local st = require "util.stanza"; describe("util.stanza", function() describe("#preserialize()", function() it("should work", function() local stanza = st.stanza("message", { a = "a" }); local stanza2 = st.preserialize(stanza); assert.is_string(stanza2 and stanza.name, "preserialize returns a stanza"); assert.is_nil(stanza2.tags, "Preserialized stanza has no tag list"); assert.is_nil(stanza2.last_add, "Preserialized stanza has no last_add marker"); assert.is_nil(getmetatable(stanza2), "Preserialized stanza has no metatable"); end); end); describe("#preserialize()", function() it("should work", function() local stanza = st.stanza("message", { a = "a" }); local stanza2 = st.deserialize(st.preserialize(stanza)); assert.is_string(stanza2 and stanza.name, "deserialize returns a stanza"); assert.is_table(stanza2.attr, "Deserialized stanza has attributes"); assert.are.equal(stanza2.attr.a, "a", "Deserialized stanza retains attributes"); assert.is_table(getmetatable(stanza2), "Deserialized stanza has metatable"); end); end); describe("#stanza()", function() it("should work", function() local s = st.stanza("foo", { xmlns = "myxmlns", a = "attr-a" }); assert.are.equal(s.name, "foo"); assert.are.equal(s.attr.xmlns, "myxmlns"); assert.are.equal(s.attr.a, "attr-a"); local s1 = st.stanza("s1"); assert.are.equal(s1.name, "s1"); assert.are.equal(s1.attr.xmlns, nil); assert.are.equal(#s1, 0); assert.are.equal(#s1.tags, 0); s1:tag("child1"); assert.are.equal(#s1.tags, 1); assert.are.equal(s1.tags[1].name, "child1"); s1:tag("grandchild1"):up(); assert.are.equal(#s1.tags, 1); assert.are.equal(s1.tags[1].name, "child1"); assert.are.equal(#s1.tags[1], 1); assert.are.equal(s1.tags[1][1].name, "grandchild1"); s1:up():tag("child2"); assert.are.equal(#s1.tags, 2, tostring(s1)); assert.are.equal(s1.tags[1].name, "child1"); assert.are.equal(s1.tags[2].name, "child2"); assert.are.equal(#s1.tags[1], 1); assert.are.equal(s1.tags[1][1].name, "grandchild1"); s1:up():text("Hello world"); assert.are.equal(#s1.tags, 2); assert.are.equal(#s1, 3); assert.are.equal(s1.tags[1].name, "child1"); assert.are.equal(s1.tags[2].name, "child2"); assert.are.equal(#s1.tags[1], 1); assert.are.equal(s1.tags[1][1].name, "grandchild1"); end); it("should work with unicode values", function () local s = st.stanza("Объект", { xmlns = "myxmlns", ["Объект"] = "&" }); assert.are.equal(s.name, "Объект"); assert.are.equal(s.attr.xmlns, "myxmlns"); assert.are.equal(s.attr["Объект"], "&"); end); end); describe("#message()", function() it("should work", function() local m = st.message(); assert.are.equal(m.name, "message"); end); end); describe("#iq()", function() it("should work", function() local i = st.iq(); assert.are.equal(i.name, "iq"); end); end); describe("#iq()", function() it("should work", function() local p = st.presence(); assert.are.equal(p.name, "presence"); end); end); describe("#reply()", function() it("should work for ", function() -- Test stanza local s = st.stanza("s", { to = "touser", from = "fromuser", id = "123" }) :tag("child1"); -- Make reply stanza local r = st.reply(s); assert.are.equal(r.name, s.name); assert.are.equal(r.id, s.id); assert.are.equal(r.attr.to, s.attr.from); assert.are.equal(r.attr.from, s.attr.to); assert.are.equal(#r.tags, 0, "A reply should not include children of the original stanza"); end); it("should work for ", function() -- Test stanza local s = st.stanza("iq", { to = "touser", from = "fromuser", id = "123", type = "get" }) :tag("child1"); -- Make reply stanza local r = st.reply(s); assert.are.equal(r.name, s.name); assert.are.equal(r.id, s.id); assert.are.equal(r.attr.to, s.attr.from); assert.are.equal(r.attr.from, s.attr.to); assert.are.equal(r.attr.type, "result"); assert.are.equal(#r.tags, 0, "A reply should not include children of the original stanza"); end); it("should work for ", function() -- Test stanza local s = st.stanza("iq", { to = "touser", from = "fromuser", id = "123", type = "set" }) :tag("child1"); -- Make reply stanza local r = st.reply(s); assert.are.equal(r.name, s.name); assert.are.equal(r.id, s.id); assert.are.equal(r.attr.to, s.attr.from); assert.are.equal(r.attr.from, s.attr.to); assert.are.equal(r.attr.type, "result"); assert.are.equal(#r.tags, 0, "A reply should not include children of the original stanza"); end); end); describe("#error_reply()", function() it("should work for ", function() -- Test stanza local s = st.stanza("s", { to = "touser", from = "fromuser", id = "123" }) :tag("child1"); -- Make reply stanza local r = st.error_reply(s, "cancel", "service-unavailable"); assert.are.equal(r.name, s.name); assert.are.equal(r.id, s.id); assert.are.equal(r.attr.to, s.attr.from); assert.are.equal(r.attr.from, s.attr.to); assert.are.equal(#r.tags, 1); assert.are.equal(r.tags[1].tags[1].name, "service-unavailable"); end); it("should work for ", function() -- Test stanza local s = st.stanza("iq", { to = "touser", from = "fromuser", id = "123", type = "get" }) :tag("child1"); -- Make reply stanza local r = st.error_reply(s, "cancel", "service-unavailable"); assert.are.equal(r.name, s.name); assert.are.equal(r.id, s.id); assert.are.equal(r.attr.to, s.attr.from); assert.are.equal(r.attr.from, s.attr.to); assert.are.equal(r.attr.type, "error"); assert.are.equal(#r.tags, 1); assert.are.equal(r.tags[1].tags[1].name, "service-unavailable"); end); end); describe("should reject #invalid", function () local invalid_names = { ["empty string"] = "", ["characters"] = "<>"; } local invalid_data = { ["number"] = 1234, ["table"] = {}; ["utf8"] = string.char(0xF4, 0x90, 0x80, 0x80); }; for value_type, value in pairs(invalid_names) do it(value_type.." in tag names", function () assert.error_matches(function () st.stanza(value); end, value_type); end); it(value_type.." in attribute names", function () assert.error_matches(function () st.stanza("valid", { [value] = "valid" }); end, value_type); end); end for value_type, value in pairs(invalid_data) do it(value_type.." in tag names", function () assert.error_matches(function () st.stanza(value); end, value_type); end); it(value_type.." in attribute names", function () assert.error_matches(function () st.stanza("valid", { [value] = "valid" }); end, value_type); end); it(value_type.." in attribute values", function () assert.error_matches(function () st.stanza("valid", { valid = value }); end, value_type); end); it(value_type.." in text node", function () assert.error_matches(function () st.stanza("valid"):text(value); end, value_type); end); end end); describe("#is_stanza", function () -- is_stanza(any) -> boolean it("identifies stanzas as stanzas", function () assert.truthy(st.is_stanza(st.stanza("x"))); end); it("identifies strings as not stanzas", function () assert.falsy(st.is_stanza("")); end); it("identifies numbers as not stanzas", function () assert.falsy(st.is_stanza(1)); end); it("identifies tables as not stanzas", function () assert.falsy(st.is_stanza({})); end); end); end);