-- Command-line parsing local options = {}; local handled_opts = 0; for i = 1, #arg do if arg[i]:sub(1,2) == "--" then local opt, val = arg[i]:match("([%w-]+)=?(.*)"); if opt then options[(opt:sub(3):gsub("%-", "_"))] = #val > 0 and val or true; end handled_opts = i; else break; end end table.remove(arg, handled_opts); -- Load config file local function loadfilein(file, env) return loadin and loadin(env, io.open(file):read("*a")) or setfenv(loadfile(file), env); end config = {}; local config_env = setmetatable({}, { __index = function(t, k) return function(tbl) config[k] = tbl; end; end }); loadfilein(options.config or "config.lua", config_env)(); if not package.loaded["util.json"] then package.path = "../../?.lua;"..package.path package.cpath = "../../?.dll;"..package.cpath end local from_store = arg[1] or "input"; local to_store = arg[2] or "output"; assert(config[from_store], "no input specified") assert(config[to_store], "no output specified") local itype = assert(config[from_store].type, "no type specified for "..from_store); local otype = assert(config[to_store].type, "no type specified for "..to_store); local reader = require(itype).reader(config[from_store]); local writer = require(otype).writer(config[to_store]); local json = require "util.json"; for x in reader do --print(json.encode(x)) writer(x); end writer(nil); -- close