local logger = require "util.logger"; local log = logger.init("util.async"); local new_id = require "util.id".short; local xpcall = require "util.xpcall".xpcall; local function checkthread() local thread, main = coroutine.running(); if not thread or main then error("Not running in an async context, see https://prosody.im/doc/developers/util/async"); end return thread; end -- Configurable functions local schedule_task = nil; -- schedule_task(seconds, callback) local function runner_from_thread(thread) local level = 0; -- Find the 'level' of the top-most function (0 == current level, 1 == caller, ...) while debug.getinfo(thread, level, "") do level = level + 1; end local name, runner = debug.getlocal(thread, level-1, 1); if name ~= "self" or type(runner) ~= "table" or runner.thread ~= thread then return nil; end return runner; end local function call_watcher(runner, watcher_name, ...) local watcher = runner.watchers[watcher_name]; if not watcher then return false; end runner:log("debug", "Calling '%s' watcher", watcher_name); local ok, err = xpcall(watcher, debug.traceback, runner, ...); if not ok then runner:log("error", "Error in '%s' watcher: %s", watcher_name, err); return nil, err; end return true; end local function runner_continue(thread) -- ASSUMPTION: runner is in 'waiting' state (but we don't have the runner to know for sure) if coroutine.status(thread) ~= "suspended" then -- This should suffice log("error", "unexpected async state: thread not suspended"); return false; end local ok, state, runner = coroutine.resume(thread); if not ok then local err = state; -- Running the coroutine failed, which means we have to find the runner manually, -- in order to inform the error handler runner = runner_from_thread(thread); if not runner then log("error", "unexpected async state: unable to locate runner during error handling"); return false; end call_watcher(runner, "error", debug.traceback(thread, err)); runner.state = "ready"; return runner:run(); elseif state == "ready" then -- If state is 'ready', it is our responsibility to update runner.state from 'waiting'. -- We also have to :run(), because the queue might have further items that will not be -- processed otherwise. FIXME: It's probably best to do this in a nexttick (0 timer). runner.state = "ready"; runner:run(); end return true; end local function waiter(num) local thread = checkthread(); num = num or 1; local waiting; return function () if num == 0 then return; end -- already done waiting = true; coroutine.yield("wait"); end, function () num = num - 1; if num == 0 and waiting then runner_continue(thread); elseif num < 0 then error("done() called too many times"); end end; end local function guarder() local guards = {}; local default_id = {}; return function (id, func) id = id or default_id; local thread = checkthread(); local guard = guards[id]; if not guard then guard = {}; guards[id] = guard; log("debug", "New guard!"); else table.insert(guard, thread); log("debug", "Guarded. %d threads waiting.", #guard) coroutine.yield("wait"); end local function exit() local next_waiting = table.remove(guard, 1); if next_waiting then log("debug", "guard: Executing next waiting thread (%d left)", #guard) runner_continue(next_waiting); else log("debug", "Guard off duty.") guards[id] = nil; end end if func then func(); exit(); return; end return exit; end; end local function sleep(seconds) if not schedule_task then error("async.sleep() is not available - configure schedule function"); end local wait, done = waiter(); schedule_task(seconds, done); wait(); end local runner_mt = {}; runner_mt.__index = runner_mt; local function runner_create_thread(func, self) local thread = coroutine.create(function (self) -- luacheck: ignore 432/self while true do func(coroutine.yield("ready", self)); end end); debug.sethook(thread, debug.gethook()); assert(coroutine.resume(thread, self)); -- Start it up, it will return instantly to wait for the first input return thread; end local function default_error_watcher(runner, err) runner:log("error", "Encountered error: %s", err); error(err); end local function default_func(f) f(); end local function runner(func, watchers, data) local id = new_id(); local _log = logger.init("runner" .. id); return setmetatable({ func = func or default_func, thread = false, state = "ready", notified_state = "ready", queue = {}, watchers = watchers or { error = default_error_watcher }, data = data, id = id, _log = _log; } , runner_mt); end -- Add a task item for the runner to process function runner_mt:run(input) if input ~= nil then table.insert(self.queue, input); --self:log("debug", "queued new work item, %d items queued", #self.queue); end if self.state ~= "ready" then -- The runner is busy. Indicate that the task item has been -- queued, and return information about the current runner state return true, self.state, #self.queue; end local q, thread = self.queue, self.thread; if not thread or coroutine.status(thread) == "dead" then --luacheck: ignore 143/coroutine if thread and coroutine.close then coroutine.close(thread); end self:log("debug", "creating new coroutine"); -- Create a new coroutine for this runner thread = runner_create_thread(self.func, self); self.thread = thread; end -- Process task item(s) while the queue is not empty, and we're not blocked local n, state, err = #q, self.state, nil; self.state = "running"; --self:log("debug", "running main loop"); while n > 0 and state == "ready" and not err do local consumed; -- Loop through queue items, and attempt to run them for i = 1,n do local queued_input = q[i]; local ok, new_state = coroutine.resume(thread, queued_input); if not ok then -- There was an error running the coroutine, save the error, mark runner as ready to begin again consumed, state, err = i, "ready", debug.traceback(thread, new_state); self.thread = nil; break; elseif new_state == "wait" then -- Runner is blocked on waiting for a task item to complete consumed, state = i, "waiting"; break; end end -- Loop ended - either queue empty because all tasks passed without blocking (consumed == nil) -- or runner is blocked/errored, and consumed will contain the number of tasks processed so far if not consumed then consumed = n; end -- Remove consumed items from the queue array if q[n+1] ~= nil then n = #q; end for i = 1, n do q[i] = q[consumed+i]; end n = #q; end -- Runner processed all items it can, so save current runner state self.state = state; if err or state ~= self.notified_state then self:log("debug", "changed state from %s to %s", self.notified_state, err and ("error ("..state..")") or state); if err then state = "error" else self.notified_state = state; end local handler = self.watchers[state]; if handler then handler(self, err); end end if n > 0 then return self:run(); end return true, state, n; end -- Add a task item to the queue without invoking the runner, even if it is idle function runner_mt:enqueue(input) table.insert(self.queue, input); self:log("debug", "queued new work item, %d items queued", #self.queue); return self; end function runner_mt:log(level, fmt, ...) return self._log(level, fmt, ...); end function runner_mt:onready(f) self.watchers.ready = f; return self; end function runner_mt:onwaiting(f) self.watchers.waiting = f; return self; end function runner_mt:onerror(f) self.watchers.error = f; return self; end local function ready() return pcall(checkthread); end local function wait_for(promise) local async_wait, async_done = waiter(); local ret, err = nil, nil; promise:next( function (r) ret = r; end, function (e) err = e; end) :finally(async_done); async_wait(); if ret then return ret; else return nil, err; end end return { ready = ready; waiter = waiter; guarder = guarder; runner = runner; wait = wait_for; -- COMPAT w/trunk pre-0.12 wait_for = wait_for; sleep = sleep; set_schedule_function = function (new_schedule_function) schedule_task = new_schedule_function; end; };