local ibh = require"util.indexedbheap"; local function verify_heap_property(priorities) for k in ipairs(priorities) do local parent = priorities[k]; local childA = priorities[2*k]; local childB = priorities[2*k+1]; -- print("-", parent, childA, childB) assert(childA == nil or childA > parent, "heap property violated"); assert(childB == nil or childB > parent, "heap property violated"); end end local h setup(function () h = ibh.create(); end) describe("util.indexedbheap", function () it("item can be moved from end to top", function () verify_heap_property(h); h:insert("a", 1); verify_heap_property(h); h:insert("b", 2); verify_heap_property(h); h:insert("c", 3); verify_heap_property(h); local id = h:insert("*", 10); verify_heap_property(h); h:reprioritize(id, 0); verify_heap_property(h); assert.same({ 0, "*", id }, { h:pop() }); end) end);