-- Copyright (C) Kim Alvefur -- -- This project is MIT/X11 licensed. Please see the -- COPYING file in the source package for more information. -- -- Based on -- https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/json-schema-core.html -- https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/json-schema-validation.html -- if not math.type then require "prosody.util.mathcompat" end local utf8_enc = rawget(_G, "utf8") or require"prosody.util.encodings".utf8; local utf8_len = utf8_enc.len or function(s : string) : integer local _, count = s:gsub("[%z\001-\127\194-\253][\128-\191]*", ""); return count; end; local json = require "prosody.util.json" local null = json.null; local pointer = require "prosody.util.jsonpointer" local type json_type_name = json.json_type_name -- json_type_name here is non-standard local type schema_t = boolean | json_schema_object local record json_schema_object type json_type_name = json.json_type_name type schema_object = json_schema_object -- json-schema-core meta stuff ["$schema"] : string ["$vocabulary"] : { string : boolean } ["$id"] : string ["$comment"] : string ["$defs"] : { string : schema_t } ["$anchor"] : string -- NYI ["$dynamicAnchor"] : string -- NYI ["$ref"] : string ["$dynamicRef"] : string -- NYI -- combinations allOf : { schema_t } anyOf : { schema_t } oneOf : { schema_t } -- conditional logic ["not"] : schema_t ["if"] : schema_t ["then"] : schema_t ["else"] : schema_t dependentRequired : { string : { string } } -- arrays prefixItems : { schema_t } items : schema_t contains : schema_t -- objects properties : { string : schema_t } patternProperties: { string : schema_t } -- NYI additionalProperties: schema_t propertyNames : schema_t -- unevaluated unevaluatedItems : schema_t -- NYI unevaluatedProperties : schema_t -- NYI -- json-schema-validation type : json_type_name | { json_type_name } enum : { any } const : any -- numbers multipleOf : number maximum : number exclusiveMaximum : number minimum : number exclusiveMinimum : number -- strings maxLength : integer minLength : integer pattern : string -- NYI -- arrays maxItems : integer minItems : integer uniqueItems : boolean maxContains : integer minContains : integer -- objects maxProperties : integer -- NYI minProperties : integer -- NYI required : { string } dependentSchemas : { string : schema_t } -- semantic format format : string -- for Lua luaPatternProperties: { string : schema_t } luaPattern : string -- xml record xml_t name : string namespace : string prefix : string attribute : boolean wrapped : boolean -- nonstantard, maybe in the future text : boolean x_name_is_value : boolean x_single_attribute : string end xml : xml_t -- descriptive title : string description : string deprecated : boolean readOnly : boolean writeOnly : boolean -- methods validate : function (schema : schema_t, data : any, root : json_schema_object, sloc : string, iloc : string, errs:errors) : boolean, errors end -- TODO validator function per schema property local function simple_validate(schema : json_type_name | { json_type_name }, data : any) : boolean if schema == nil then return true elseif schema == "object" and data is table then return type(data) == "table" and (next(data)==nil or type((next(data, nil))) == "string") elseif schema == "array" and data is table then return type(data) == "table" and (next(data)==nil or type((next(data, nil))) == "number") elseif schema == "integer" then return math.type(data) == schema elseif schema == "null" then return data == null elseif schema is { json_type_name } then for _, one in ipairs(schema as { json_type_name }) do if simple_validate(one, data) then return true end end return false else return type(data) == schema end end local record validation_error instanceLocation : string schemaLocation : string error : string end local type errors = { validation_error } local function mkerr(sloc:string,iloc:string,err:string) : validation_error return { schemaLocation = sloc; instanceLocation = iloc; error = err }; end local function validate (schema : schema_t, data : any, root : json_schema_object, sloc : string, iloc : string, errs:errors) : boolean, errors if schema is boolean then return schema end if root == nil then root = schema as json_schema_object iloc = "" sloc = "" errs = {}; end if schema["$ref"] and schema["$ref"]:sub(1,1) == "#" then local referenced = pointer.resolve(root as table, schema["$ref"]:sub(2)) as schema_t if referenced ~= nil and referenced ~= root and referenced ~= schema then if not validate(referenced, data, root, schema["$ref"], iloc, errs) then table.insert(errs, mkerr(sloc.."