-- Prosody IM -- Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Matthew Wild -- Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Waqas Hussain -- -- This project is MIT/X11 licensed. Please see the -- COPYING file in the source package for more information. -- local function softreq(...) local ok, lib = pcall(require, ...); if ok then return lib; else return nil, lib; end end local platform_table = require "util.human.io".table({ { width = 15, align = "right" }, { width = "100%" } }); -- Required to be able to find packages installed with luarocks if not softreq "luarocks.loader" then -- LuaRocks 2.x softreq "luarocks.require"; -- LuaRocks <1.x end local function missingdep(name, sources, msg, err) -- luacheck: ignore err -- TODO print something about the underlying error, useful for debugging print(""); print("**************************"); print("Prosody was unable to find "..tostring(name)); print("This package can be obtained in the following ways:"); print(""); for _, row in ipairs(sources) do print(platform_table(row)); end print(""); print(msg or (name.." is required for Prosody to run, so we will now exit.")); print("More help can be found on our website, at https://prosody.im/doc/depends"); print("**************************"); print(""); end local function check_dependencies() if _VERSION < "Lua 5.1" then print "***********************************" print("Unsupported Lua version: ".._VERSION); print("At least Lua 5.1 is required."); print "***********************************" return false; end local fatal; local lxp, err = softreq "lxp" if not lxp then missingdep("luaexpat", { { "Debian/Ubuntu", "sudo apt install lua-expat" }; { "luarocks", "luarocks install luaexpat" }; { "Source", "http://matthewwild.co.uk/projects/luaexpat/" }; }, nil, err); fatal = true; end local socket, err = softreq "socket" if not socket then missingdep("luasocket", { { "Debian/Ubuntu", "sudo apt install lua-socket" }; { "luarocks", "luarocks install luasocket" }; { "Source", "http://www.tecgraf.puc-rio.br/~diego/professional/luasocket/" }; }, nil, err); fatal = true; elseif not socket.tcp4 then -- COMPAT LuaSocket before being IP-version agnostic socket.tcp4 = socket.tcp; socket.udp4 = socket.udp; end local lfs, err = softreq "lfs" if not lfs then missingdep("luafilesystem", { { "luarocks", "luarocks install luafilesystem" }; { "Debian/Ubuntu", "sudo apt install lua-filesystem" }; { "Source", "http://www.keplerproject.org/luafilesystem/" }; }, nil, err); fatal = true; end local ssl, err = softreq "ssl" if not ssl then missingdep("LuaSec", { { "Debian/Ubuntu", "sudo apt install lua-sec" }; { "luarocks", "luarocks install luasec" }; { "Source", "https://github.com/brunoos/luasec" }; }, "SSL/TLS support will not be available", err); end local bit, err = softreq"util.bitcompat"; if not bit then missingdep("lua-bitops", { { "Debian/Ubuntu", "sudo apt install lua-bitop" }; { "luarocks", "luarocks install luabitop" }; { "Source", "http://bitop.luajit.org/" }; }, "WebSocket support will not be available", err); end local unbound, err = softreq"lunbound"; -- luacheck: ignore 211/err if not unbound then missingdep("lua-unbound", { { "Debian/Ubuntu", "sudo apt install lua-unbound" }; { "luarocks", "luarocks install luaunbound" }; { "Source", "https://www.zash.se/luaunbound.html" }; }, "Old DNS resolver library will be used", err); else package.preload["net.adns"] = function () local ub = require "net.unbound"; return ub; end end local encodings, err = softreq "util.encodings" if not encodings then if err:match("module '[^']*' not found") then missingdep("util.encodings", { { "Windows", "Make sure you have encodings.dll from the Prosody distribution in util/" }; { "GNU/Linux", "Run './configure' and 'make' in the Prosody source directory to build util/encodings.so" }; }); else print "***********************************" print("util/encodings couldn't be loaded. Check that you have a recent version of libidn"); print "" print("The full error was:"); print(err) print "***********************************" end fatal = true; end local hashes, err = softreq "util.hashes" if not hashes then if err:match("module '[^']*' not found") then missingdep("util.hashes", { { "Windows", "Make sure you have hashes.dll from the Prosody distribution in util/" }; { "GNU/Linux", "Run './configure' and 'make' in the Prosody source directory to build util/hashes.so" }; }); else print "***********************************" print("util/hashes couldn't be loaded. Check that you have a recent version of OpenSSL (libcrypto in particular)"); print "" print("The full error was:"); print(err) print "***********************************" end fatal = true; end return not fatal; end local function log_warnings() if _VERSION > "Lua 5.4" then prosody.log("warn", "Support for %s is experimental, please report any issues", _VERSION); elseif _VERSION < "Lua 5.2" then prosody.log("warn", "%s has several issues and support is being phased out, consider upgrading", _VERSION); end local ssl = softreq"ssl"; if ssl then local major, minor, veryminor, patched = ssl._VERSION:match("(%d+)%.(%d+)%.?(%d*)(M?)"); if not major or ((tonumber(major) == 0 and (tonumber(minor) or 0) <= 3 and (tonumber(veryminor) or 0) <= 2) and patched ~= "M") then prosody.log("error", "This version of LuaSec contains a known bug that causes disconnects, see https://prosody.im/doc/depends"); end end local lxp = softreq"lxp"; if lxp then if not pcall(lxp.new, { StartDoctypeDecl = false }) then prosody.log("error", "The version of LuaExpat on your system leaves Prosody " .."vulnerable to denial-of-service attacks. You should upgrade to " .."LuaExpat 1.3.0 or higher as soon as possible. See " .."https://prosody.im/doc/depends#luaexpat for more information."); end if not lxp.new({}).getcurrentbytecount then prosody.log("error", "The version of LuaExpat on your system does not support " .."stanza size limits, which may leave servers on untrusted " .."networks (e.g. the internet) vulnerable to denial-of-service " .."attacks. You should upgrade to LuaExpat 1.3.0 or higher as " .."soon as possible. See " .."https://prosody.im/doc/depends#luaexpat for more information."); end end end return { softreq = softreq; missingdep = missingdep; check_dependencies = check_dependencies; log_warnings = log_warnings; };