local ipairs, pairs = ipairs, pairs; local setmetatable = setmetatable; local tostring = tostring; local next = next; local t_remove = table.remove; local os_remove = os.remove; local io_open = io.open; local st = require "util.stanza"; local parse_xml_real = module:require("xmlparse"); local function getXml(user, host) local jid = user.."@"..host; local path = "data/"..jid..".xml"; local f = io_open(path); if not f then return; end local s = f:read("*a"); return parse_xml_real(s); end local function setXml(user, host, xml) local jid = user.."@"..host; local path = "data/"..jid..".xml"; if xml then local f = io_open(path, "w"); if not f then return; end local s = tostring(xml); f:write(s); f:close(); return true; else return os_remove(path); end end local function getUserElement(xml) if xml and xml.name == "server-data" then local host = xml.tags[1]; if host and host.name == "host" then local user = host.tags[1]; if user and user.name == "user" then return user; end end end end local function createOuterXml(user, host) return st.stanza("server-data", {xmlns='http://www.xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0227.html#ns'}) :tag("host", {jid=host}) :tag("user", {name = user}); end local function removeFromArray(array, value) for i,item in ipairs(array) do if item == value then t_remove(array, i); return; end end end local function removeStanzaChild(s, child) removeFromArray(s.tags, child); removeFromArray(s, child); end local handlers = {}; handlers.accounts = { get = function(self, user) local user = getUserElement(getXml(user, self.host)); if user and user.attr.password then return { password = user.attr.password }; end end; set = function(self, user, data) if data and data.password then local xml = getXml(user, self.host); if not xml then xml = createOuterXml(user, self.host); end local usere = getUserElement(xml); usere.attr.password = data.password; return setXml(user, self.host, xml); else return setXml(user, self.host, nil); end end; }; handlers.vcard = { get = function(self, user) local user = getUserElement(getXml(user, self.host)); if user then local vcard = user:get_child("vCard", 'vcard-temp'); if vcard then return st.preserialize(vcard); end end end; set = function(self, user, data) local xml = getXml(user, self.host); local usere = xml and getUserElement(xml); if usere then local vcard = usere:get_child("vCard", 'vcard-temp'); if vcard then removeStanzaChild(usere, vcard); elseif not data then return true; end if data then vcard = st.deserialize(data); usere:add_child(vcard); end return setXml(user, self.host, xml); end return true; end; }; handlers.private = { get = function(self, user) local user = getUserElement(getXml(user, self.host)); if user then local private = user:get_child("query", "jabber:iq:private"); if private then local r = {}; for _, tag in ipairs(private.tags) do r[tag.name..":"..tag.attr.xmlns] = st.preserialize(tag); end return r; end end end; set = function(self, user, data) local xml = getXml(user, self.host); local usere = xml and getUserElement(xml); if usere then local private = usere:get_child("query", 'jabber:iq:private'); if private then removeStanzaChild(usere, private); end if data and next(data) ~= nil then private = st.stanza("query", {xmlns='jabber:iq:private'}); for _,tag in pairs(data) do private:add_child(st.deserialize(tag)); end usere:add_child(private); end return setXml(user, self.host, xml); end return true; end; }; ----------------------------- local driver = {}; function driver:open(host, datastore, typ) local instance = setmetatable({}, self); instance.host = host; instance.datastore = datastore; local handler = handlers[datastore]; if not handler then return nil; end for key,val in pairs(handler) do instance[key] = val; end if instance.init then instance:init(); end return instance; end module:provides("storage", driver);