local function getchar(n) local stty_ret = os.execute("stty raw -echo 2>/dev/null"); local ok, char; if stty_ret == true or stty_ret == 0 then ok, char = pcall(io.read, n or 1); os.execute("stty sane"); else ok, char = pcall(io.read, "*l"); if ok then char = char:sub(1, n or 1); end end if ok then return char; end end local function getline() local ok, line = pcall(io.read, "*l"); if ok then return line; end end local function getpass() local stty_ret, _, status_code = os.execute("stty -echo 2>/dev/null"); if status_code then -- COMPAT w/ Lua 5.1 stty_ret = status_code; end if stty_ret ~= 0 then io.write("\027[08m"); -- ANSI 'hidden' text attribute end local ok, pass = pcall(io.read, "*l"); if stty_ret == 0 then os.execute("stty sane"); else io.write("\027[00m"); end io.write("\n"); if ok then return pass; end end local function show_yesno(prompt) io.write(prompt, " "); local choice = getchar():lower(); io.write("\n"); if not choice:match("%a") then choice = prompt:match("%[.-(%U).-%]$"); if not choice then return nil; end end return (choice == "y"); end local function read_password() local password; while true do io.write("Enter new password: "); password = getpass(); if not password then print("No password - cancelled"); return; end io.write("Retype new password: "); if getpass() ~= password then if not show_yesno [=[Passwords did not match, try again? [Y/n]]=] then return; end else break; end end return password; end local function show_prompt(prompt) io.write(prompt, " "); local line = getline(); line = line and line:gsub("\n$",""); return (line and #line > 0) and line or nil; end local function printf(fmt, ...) print(msg:format(...)); end return { getchar = getchar; getline = getline; getpass = getpass; show_yesno = show_yesno; read_password = read_password; show_prompt = show_prompt; printf = printf; };