local ip = require "util.ip"; local new_ip = ip.new_ip; local match = ip.match; local parse_cidr = ip.parse_cidr; local commonPrefixLength = ip.commonPrefixLength; describe("util.ip", function() describe("#match()", function() it("should work", function() local _ = new_ip; local ip = _""; assert.are.equal(match(ip, _"", 8), true); assert.are.equal(match(ip, _"", 16), false); assert.are.equal(match(ip, _"", 24), false); assert.are.equal(match(ip, _"", 32), false); assert.are.equal(match(ip, _"", 8), true); assert.are.equal(match(ip, _"", 16), true); assert.are.equal(match(ip, _"", 24), false); assert.are.equal(match(ip, _"", 32), false); assert.are.equal(match(ip, _"", 32), false); assert.are.equal(match(ip, _"", 0), true); assert.are.equal(match(ip, _""), false); assert.are.equal(match(ip, _"", 255), false, "excessive number of bits"); assert.are.equal(match(ip, _"", -8), true, "negative number of bits"); assert.are.equal(match(ip, _"", -32), true, "negative number of bits"); assert.are.equal(match(ip, _"", 0), true, "zero bits"); assert.are.equal(match(ip, _""), false, "no specified number of bits (differing ip)"); assert.are.equal(match(ip, _""), true, "no specified number of bits (same ip)"); assert.are.equal(match(_"", _""), true, "simple ip"); assert.are.equal(match(_"", _"", 16), true); assert.are.equal(match(_"", _"", 16), true); end); end); describe("#parse_cidr()", function() it("should work", function() assert.are.equal(new_ip"", new_ip"") local function assert_cidr(cidr, ip, bits) local parsed_ip, parsed_bits = parse_cidr(cidr); assert.are.equal(new_ip(ip), parsed_ip, cidr.." parsed ip is "..ip); assert.are.equal(bits, parsed_bits, cidr.." parsed bits is "..tostring(bits)); end assert_cidr("", "", nil); assert_cidr("", "", nil); assert_cidr("", "", 0); assert_cidr("", "", 8); assert_cidr("", "", 32); assert_cidr("", "", 256); assert_cidr("::/48", "::", 48); end); end); describe("#new_ip()", function() it("should work", function() local v4, v6 = "IPv4", "IPv6"; local function assert_proto(s, proto) local ip = new_ip(s); if proto then assert.are.equal(ip and ip.proto, proto, "protocol is correct for "..("%q"):format(s)); else assert.are.equal(ip, nil, "address is invalid"); end end assert_proto("", v4); assert_proto("::1", v6); assert_proto("", nil); assert_proto("abc", nil); assert_proto(" ", nil); end); end); describe("#commonPrefixLength()", function() it("should work", function() local function assert_cpl6(a, b, len, v4) local ipa, ipb = new_ip(a), new_ip(b); if v4 then len = len+96; end assert.are.equal(commonPrefixLength(ipa, ipb), len, "common prefix length of "..a.." and "..b.." is "..len); assert.are.equal(commonPrefixLength(ipb, ipa), len, "common prefix length of "..b.." and "..a.." is "..len); end local function assert_cpl4(a, b, len) return assert_cpl6(a, b, len, "IPv4"); end assert_cpl4("", "", 32); assert_cpl4("", "", 0); assert_cpl4("", "", 16); assert_cpl4("", "", 32); assert_cpl4("", "", 32); assert_cpl6("::1", "::1", 128); assert_cpl6("abcd::1", "abcd::1", 128); assert_cpl6("abcd::abcd", "abcd::", 112); assert_cpl6("abcd::abcd", "abcd::abcd:abcd", 96); end); end); describe("#truncate()", function () it("should work for IPv4", function () local ip1 = ip.new_ip(""); local ip2 = ip.truncate(ip1, 16); assert.truthy(ip.is_ip(ip2)); assert.equal("", ip2.normal); assert.equal("", ip1.normal); -- original unmodified end); it("should work for IPv6", function () local ip1 = ip.new_ip("2001:db8::ff00:42:8329"); local ip2 = ip.truncate(ip1, 24); assert.truthy(ip.is_ip(ip2)); assert.equal("2001:d00::", ip2.normal); assert.equal("2001:db8::ff00:42:8329", ip1.normal); -- original unmodified end); it("accepts a string", function () assert.equal("", ip.truncate("", 8).normal); end); end); end);