ARG os
ARG dist
FROM ${os:-debian}:${dist:-sid}
ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive
RUN set -ex; \
	apt-get update; \
	apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
	ccache dh-lua libicu-dev libidn11-dev libssl-dev \
	lua-bitop lua-dbi-mysql lua-dbi-postgresql lua-dbi-sqlite3 \
	lua-event lua-expat lua-filesystem lua-ldap lua-sec lua-socket \
	luarocks shellcheck mercurial; \
	apt-get install -y ca-certificates dns-root-data; \
	apt-get install -y lua-bit32 || true; \
	apt-get install -y lua-busted || true; \
	apt-get install -y lua-check || true; \
	apt-get install -y lua-readline || true; \
	apt-get install -y lua-unbound || true; \
	update-alternatives --set lua-interpreter /usr/bin/lua5.4 || true \
	apt-get clean

# Place this file in an empty directory and build the image with
# podman build . -t
# Substituting podman for docker should work, where that is what's available.
# Then in a source directory, run:
# podman run -it --rm -v "$PWD:$PWD" -w "$PWD" --entrypoint /bin/bash \
#            --userns=keep-id --network host
# In the resulting environment everything required to compile and run prosody
# is available, so e.g. `./configure; make; ./prosody` should Just Work!