local configmanager = require "core.configmanager"; describe("core.configmanager", function() describe("#get()", function() it("should work", function() configmanager.set("example.com", "testkey", 123); assert.are.equal(configmanager.get("example.com", "testkey"), 123, "Retrieving a set key"); configmanager.set("*", "testkey1", 321); assert.are.equal(configmanager.get("*", "testkey1"), 321, "Retrieving a set global key"); assert.are.equal(configmanager.get("example.com", "testkey1"), 321, "Retrieving a set key of undefined host, of which only a globally set one exists"); configmanager.set("example.com", ""); -- Creates example.com host in config assert.are.equal(configmanager.get("example.com", "testkey1"), 321, "Retrieving a set key, of which only a globally set one exists"); assert.are.equal(configmanager.get(), nil, "No parameters to get()"); assert.are.equal(configmanager.get("undefined host"), nil, "Getting for undefined host"); assert.are.equal(configmanager.get("undefined host", "undefined key"), nil, "Getting for undefined host & key"); end); end); describe("#set()", function() it("should work", function() assert.are.equal(configmanager.set("*"), false, "Set with no key"); assert.are.equal(configmanager.set("*", "set_test", "testkey"), true, "Setting a nil global value"); assert.are.equal(configmanager.set("*", "set_test", "testkey", 123), true, "Setting a global value"); end); end); end);