#!/usr/bin/env lua -- Prosody IM v0.4 -- Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Matthew Wild -- Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Waqas Hussain -- -- This project is MIT/X11 licensed. Please see the -- COPYING file in the source package for more information. -- -- Will be modified by configure script if run -- CFG_SOURCEDIR=nil; CFG_CONFIGDIR=os.getenv("PROSODY_CFGDIR"); CFG_PLUGINDIR=nil; CFG_DATADIR=os.getenv("PROSODY_DATADIR"); -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- if CFG_SOURCEDIR then package.path = CFG_SOURCEDIR.."/?.lua;"..package.path package.cpath = CFG_SOURCEDIR.."/?.so;"..package.cpath end if CFG_DATADIR then if os.getenv("HOME") then CFG_DATADIR = CFG_DATADIR:gsub("^~", os.getenv("HOME")); end end -- Required to be able to find packages installed with luarocks pcall(require, "luarocks.require") config = require "core.configmanager" do -- TODO: Check for other formats when we add support for them -- Use lfs? Make a new conf/ dir? local ok, level, err = config.load((CFG_CONFIGDIR or ".").."/prosody.cfg.lua"); if not ok then print(""); print("**************************"); if level == "parser" then print("A problem occured while reading the config file "..(CFG_CONFIGDIR or ".").."/prosody.cfg.lua"); local err_line, err_message = tostring(err):match("%[string .-%]:(%d*): (.*)"); print("Error"..(err_line and (" on line "..err_line) or "")..": "..(err_message or tostring(err))); print(""); elseif level == "file" then print("Prosody was unable to find the configuration file."); print("We looked for: "..(CFG_CONFIGDIR or ".").."/prosody.cfg.lua"); print("A sample config file is included in the Prosody download called prosody.cfg.lua.dist"); print("Copy or rename it to prosody.cfg.lua and edit as necessary."); end print("More help on configuring Prosody can be found at http://prosody.im/doc/configure"); print("Good luck!"); print("**************************"); print(""); os.exit(1); end end log = require "util.logger".init("general"); -- Disable log output, needs to read from config -- require "util.logger".setwriter(function () end); require "util.dependencies" local server = require "net.server" -- Maps connections to sessions -- sessions = {}; hosts = {}; -- Load and initialise core modules -- require "util.import" require "core.xmlhandlers" require "core.rostermanager" require "core.eventmanager" require "core.hostmanager" require "core.modulemanager" require "core.usermanager" require "core.sessionmanager" require "core.stanza_router" -- Commented to protect us from -- the second kind of people --[[ pcall(require, "remdebug.engine"); if remdebug then remdebug.engine.start() end ]] local cl = require "net.connlisteners"; require "util.stanza" require "util.jid" ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------- Begin code without a home --------------------- local data_path = config.get("*", "core", "data_path") or CFG_DATADIR or "data"; require "util.datamanager".set_data_path(data_path); require "util.datamanager".set_callback(function(username, host, datastore) return config.get(host, "core", "anonymous_login"); end); ----------- End of out-of-place code -------------- eventmanager.fire_event("server-starting"); local global_ssl_ctx = config.get("*", "core", "ssl"); if global_ssl_ctx then local default_ssl_ctx = { mode = "server", protocol = "sslv23", capath = "/etc/ssl/certs", verify = "none"; }; setmetatable(global_ssl_ctx, { __index = default_ssl_ctx }); end -- start listening on sockets function net_activate_ports(option, listener, default, conntype) local ports = config.get("*", "core", option) or default; if type(ports) == "number" then ports = {ports} end; if type(ports) ~= "table" then log("error", "core."..option.." is not a table"); else for _, port in ipairs(ports) do if type(port) ~= "number" then log("error", "Non-numeric "..option..": "..tostring(port)); else cl.start(listener, { ssl = conntype ~= "tcp" and global_ssl_ctx, port = port, type = conntype }); end end end end net_activate_ports("c2s_ports", "xmppclient", {5222}, (global_ssl_ctx and "tls") or "tcp"); net_activate_ports("s2s_ports", "xmppserver", {5269}, "tcp"); net_activate_ports("legacy_ssl_ports", "xmppclient", {}, "ssl"); if config.get("*", "core", "console_enabled") then if cl.get("console") then cl.start("console", { interface = config.get("*", "core", "console_interface") or "" }) else log("error", "Console is enabled, but the console module appears not to be loaded"); end end -- setup error handling setmetatable(_G, { __index = function (t, k) error("Attempt to read a non-existent global '"..k.."'", 2); end, __newindex = function (t, k, v) error("Attempt to set a global: "..tostring(k).." = "..tostring(v), 2); end }); eventmanager.fire_event("server-started"); local quitting; while not quitting do xpcall(server.loop, function (err) if err:match("%d*: interrupted!$") then quitting = true; return; end log("error", "Top-level error, please report:\n%s", tostring(err)); local traceback = debug.traceback("", 2); if traceback then log("error", "%s", traceback); end eventmanager.fire_event("very-bad-error", "*", err, traceback); end); end