module:set_global(); local async = require "prosody.util.async"; local cron_initial_delay = module:get_option_number("cron_initial_delay", 1); local cron_check_delay = module:get_option_number("cron_check_delay", 3600); local cron_spread_factor = module:get_option_number("cron_spread_factor", 0); local record map_store<K,V> -- TODO move to somewhere sensible get : function (map_store<K,V>, string, K) : V set : function (map_store<K,V>, string, K, V) end local enum frequency "hourly" "daily" "weekly" end local record task_spec id : string -- unique id name : string -- name or short description when : frequency period : number last : integer run : function (task_spec, integer) save : function (task_spec, integer) restore : function (task_spec, integer) end local record task_event source : module item : task_spec end local active_hosts : { string : boolean } = { } function module.add_host(host_module : moduleapi) local last_run_times = host_module:open_store("cron", "map") as map_store<string,integer>; active_hosts[] = true; local function save_task(task : task_spec, started_at : integer) last_run_times:set(nil,, started_at); end local function restore_task(task : task_spec) if task.last == nil then task.last = last_run_times:get(nil,; end end local function task_added(event : task_event) : boolean local task = event.item; if == nil then = task.when; end if == nil then = .. "/" .."%W", "_"):lower(); end task.period = host_module:get_option_period("/", "_") .. "_period", "1" .. task.when, 60, 86400*7*53); task.restore = restore_task; = save_task; module:log("debug", "%s task %s added", task.when,; return true; end local function task_removed(event : task_event) : boolean local task = event.item; host_module:log("debug", "Task %s removed",; return true; end host_module:handle_items("task", task_added, task_removed, true); function host_module.unload() active_hosts[]=nil; end end local function should_run(task : task_spec, last : integer) : boolean return not last or last + task.period * 0.995 <= os.time(); end local function run_task(task : task_spec) task:restore(); if not should_run(task, task.last) then return; end local started_at = os.time(); task:run(started_at); task.last = started_at; task:save(started_at); end local function spread(t : number, factor : number) : number return t * (1 - factor + 2*factor*math.random()); end local task_runner : async.runner_t<task_spec> = async.runner(run_task); scheduled = module:add_timer(cron_initial_delay, function() : number module:log("info", "Running periodic tasks"); local delay = spread(cron_check_delay, cron_spread_factor); for host in pairs(active_hosts) do module:log("debug", "Running periodic tasks for host %s", host); for _, task in ipairs(module:context(host):get_host_items("task") as { task_spec } ) do task_runner:run(task); end end module:log("debug", "Wait %gs", delay); return delay; end); -- TODO measure load, pick a good time to do stuff module:add_item("shell-command", { section = "cron"; section_desc = "View and manage recurring tasks"; name = "tasks"; desc = "View registered tasks"; args = {}; handler = function (self, filter_host : string) local format_table = require "".table; local it = require "util.iterators"; local row = format_table({ { title = "Host", width = "2p" }; { title = "Task", width = "3p" }; { title = "Desc", width = "3p" }; { title = "When", width = "1p" }; { title = "Last run", width = "20" }; }, self.session.width); local print = self.session.print; print(row()); for host in it.sorted_pairs(filter_host and { [filter_host]=true } or active_hosts) do for _, task in ipairs(module:context(host):get_host_items("task")) do print(row { host,,, task.when, task.last and"%Y-%m-%d %R:%S", task.last) or "never" }); end end end; });