local math_abs = math.abs; local math_ceil = math.ceil; local math_floor = math.floor; local math_log = math.log; local math_max = math.max; local math_min = math.min; local unpack = table.unpack or unpack; --luacheck: ignore 113 local large = { "k", 1000, "M", 1000000, "G", 1000000000, "T", 1000000000000, "P", 1000000000000000, "E", 1000000000000000000, "Z", 1000000000000000000000, "Y", 1000000000000000000000000, } local small = { "m", 0.001, "μ", 0.000001, "n", 0.000000001, "p", 0.000000000001, "f", 0.000000000000001, "a", 0.000000000000000001, "z", 0.000000000000000000001, "y", 0.000000000000000000000001, } local binary = { "Ki", 2^10, "Mi", 2^20, "Gi", 2^30, "Ti", 2^40, "Pi", 2^50, "Ei", 2^60, "Zi", 2^70, "Yi", 2^80, } -- n: number, the number to format -- unit: string, the base unit -- b: optional enum 'b', thousands base local function format(n, unit, b) --> string local round = math_floor; local prefixes = large; local logbase = 1000; local fmt = "%.3g %s%s"; if n == 0 then return fmt:format(n, "", unit); end if b == 'b' then prefixes = binary; logbase = 1024; elseif n < 1 then prefixes = small; round = math_ceil; end local m = math_max(0, math_min(8, round(math_abs(math_log(math_abs(n), logbase))))); local prefix, multiplier = unpack(prefixes, m * 2-1, m*2); return fmt:format(n / (multiplier or 1), prefix or "", unit); end return { format = format; };