/$ref", iloc, "Subschema failed validation")) return false, errs; end end end if not simple_validate(schema.type, data) then table.insert(errs, mkerr(sloc.."/type", iloc, "unexpected type")); return false, errs; end if schema.type == "object" then if data is table then -- just check that there the keys are all strings for k in pairs(data) do if not k is string then table.insert(errs, mkerr(sloc.."/type", iloc, "'object' had non-string keys")); return false, errs; end end end end if schema.type == "array" then if data is table then -- just check that there the keys are all numbers for i in pairs(data) do if not i is integer then table.insert(errs, mkerr(sloc.."/type", iloc, "'array' had non-integer keys")); return false, errs; end end end end if schema["enum"] ~= nil then local match = false for _, v in ipairs(schema["enum"]) do if v == data then -- FIXME supposed to do deep-compare match = true break end end if not match then table.insert(errs, mkerr(sloc.."/enum", iloc, "not one of the enumerated values")); return false, errs; end end -- XXX this is measured in byte, while JSON measures in ... bork -- TODO use utf8.len? if data is string then if schema.maxLength and utf8_len(data) > schema.maxLength then table.insert(errs, mkerr(sloc.."/maxLength", iloc, "string too long")) return false, errs; end if schema.minLength and utf8_len(data) < schema.minLength then table.insert(errs, mkerr(sloc.."/maxLength", iloc, "string too short")) return false, errs; end if schema.luaPattern and not data:match(schema.luaPattern) then table.insert(errs, mkerr(sloc.."/luaPattern", iloc, "string does not match pattern")) return false, errs; end end if data is number then if schema.multipleOf and (data == 0 or data % schema.multipleOf ~= 0) then table.insert(errs, mkerr(sloc.."/luaPattern", iloc, "not a multiple")) return false, errs; end if schema.maximum and not ( data <= schema.maximum ) then table.insert(errs, mkerr(sloc.."/maximum", iloc, "number exceeds maximum")) return false, errs; end if schema.exclusiveMaximum and not ( data < schema.exclusiveMaximum ) then table.insert(errs, mkerr(sloc.."/exclusiveMaximum", iloc, "number exceeds exclusive maximum")) return false, errs; end if schema.minimum and not ( data >= schema.minimum ) then table.insert(errs, mkerr(sloc.."/minimum", iloc, "number below minimum")) return false, errs; end if schema.exclusiveMinimum and not ( data > schema.exclusiveMinimum ) then table.insert(errs, mkerr(sloc.."/exclusiveMinimum", iloc, "number below exclusive minimum")) return false, errs; end end if schema.allOf then for i, sub in ipairs(schema.allOf) do if not validate(sub, data, root, sloc.."/allOf/"..i, iloc, errs) then table.insert(errs, mkerr(sloc.."/allOf", iloc, "did not match all subschemas")) return false, errs; end end end if schema.oneOf then local valid = 0 for i, sub in ipairs(schema.oneOf) do if validate(sub, data, root, sloc.."/oneOf"..i, iloc, errs) then valid = valid + 1 end end if valid ~= 1 then table.insert(errs, mkerr(sloc.."/oneOf", iloc, "did not match exactly one subschema")) return false, errs; end end if schema.anyOf then local match = false for i, sub in ipairs(schema.anyOf) do if validate(sub, data, root, sloc.."/anyOf/"..i, iloc, errs) then match = true break end end if not match then table.insert(errs, mkerr(sloc.."/anyOf", iloc, "did not match any subschema")) return false, errs; end end if schema["not"] then if validate(schema["not"], data, root, sloc.."/not", iloc, errs) then table.insert(errs, mkerr(sloc.."/not", iloc, "did match subschema")) return false, errs; end end if schema["if"] ~= nil then if validate(schema["if"], data, root, sloc.."/if", iloc, errs) then if schema["then"] then if not validate(schema["then"], data, root, sloc.."/then", iloc, errs) then table.insert(errs, mkerr(sloc.."/then", iloc, "did not match subschema")) return false, errs; end end else if schema["else"] then if not validate(schema["else"], data, root, sloc.."/else", iloc, errs) then table.insert(errs, mkerr(sloc.."/else", iloc, "did not match subschema")) return false, errs; end end end end if schema.const ~= nil and schema.const ~= data then table.insert(errs, mkerr(sloc.."/const", iloc, "did not match constant value")) return false, errs; end if data is table then -- tables combine object and array behavior, thus we do both kinds of -- validations in this block, which could be useful for validating Lua -- tables if schema.maxItems and #(data as {any}) > schema.maxItems then table.insert(errs, mkerr(sloc.."