-- Copyright (C) 2021 Kim Alvefur -- -- This project is MIT/X11 licensed. Please see the -- COPYING file in the source package for more information. -- -- Based on -- https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/json-schema-core.html -- https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/json-schema-validation.html -- http://spec.openapis.org/oas/v3.0.1#xmlObject -- https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/issues/630 (text:true) -- -- XML Object Extensions: -- text to refer to the text content at the same time as attributes -- x_name_is_value for enum fields where the is the value -- x_single_attribute for -- -- TODO arrays -- TODO pointers -- TODO cleanup / refactor -- TODO s/number/integer/ once we have appropriate math.type() compat -- local st = require "util.stanza"; local json = require"util.json" local json_type_name = json.json_type_name; local json_schema_object = require "util.jsonschema" local type schema_t = boolean | json_type_name | json_schema_object local function toboolean ( s : string ) : boolean if s == "true" or s == "1" then return true elseif s == "false" or s == "0" then return false elseif s then return true end end local function totype(t : json_type_name, s : string) : any if t == "string" then return s; elseif t == "boolean" then return toboolean(s) elseif t == "number" or t == "integer" then return tonumber(s) end end local enum value_goes "in_tag_name" "in_text" "in_text_tag" "in_attribute" "in_single_attribute" "in_children" "in_wrapper" end local function unpack_propschema( propschema : schema_t, propname : string, current_ns : string ) : json_type_name, value_goes, string, string, string, string, { any } local proptype : json_type_name = "string" local value_where : value_goes = propname and "in_text_tag" or "in_text" local name = propname local namespace = current_ns local prefix : string local single_attribute : string local enums : { any } if propschema is json_schema_object then proptype = propschema.type elseif propschema is json_type_name then proptype = propschema end if proptype == "object" or proptype == "array" then value_where = "in_children" end if propschema is json_schema_object then local xml = propschema.xml if xml then if xml.name then name = xml.name end if xml.namespace then namespace = xml.namespace end if xml.prefix then prefix = xml.prefix end if proptype == "array" and xml.wrapped then value_where = "in_wrapper" elseif xml.attribute then value_where = "in_attribute" elseif xml.text then value_where = "in_text" elseif xml.x_name_is_value then value_where = "in_tag_name" elseif xml.x_single_attribute then single_attribute = xml.x_single_attribute value_where = "in_single_attribute" end end if propschema["const"] then enums = { propschema["const"] } elseif propschema["enum"] then enums = propschema["enum"] end end return proptype, value_where, name, namespace, prefix, single_attribute, enums end local parse_object : function (schema : schema_t, s : st.stanza_t) : { string : any } local parse_array : function (schema : schema_t, s : st.stanza_t) : { any } local function extract_value (s : st.stanza_t, value_where : value_goes, proptype : json.json_type_name, name : string, namespace : string, prefix : string, single_attribute : string, enums : { any }) : string if value_where == "in_tag_name" then local c : st.stanza_t if proptype == "boolean" then c = s:get_child(name, namespace); elseif enums and proptype == "string" then -- XXX O(n²) ? -- Probably better to flip the table and loop over :childtags(nil, ns), should be 2xO(n) -- BUT works first, optimize later for i = 1, #enums do c = s:get_child(enums[i] as string, namespace); if c then break end end else c = s:get_child(nil, namespace); end if c then return c.name; end elseif value_where == "in_attribute" then local attr = name if prefix then attr = prefix .. ':' .. name elseif namespace ~= s.attr.xmlns then attr = namespace .. "\1" .. name end return s.attr[attr] elseif value_where == "in_text" then return s:get_text() elseif value_where == "in_single_attribute" then local c = s:get_child(name, namespace) return c and c.attr[single_attribute] elseif value_where == "in_text_tag" then return s:get_child_text(name, namespace) end end function parse_object (schema : schema_t, s : st.stanza_t) : { string : any } local out : { string : any } = {} if schema is json_schema_object and schema.properties then for prop, propschema in pairs(schema.properties) do local proptype, value_where, name, namespace, prefix, single_attribute, enums = unpack_propschema(propschema, prop, s.attr.xmlns) if value_where == "in_children" and propschema is json_schema_object then if proptype == "object" then local c = s:get_child(name, namespace) if c then out[prop] = parse_object(propschema, c); end elseif proptype == "array" then out[prop] = parse_array(propschema, s); else error "unreachable" end elseif value_where == "in_wrapper" and propschema is json_schema_object and proptype == "array" then local wrapper = s:get_child(name, namespace); if