local http_parser = require "net.http.parser"; local sha1 = require "util.hashes".sha1; local function CRLF(s) return (s:gsub("\n", "\r\n")); end local function test_stream(stream, expect) local success_cb = spy.new(function (packet) assert.is_table(packet); if packet.body ~= false then assert.is_equal(expect.body, packet.body); end end); local parser = http_parser.new(success_cb, error, stream:sub(1,4) == "HTTP" and "client" or "server") for chunk in stream:gmatch("..?.?") do parser:feed(chunk); end assert.spy(success_cb).was_called(expect.count or 1); end describe("net.http.parser", function() describe("parser", function() it("should handle requests with no content-length or body", function () test_stream( CRLF[[ GET / HTTP/1.1 Host: example.com ]], { body = ""; } ); end); it("should handle responses with empty body", function () test_stream( CRLF[[ HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 0 ]], { body = ""; } ); end); it("should handle simple responses", function () test_stream( CRLF[[ HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 7 Hello ]], { body = "Hello\r\n", count = 1; } ); end); it("should handle chunked encoding in responses", function () test_stream( CRLF[[ HTTP/1.1 200 OK Transfer-Encoding: chunked 1 H 1 e 2 ll 1 o 0 ]], { body = "Hello", count = 2; } ); end); it("should handle a stream of responses", function () test_stream( CRLF[[ HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 5 Hello HTTP/1.1 200 OK Transfer-Encoding: chunked 1 H 1 e 2 ll 1 o 0 ]], { body = "Hello", count = 3; } ); end); end); it("should handle large chunked responses", function () local data = io.open("spec/inputs/http/httpstream-chunked-test.txt", "rb"):read("*a"); -- Just a sanity check... text editors and things may mess with line endings, etc. assert.equal("25930f021785ae14053a322c2dbc1897c3769720", sha1(data, true), "test data malformed"); test_stream(data, { body = string.rep("~", 11085), count = 2; }); end); end);