#!/usr/bin/env lua -- cfgdump.lua prosody.cfg.lua [[host] option] local s_format, print = string.format, print; local printf = function(fmt, ...) return print(s_format(fmt, ...)); end local it = require "util.iterators"; local serialization = require"util.serialization"; local serialize = serialization.new and serialization.new({ unquoted = true }) or serialization.serialize; local configmanager = require"core.configmanager"; local startup = require "util.startup"; startup.set_function_metatable(); local config_filename, onlyhost, onlyoption = ...; local ok, _, err = configmanager.load(config_filename or "./prosody.cfg.lua", "lua"); assert(ok, err); if onlyhost then if not onlyoption then onlyhost, onlyoption = "*", onlyhost; end if onlyhost ~= "*" then local component_module = configmanager.get(onlyhost, "component_module"); if component_module == "component" then printf("Component %q", onlyhost); elseif component_module then printf("Component %q %q", onlyhost, component_module); else printf("VirtualHost %q", onlyhost); end end printf("%s = %s", onlyoption or "?", serialize(configmanager.get(onlyhost, onlyoption))); return; end local config = configmanager.getconfig(); for host, hostcfg in it.sorted_pairs(config) do local fixed = {}; for option, value in it.sorted_pairs(hostcfg) do fixed[option] = value; if option:match("ports?$") or option:match("interfaces?$") then if option:match("s$") then if type(value) ~= "table" then fixed[option] = { value }; end else if type(value) == "table" and #value > 1 then fixed[option] = nil; fixed[option.."s"] = value; end end end end config[host] = fixed; end local globals = config["*"]; config["*"] = nil; local function printsection(section) local out, n = {}, 1; for k,v in it.sorted_pairs(section) do out[n], n = s_format("%s = %s", k, serialize(v)), n + 1; end table.sort(out); print(table.concat(out, "\n")); end print("-------------- Prosody Exported Configuration File -------------"); print(); print("------------------------ Global section ------------------------"); print(); printsection(globals); print(); local has_components = nil; print("------------------------ Virtual hosts -------------------------"); for host, hostcfg in it.sorted_pairs(config) do setmetatable(hostcfg, nil); hostcfg.defined = nil; if hostcfg.component_module == nil then print(); printf("VirtualHost %q", host); printsection(hostcfg); else has_components = true end end print(); if has_components then print("------------------------- Components ---------------------------"); for host, hostcfg in it.sorted_pairs(config) do local component_module = hostcfg.component_module; hostcfg.component_module = nil; if component_module then print(); if component_module == "component" then printf("Component %q", host); else printf("Component %q %q", host, component_module); hostcfg.component_module = nil; hostcfg.load_global_modules = nil; end printsection(hostcfg); end end end print() print("------------------------- End of File --------------------------");