wrapper then out[prop] = parse_array(propschema, wrapper); else error "unreachable" end else local value : string = extract_value (s, value_where, proptype, name, namespace, prefix, single_attribute, enums) out[prop] = totype(proptype, value) end end end return out end function parse_array (schema : json_schema_object, s : st.stanza_t) : { any } local proptype, value_where, child_name, namespace, prefix, single_attribute, enums = unpack_propschema(schema.items, nil, s.attr.xmlns) local attr_name : string if value_where == "in_single_attribute" then -- FIXME this shouldn't be needed value_where = "in_attribute"; attr_name = single_attribute; end local out : { any } = {} for c in s:childtags(child_name, namespace) do local value : string = extract_value (c, value_where, proptype, attr_name or child_name, namespace, prefix, single_attribute, enums) table.insert(out, totype(proptype, value)); end return out; end local function parse (schema : json_schema_object, s : st.stanza_t) : table if schema.type == "object" then return parse_object(schema, s) elseif schema.type == "array" then return parse_array(schema, s) else error "top-level scalars unsupported" end end local unparse : function (json_schema_object, table, string, string, st.stanza_t) : st.stanza_t local function unparse_property(out : st.stanza_t, v : any, proptype : json_type_name, propschema : schema_t, value_where : value_goes, name : string, namespace : string, current_ns : string, prefix : string, single_attribute : string) if value_where == "in_attribute" then local attr = name if prefix then attr = prefix .. ':' .. name elseif namespace ~= current_ns then attr = namespace .. "\1" .. name end if proptype == "string" and v is string then out.attr[attr] = v elseif proptype == "number" and v is number then out.attr[attr] = string.format("%g", v) elseif proptype == "integer" and v is number then -- TODO is integer out.attr[attr] = string.format("%d", v) elseif proptype == "boolean" then out.attr[attr] = v and "1" or "0" end elseif value_where == "in_text" then if v is string then out:text(v) end elseif value_where == "in_single_attribute" then assert(single_attribute) local propattr : { string : string } = {} if namespace ~= current_ns then propattr.xmlns = namespace end if proptype == "string" and v is string then propattr[single_attribute] = v elseif proptype == "number" and v is number then propattr[single_attribute] = string.format("%g", v) elseif proptype == "integer" and v is number then -- TODO is integer propattr[single_attribute] = string.format("%d", v) elseif proptype == "boolean" and v is boolean then propattr[single_attribute] = v and "1" or "0" end out:tag(name, propattr):up(); else local propattr : { string : string } if namespace ~= current_ns then propattr = { xmlns = namespace } end if value_where == "in_tag_name" then if proptype == "string" and v is string then out:tag(v, propattr):up(); elseif proptype == "boolean" and v == true then out:tag(name, propattr):up(); end elseif proptype == "string" and v is string then out:text_tag(name, v, propattr) elseif proptype == "number" and v is number then out:text_tag(name, string.format("%g", v), propattr) elseif proptype == "integer" and v is number then -- TODO is integer out:text_tag(name, string.format("%d", v), propattr) elseif proptype == "boolean" and v is boolean then out:text_tag(name, v and "1" or "0", propattr) elseif proptype == "object" and propschema is json_schema_object and v is table then local c = unparse(propschema, v, name, namespace); if c then out:add_direct_child(c); end elseif proptype == "array" and propschema is json_schema_object and v is table then if value_where == "in_wrapper" then local c = unparse(propschema, v, name, namespace); if c then out:add_direct_child(c); end else unparse(propschema, v, name, namespace, out); end end end end function unparse ( schema : json_schema_object, t : table, current_name : string, current_ns : string, ctx : st.stanza_t ) : st.stanza_t if schema.xml then if schema.xml.name then current_name = schema.xml.name end if schema.xml.namespace then current_ns = schema.xml.namespace end -- TODO prefix? end local out = ctx or st.stanza(current_name, { xmlns = current_ns }) if schema.type == "object" then for prop, propschema in pairs(schema.properties) do local v = t[prop] if v ~= nil then local proptype, value_where, name, namespace, prefix, single_attribute = unpack_propschema(propschema, prop, current_ns) unparse_property(out, v, proptype, propschema, value_where, name, namespace, current_ns, prefix, single_attribute) end end return out; elseif schema.type == "array" then local proptype, value_where, name, namespace = unpack_propschema(schema.items, current_name, current_ns) -- TODO , prefix, single_attribute if proptype == "string" then for _, item in ipairs(t as { string }) do if value_where == "in_text_tag" then out:text_tag(name, item, { xmlns = namespace }); else error "NYI" end end else error "NYI" end return out; end end return { parse = parse, unparse = unparse, }