/maxItems", iloc, "too many items")) return false, errs; end if schema.minItems and #(data as {any}) < schema.minItems then table.insert(errs, mkerr(sloc.."/minItems", iloc, "too few items")) return false, errs; end if schema.required then for _, k in ipairs(schema.required) do if data[k] == nil then table.insert(errs, mkerr(sloc.."/required", iloc.."/"..tostring(k), "missing required property")) return false, errs; end end end if schema.dependentRequired then for k, reqs in pairs(schema.dependentRequired) do if data[k] ~= nil then for _, req in ipairs(reqs) do if data[req] == nil then table.insert(errs, mkerr(sloc.."/dependentRequired", iloc, "missing dependent required property")) return false, errs; end end end end end if schema.propertyNames ~= nil then -- could be used to validate non-string keys of Lua tables for k in pairs(data) do if not validate(schema.propertyNames, k, root, sloc.."/propertyNames", iloc.."/"..tostring(k), errs) then table.insert(errs, mkerr(sloc.."/propertyNames", iloc.."/"..tostring(k), "a property name did not match subschema")) return false, errs; end end end -- additionalProperties applies to properties not validated by properties -- or patternProperties, so we must keep track of properties validated by -- the later local seen_properties : { string : boolean } = {} if schema.properties then for k, sub in pairs(schema.properties) do if data[k] ~= nil and not validate(sub, data[k], root, sloc.."/"..tostring(k), iloc.."/"..tostring(k), errs) then table.insert(errs, mkerr(sloc.."/"..tostring(k), iloc.."/"..tostring(k), "a property did not match subschema")) return false, errs; end seen_properties[k] = true end end if schema.luaPatternProperties then -- like patternProperties, but Lua patterns for pattern, sub in pairs(schema.luaPatternProperties) do for k in pairs(data) do if k is string and k:match(pattern) then if not validate(sub, data[k], root, sloc.."/luaPatternProperties", iloc, errs) then table.insert(errs, mkerr(sloc.."/luaPatternProperties/"..pattern, iloc.."/"..tostring(k), "a property did not match subschema")) return false, errs; end seen_properties[k] = true end end end end if schema.additionalProperties ~= nil then for k, v in pairs(data) do if not seen_properties[k as string] then if not validate(schema.additionalProperties, v, root, sloc.."/additionalProperties", iloc.."/"..tostring(k), errs) then table.insert(errs, mkerr(sloc.."/additionalProperties", iloc.."/"..tostring(k), "additional property did not match subschema")) return false, errs; end end end end if schema.dependentSchemas then for k, sub in pairs(schema.dependentSchemas) do if data[k] ~= nil and not validate(sub, data, root, sloc.."/dependentSchemas/"..k, iloc, errs) then table.insert(errs, mkerr(sloc.."/dependentSchemas", iloc.."/"..tostring(k), "did not match dependent subschema")) return false, errs; end end end if schema.uniqueItems then -- only works for scalars, would need to deep-compare for objects/arrays/tables local values : { any : boolean } = {} for _, v in pairs(data) do if values[v] then table.insert(errs, mkerr(sloc.."/uniqueItems", iloc, "had duplicate items")) return false, errs; end values[v] = true end end local p = 0 if schema.prefixItems ~= nil then for i, s in ipairs(schema.prefixItems) do if data[i] == nil then break elseif validate(s, data[i], root, sloc.."/prefixItems/"..i, iloc.."/"..i, errs) then p = i else table.insert(errs, mkerr(sloc.."/prefixItems/"..i, iloc.."/"..tostring(i), "did not match subschema")) return false, errs; end end end if schema.items ~= nil then for i = p+1, #(data as {any}) do if not validate(schema.items, data[i], root, sloc, iloc.."/"..i, errs) then table.insert(errs, mkerr(sloc.."/prefixItems/"..i, iloc.."/"..i, "did not match subschema")) return false, errs; end end end if schema.contains ~= nil then local found = 0 for i = 1, #(data as {any}) do if validate(schema.contains, data[i], root, sloc.."/contains", iloc.."/"..i, errs) then found = found + 1 else table.insert(errs, mkerr(sloc.."/contains", iloc.."/"..i, "did not match subschema")) end end if found < (schema.minContains or 1) then table.insert(errs, mkerr(sloc.."/minContains", iloc, "too few matches")) return false, errs; elseif found > (schema.maxContains or math.huge) then table.insert(errs, mkerr(sloc.."/maxContains", iloc, "too many matches")) return false, errs; end end end return true; end json_schema_object.validate = validate; return json_schema_object;