local u_table = require "util.table"; describe("util.table", function () describe("create()", function () it("works", function () -- Can't test the allocated sizes of the table, so what you gonna do? assert.is.table(u_table.create(1,1)); end); end); describe("pack()", function () it("works", function () assert.same({ "lorem", "ipsum", "dolor", "sit", "amet", n = 5 }, u_table.pack("lorem", "ipsum", "dolor", "sit", "amet")); end); end); describe("move()", function () it("works", function () local t1 = { "apple", "banana", "carrot" }; local t2 = { "cat", "donkey", "elephant" }; local t3 = {}; u_table.move(t1, 1, 3, 1, t3); u_table.move(t2, 1, 3, 3, t3); assert.same({ "apple", "banana", "cat", "donkey", "elephant" }, t3); end); end); end);