get_whois = whois.get; room_mt.set_whois = whois.set; local _M = {}; -- module "muc" function _M.new_room(jid, config) return setmetatable({ jid = jid; _jid_nick = {}; _occupants = {}; _data = config or {}; _affiliations = {}; }, room_mt); end local new_format = module:get_option_boolean("new_muc_storage_format", false); function room_mt:freeze(live) local frozen, state; if new_format then frozen = { _jid = self.jid; _data = self._data; }; for user, affiliation in pairs(self._affiliations) do frozen[user] = affiliation; end else frozen = { jid = self.jid; _data = self._data; _affiliations = self._affiliations; }; end if live then state = {}; for nick, occupant in self:each_occupant() do state[nick] = { bare_jid = occupant.bare_jid; role = occupant.role; jid = occupant.jid; } for jid, presence in occupant:each_session() do state[jid] = st.preserialize(presence); end end local history = self._history; if history and history[1] ~= nil then state._last_message = st.preserialize(history[#history].stanza); state._last_message_at = history[#history].timestamp; end end return frozen, state; end function _M.restore_room(frozen, state) local room_jid = frozen._jid or frozen.jid; local room = _M.new_room(room_jid, frozen._data); if state and state._last_message and state._last_message_at then room._history = { { stanza = st.deserialize(state._last_message), timestamp = state._last_message_at, }, }; end local occupants = {}; local room_name, room_host = jid_split(room_jid); if frozen.jid and frozen._affiliations then room._affiliations = frozen._affiliations; else for jid, data in pairs(frozen) do local node, host, resource = jid_split(jid); if host:sub(1,1) ~= "_" and not resource and type(data) == "string" then -- bare jid: affiliation room._affiliations[jid] = data; end end end for jid, data in pairs(state or frozen) do local node, host, resource = jid_split(jid); if node or host:sub(1,1) ~= "_" then if host == room_host and node == room_name and resource and type(data) == "table" then -- full room jid: bare real jid and role local nick = jid; local occupant = occupants[nick] or occupant_lib.new(data.bare_jid, nick); occupant.bare_jid = data.bare_jid; occupant.role = data.role; occupant.jid = data.jid; -- Primary session JID occupants[nick] = occupant; elseif type(data) == "table" and data.name == "presence" then -- full user jid: presence local nick = data.attr.from; local occupant = occupants[nick] or occupant_lib.new(nil, nick); local presence = st.deserialize(data); occupant:set_session(jid, presence); occupants[nick] = occupant; end end end for _, occupant in pairs(occupants) do room:save_occupant(occupant); end return room; end _M.room_mt = room_mt; return _M;