-- -- A string.format wrapper that gracefully handles invalid arguments -- local tostring = tostring; local select = select; local unpack = table.unpack or unpack; -- luacheck: ignore 113/unpack local type = type; local function format(formatstring, ...) local args, args_length = { ... }, select('#', ...); -- format specifier spec: -- 1. Start: '%%' -- 2. Flags: '[%-%+ #0]' -- 3. Width: '%d?%d?' -- 4. Precision: '%.?%d?%d?' -- 5. Option: '[cdiouxXaAeEfgGqs%%]' -- -- The options c, d, E, e, f, g, G, i, o, u, X, and x all expect a number as argument, whereas q and s expect a string. -- This function does not accept string values containing embedded zeros, except as arguments to the q option. -- a and A are only in Lua 5.2+ -- process each format specifier local i = 0; formatstring = formatstring:gsub("%%[^cdiouxXaAeEfgGqs%%]*[cdiouxXaAeEfgGqs%%]", function(spec) if spec ~= "%%" then i = i + 1; local arg = args[i]; if arg == nil then -- special handling for nil arg = "<nil>" args[i] = "<nil>"; end local option = spec:sub(-1); if option == "q" or option == "s" then -- arg should be string args[i] = tostring(arg); elseif type(arg) ~= "number" then -- arg isn't number as expected? args[i] = tostring(arg); spec = "[%s]"; end end return spec; end); -- process extra args while i < args_length do i = i + 1; local arg = args[i]; if arg == nil then args[i] = "<nil>"; else args[i] = tostring(arg); end formatstring = formatstring .. " [%s]" end return formatstring:format(unpack(args)); end return { format = format; };