local xml local map setup(function() xml = require "util.xml"; map = require "util.datamapper"; end); describe("util.datampper", function() local s, x, d local disco, disco_info, disco_schema setup(function() local function attr() return {type = "string"; xml = {attribute = true}} end s = { type = "object"; xml = {name = "message"; namespace = "jabber:client"}; properties = { to = attr(); from = attr(); type = attr(); id = attr(); body = "string"; lang = {type = "string"; xml = {attribute = true; prefix = "xml"}}; delay = { type = "object"; xml = {namespace = "urn:xmpp:delay"; name = "delay"}; properties = {stamp = attr(); from = attr(); reason = {type = "string"; xml = {text = true}}}; }; state = { type = "string"; enum = { "active", "inactive", "gone", "composing", "paused", }; xml = {x_name_is_value = true; namespace = "http://jabber.org/protocol/chatstates"}; }; fallback = { type = "boolean"; xml = {x_name_is_value = true; name = "fallback"; namespace = "urn:xmpp:fallback:0"}; }; origin_id = { type = "string"; xml = {name = "origin-id"; namespace = "urn:xmpp:sid:0"; x_single_attribute = "id"}; }; react = { type = "object"; xml = {namespace = "urn:xmpp:reactions:0"; name = "reactions"}; properties = { to = {type = "string"; xml = {attribute = true; name = "id"}}; reactions = {type = "array"; items = {type = "string"; xml = {name = "reaction"}}}; }; }; }; }; x = xml.parse [[ Hello Becasue 👋 🐢 ]]; d = { to = "a@test"; from = "b@test"; type = "chat"; id = "1"; lang = "en"; body = "Hello"; delay = {from = "test"; stamp = "2021-03-07T15:59:08+00:00"; reason = "Becasue"}; state = "active"; fallback = true; origin_id = "qgkmMdPB"; react = { to = "744f6e18-a57a-11e9-a656-4889e7820c76"; reactions = { "👋", "🐢", }; }; }; disco_schema = { type = "object"; xml = { name = "iq"; namespace = "jabber:client" }; properties = { to = attr(); from = attr(); type = attr(); id = attr(); disco = { type = "object"; xml = { name = "query"; namespace = "http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info" }; properties = { features = { type = "array"; items = { type = "string"; xml = { name = "feature"; x_single_attribute = "var"; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; disco_info = xml.parse[[ wrong ]]; disco = { type="result"; id="disco1"; from="example.com"; disco = { features = { "urn:example:feature:1"; "urn:example:feature:2"; "urn:example:feature:3"; }; }; }; end); describe("parse", function() it("works", function() assert.same(d, map.parse(s, x)); end); it("handles arrays", function () assert.same(disco, map.parse(disco_schema, disco_info)); end); end); describe("unparse", function() it("works", function() local u = map.unparse(s, d); assert.equal("message", u.name); assert.same(x.attr, u.attr); assert.equal(x:get_child_text("body"), u:get_child_text("body")); assert.equal(x:get_child_text("delay", "urn:xmpp:delay"), u:get_child_text("delay", "urn:xmpp:delay")); assert.same(x:get_child("delay", "urn:xmpp:delay").attr, u:get_child("delay", "urn:xmpp:delay").attr); assert.same(x:get_child("origin-id", "urn:xmpp:sid:0").attr, u:get_child("origin-id", "urn:xmpp:sid:0").attr); assert.same(x:get_child("reactions", "urn:xmpp:reactions:0").attr, u:get_child("reactions", "urn:xmpp:reactions:0").attr); assert.same(2, #u:get_child("reactions", "urn:xmpp:reactions:0").tags); for _, tag in ipairs(x.tags) do if tag.name ~= "UNRELATED" then assert.truthy(u:get_child(tag.name, tag.attr.xmlns) or u:get_child(tag.name), tag:top_tag()) end end assert.equal(#x.tags-1, #u.tags) end); end); end)