local muc_util; local st = require "util.stanza"; do -- XXX Hack for lack of a mock moduleapi local env = setmetatable({ module = { _shared = {}; -- Close enough to the real module:shared() for our purposes here shared = function (self, name) local t = self._shared[name]; if t == nil then t = {}; self._shared[name] = t; end return t; end; } }, { __index = _ENV or _G }); muc_util = require "util.envload".envloadfile("plugins/muc/util.lib.lua", env)(); end describe("muc/util", function () describe("filter_muc_x()", function () it("correctly filters muc#user", function () local stanza = st.message({ to = "to", from = "from", id = "foo" }) :tag("x", { xmlns = "http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user" }) :tag("invite", { to = "user@example.com" }); assert.equal(1, #stanza.tags); assert.equal(stanza, muc_util.filter_muc_x(stanza)); assert.equal(0, #stanza.tags); end); it("correctly filters muc#user on a cloned stanza", function () local stanza = st.message({ to = "to", from = "from", id = "foo" }) :tag("x", { xmlns = "http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user" }) :tag("invite", { to = "user@example.com" }); assert.equal(1, #stanza.tags); local filtered = muc_util.filter_muc_x(st.clone(stanza)); assert.equal(1, #stanza.tags); assert.equal(0, #filtered.tags); end); end); end);