local js = require "util.jsonschema"; local json = require "util.json"; local lfs = require "lfs"; -- https://github.com/json-schema-org/JSON-Schema-Test-Suite.git 2.0.0-698-gf57d3e0 local test_suite_dir = "spec/JSON-Schema-Test-Suite/tests/draft2020-12" if lfs.attributes(test_suite_dir, "mode") ~= "directory" then return end -- Tests to skip and short reason why (NYI = not yet implemented) local skip = { ["additionalProperties.json:0:2"] = "distinguishing objects from arrays", ["additionalProperties.json:0:5"] = "NYI", ["additionalProperties.json:1:0"] = "NYI", ["anchor.json"] = "$anchor NYI", ["const.json:1"] = "deepcompare", ["const.json:13:2"] = "IEEE 754 equality", ["const.json:2"] = "deepcompare", ["const.json:8"] = "deepcompare", ["const.json:9"] = "deepcompare", ["contains.json:0:5"] = "distinguishing objects from arrays", ["defs.json"] = "need built-in meta-schema", ["dependentRequired.json"] = "NYI", ["dependentSchemas.json"] = "NYI", ["dynamicRef.json"] = "NYI", ["enum.json:1:3"] = "deepcompare", ["id.json"] = "NYI", ["maxContains.json"] = "NYI", ["maxLength.json:0:4"] = "UTF-16", ["maxProperties.json"] = "NYI", ["minContains.json"] = "NYI", ["minLength.json:0:4"] = "UTF-16", ["minProperties.json"] = "NYI", ["multipleOf.json:1"] = "multiples of IEEE 754 fractions", ["multipleOf.json:2"] = "multiples of IEEE 754 fractions", ["pattern.json"] = "NYI", ["patternProperties.json"] = "NYI", ["properties.json:1:2"] = "NYI", ["properties.json:1:3"] = "NYI", ["ref.json:0:3"] = "NYI additionalProperties", ["ref.json:11"] = "NYI", ["ref.json:12:1"] = "FIXME", ["ref.json:13"] = "NYI", ["ref.json:14"] = "NYI", ["ref.json:15"] = "NYI", ["ref.json:16"] = "NYI", ["ref.json:17"] = "NYI", ["ref.json:18"] = "NYI", ["ref.json:19"] = "NYI", ["ref.json:26"] = "NYI", ["ref.json:27"] = "NYI", ["ref.json:28"] = "NYI", ["ref.json:3:2"] = "FIXME investigate, util.jsonpath issue?", ["required.json:4"] = "JavaScript specific and distinguishing objects from arrays", ["ref.json:6:1"] = "NYI", ["ref.json:20"] = "NYI", ["ref.json:25"] = "NYI", ["ref.json:29"] = "NYI", ["ref.json:30"] = "NYI", ["ref.json:31"] = "NYI", ["refRemote.json"] = "DEFINITELY NYI", ["required.json:0:2"] = "distinguishing objects from arrays", ["type.json:3:4"] = "distinguishing objects from arrays", ["type.json:3:6"] = "null is weird", ["type.json:4:3"] = "distinguishing objects from arrays", ["type.json:4:6"] = "null is weird", ["type.json:9:4"] = "null is weird", ["type.json:9:6"] = "null is weird", ["unevaluatedItems.json"] = "NYI", ["unevaluatedProperties.json"] = "NYI", ["uniqueItems.json:0:11"] = "deepcompare", ["uniqueItems.json:0:13"] = "deepcompare", ["uniqueItems.json:0:14"] = "deepcompare", ["uniqueItems.json:0:22"] = "deepcompare", ["uniqueItems.json:0:24"] = "deepcompare", ["uniqueItems.json:0:9"] = "deepcompare", ["unknownKeyword.json"] = "NYI", ["vocabulary.json"] = "NYI", }; local function label(s, i) return string.format("%s:%d", s, i-1); end describe("util.jsonschema.validate", function() for test_case_file in lfs.dir(test_suite_dir) do -- print(skip[test_case_file] and "do " or "skip", test_case_file) if test_case_file:sub(-5) == ".json" and not skip[test_case_file] then describe(test_case_file, function() local test_cases; setup(function() local f = assert(io.open(test_suite_dir .. "/" .. test_case_file)); local rawdata = assert(f:read("*a"), "failed to read " .. test_case_file) test_cases = assert(json.decode(rawdata), "failed to parse " .. test_case_file) end) describe("tests", function() for i, schema_test in ipairs(test_cases) do local generic_label = label(test_case_file, i); describe(schema_test.description or generic_label, function() for j, test in ipairs(schema_test.tests) do local specific_label = label(generic_label, j); ((skip[generic_label] or skip[specific_label]) and pending or it)(test.description, function() assert.equal(test.valid, js.validate(schema_test.schema, test.data), specific_label .. " " .. test.description); end) end end) end end) end) end end end);