-- This file is generated from teal-src/util/jsonschema.lua local m_type = function(n) return type(n) == "number" and n % 1 == 0 and n <= 9007199254740992 and n >= -9007199254740992 and "integer" or "float"; end; local json = require("prosody.util.json") local null = json.null; local pointer = require("prosody.util.jsonpointer") local json_type_name = json.json_type_name local schema_t = {} local json_schema_object = { xml_t = {} } local function simple_validate(schema, data) if schema == nil then return true elseif schema == "object" and type(data) == "table" then return type(data) == "table" and (next(data) == nil or type((next(data, nil))) == "string") elseif schema == "array" and type(data) == "table" then return type(data) == "table" and (next(data) == nil or type((next(data, nil))) == "number") elseif schema == "integer" then return m_type(data) == schema elseif schema == "null" then return data == null elseif type(schema) == "table" then for _, one in ipairs(schema) do if simple_validate(one, data) then return true end end return false else return type(data) == schema end end local complex_validate local function validate(schema, data, root) if type(schema) == "boolean" then return schema else return complex_validate(schema, data, root) end end function complex_validate(schema, data, root) if root == nil then root = schema end if schema["$ref"] and schema["$ref"]:sub(1, 1) == "#" then local referenced = pointer.resolve(root, schema["$ref"]:sub(2)) if referenced ~= nil and referenced ~= root and referenced ~= schema then if not validate(referenced, data, root) then return false end end end if not simple_validate(schema.type, data) then return false end if schema.type == "object" then if type(data) == "table" then for k in pairs(data) do if not (type(k) == "string") then return false end end end end if schema.type == "array" then if type(data) == "table" then for i in pairs(data) do if not (m_type(i) == "integer") then return false end end end end if schema["enum"] ~= nil then local match = false for _, v in ipairs(schema["enum"]) do if v == data then match = true break end end if not match then return false end end if type(data) == "string" then if schema.maxLength and #data > schema.maxLength then return false end if schema.minLength and #data < schema.minLength then return false end end if type(data) == "number" then if schema.multipleOf and (data == 0 or data % schema.multipleOf ~= 0) then return false end if schema.maximum and not (data <= schema.maximum) then return false end if schema.exclusiveMaximum and not (data < schema.exclusiveMaximum) then return false end if schema.minimum and not (data >= schema.minimum) then return false end if schema.exclusiveMinimum and not (data > schema.exclusiveMinimum) then return false end end if schema.allOf then for _, sub in ipairs(schema.allOf) do if not validate(sub, data, root) then return false end end end if schema.oneOf then local valid = 0 for _, sub in ipairs(schema.oneOf) do if validate(sub, data, root) then valid = valid + 1 end end if valid ~= 1 then return false end end if schema.anyOf then local match = false for _, sub in ipairs(schema.anyOf) do if validate(sub, data, root) then match = true break end end if not match then return false end end if schema["not"] then if validate(schema["not"], data, root) then return false end end if schema["if"] ~= nil then if validate(schema["if"], data, root) then if schema["then"] then return validate(schema["then"], data, root) end else if schema["else"] then return validate(schema["else"], data, root) end end end if schema.const ~= nil and schema.const ~= data then return false end if type(data) == "table" then if schema.maxItems and #data > schema.maxItems then return false end if schema.minItems and #data < schema.minItems then return false end if schema.required then for _, k in ipairs(schema.required) do if data[k] == nil then return false end end end if schema.dependentRequired then for k, reqs in pairs(schema.dependentRequired) do if data[k] ~= nil then for _, req in ipairs(reqs) do if data[req] == nil then return false end end end end end if schema.propertyNames ~= nil then for k in pairs(data) do if not validate(schema.propertyNames, k, root) then return false end end end if schema.properties then for k, sub in pairs(schema.properties) do if data[k] ~= nil and not validate(sub, data[k], root) then return false end end end if schema.additionalProperties ~= nil then for k, v in pairs(data) do if schema.properties == nil or schema.properties[k] == nil then if not validate(schema.additionalProperties, v, root) then return false end end end end if schema.uniqueItems then local values = {} for _, v in pairs(data) do if values[v] then return false end values[v] = true end end local p = 0 if schema.prefixItems ~= nil then for i, s in ipairs(schema.prefixItems) do if data[i] == nil then break elseif validate(s, data[i], root) then p = i else return false end end end if schema.items ~= nil then for i = p + 1, #data do if not validate(schema.items, data[i], root) then return false end end end if schema.contains ~= nil then local found = false for i = 1, #data do if validate(schema.contains, data[i], root) then found = true break end end if not found then return false end end end return true end json_schema_object.validate = validate; return json_schema_object