function new(new_stream, _M) local function test(xml, expect_success, ex) local stanzas = {}; local session = { notopen = true }; local callbacks = { stream_ns = "streamns"; stream_tag = "stream"; default_ns = "stanzans"; streamopened = function (_session) assert_equal(session, _session); assert_equal(session.notopen, true); _session.notopen = nil; return true; end; handlestanza = function (_session, stanza) assert_equal(session, _session); assert_equal(_session.notopen, nil); table.insert(stanzas, stanza); end; streamclosed = function (_session) assert_equal(session, _session); assert_equal(_session.notopen, nil); _session.notopen = nil; end; } if type(ex) == "table" then for k, v in pairs(ex) do if k ~= "_size_limit" then callbacks[k] = v; end end end local stream = new_stream(session, callbacks, size_limit); local ok, err = pcall(function () assert(stream:feed(xml)); end); if ok and type(expect_success) == "function" then expect_success(stanzas); end assert_equal(not not ok, not not expect_success, "Expected "..(expect_success and ("success ("..tostring(err)..")") or "failure")); end local function test_stanza(stanza, expect_success, ex) return test([[]]..stanza, expect_success, ex); end test([[]], true); test([[]], true); test([[]], false); test([[]], false); test("<>", false); test_stanza("", function (stanzas) assert_equal(#stanzas, 1); assert_equal(stanzas[1].name, "message"); end); test_stanza("< message>>>>/>\n", false); test_stanza([[ ]], function (stanzas) assert_equal(#stanzas, 1); local s = stanzas[1]; assert_equal(, "x"); assert_equal(#s.tags, 2); assert_equal(s.tags[1].name, "y"); assert_equal(s.tags[1].attr.xmlns, nil); assert_equal(s.tags[1].tags[1].name, "z"); assert_equal(s.tags[1].tags[1].attr.xmlns, "c"); assert_equal(s.tags[2].name, "z"); assert_equal(s.tags[2].attr.xmlns, "b"); assert_equal(s.namespaces, nil); end); end