-- This tests the format, not the randomness local uuid = require "util.uuid"; describe("util.uuid", function() describe("#generate()", function() it("should work follow the UUID pattern", function() -- https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4122#section-4.4 local pattern = "^" .. table.concat({ string.rep("%x", 8), string.rep("%x", 4), "4" .. -- version string.rep("%x", 3), "[89ab]" .. -- reserved bits of 1 and 0 string.rep("%x", 3), string.rep("%x", 12), }, "%-") .. "$"; for _ = 1, 100 do assert.is_string(uuid.generate():match(pattern)); end end); end); describe("#seed()", function() it("should return nothing", function() assert.is_nil(uuid.seed("random string here"), "seed doesn't return anything"); end); end); end);