local http = require "util.http"; describe("util.http", function() describe("#urlencode()", function() it("should not change normal characters", function() assert.are.equal(http.urlencode("helloworld123"), "helloworld123"); end); it("should escape spaces", function() assert.are.equal(http.urlencode("hello world"), "hello%20world"); end); it("should escape important URL characters", function() assert.are.equal(http.urlencode("This & that = something"), "This%20%26%20that%20%3d%20something"); end); end); describe("#urldecode()", function() it("should not change normal characters", function() assert.are.equal("helloworld123", http.urldecode("helloworld123"), "Normal characters not escaped"); end); it("should decode spaces", function() assert.are.equal("hello world", http.urldecode("hello%20world"), "Spaces escaped"); end); it("should decode important URL characters", function() assert.are.equal("This & that = something", http.urldecode("This%20%26%20that%20%3d%20something"), "Important URL chars escaped"); end); end); describe("#formencode()", function() it("should encode basic data", function() assert.are.equal(http.formencode({ { name = "one", value = "1"}, { name = "two", value = "2" } }), "one=1&two=2", "Form encoded"); end); it("should encode special characters with escaping", function() assert.are.equal(http.formencode({ { name = "one two", value = "1"}, { name = "two one&", value = "2" } }), "one+two=1&two+one%26=2", "Form encoded"); end); end); describe("#formdecode()", function() it("should decode basic data", function() local t = http.formdecode("one=1&two=2"); assert.are.same(t, { { name = "one", value = "1" }; { name = "two", value = "2" }; one = "1"; two = "2"; }); end); it("should decode special characters", function() local t = http.formdecode("one+two=1&two+one%26=2"); assert.are.same(t, { { name = "one two", value = "1" }; { name = "two one&", value = "2" }; ["one two"] = "1"; ["two one&"] = "2"; }); end); end); end);