-- Generate util/dnsregistry.lua from IANA HTTP status code registry local xml = require "util.xml"; local registries = xml.parse(io.read("*a"), { allow_processing_instructions = true }); print("-- Source: https://www.iana.org/assignments/dns-parameters/dns-parameters.xml"); print(os.date("-- Generated on %Y-%m-%d")) local registry_mapping = { ["dns-parameters-2"] = "classes"; ["dns-parameters-4"] = "types"; ["dns-parameters-6"] = "errors"; }; print("return {"); for registry in registries:childtags("registry") do local registry_name = registry_mapping[registry.attr.id]; if registry_name then print("\t" .. registry_name .. " = {"); for record in registry:childtags("record") do local record_name = record:get_child_text("name"); local record_type = record:get_child_text("type"); local record_desc = record:get_child_text("description"); local record_code = tonumber(record:get_child_text("value")); if tostring(record):lower():match("reserved") or tostring(record):lower():match("reserved") then record_code = nil; end if registry_name == "classes" and record_code then record_type = record_desc and record_desc:match("%((%w+)%)$") if record_type then print(("\t\t[%q] = %d; [%d] = %q;"):format(record_type, record_code, record_code, record_type)) end elseif registry_name == "types" and record_type and record_code then print(("\t\t[%q] = %d; [%d] = %q;"):format(record_type, record_code, record_code, record_type)) elseif registry_name == "errors" and record_code and record_name then print(("\t\t[%d] = %q; [%q] = %q;"):format(record_code, record_name, record_name, record_desc or record_name)); end end print("\t};"); end end print("};");