-- Prosody IM -- Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Matthew Wild -- Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Waqas Hussain -- -- This project is MIT/X11 licensed. Please see the -- COPYING file in the source package for more information. -- local select = select; local t_insert = table.insert; local pairs, next, type = pairs, next, type; local unpack = table.unpack or unpack; --luacheck: ignore 113 143 local _ENV = nil; local function get(self, ...) local t = self.data; for n = 1,select('#', ...) do t = t[select(n, ...)]; if not t then break; end end return t; end local function add(self, ...) local t = self.data; local count = select('#', ...); for n = 1,count-1 do local key = select(n, ...); local tab = t[key]; if not tab then tab = {}; t[key] = tab; end t = tab; end t_insert(t, (select(count, ...))); end local function set(self, ...) local t = self.data; local count = select('#', ...); for n = 1,count-2 do local key = select(n, ...); local tab = t[key]; if not tab then tab = {}; t[key] = tab; end t = tab; end t[(select(count-1, ...))] = (select(count, ...)); end local function r(t, n, _end, ...) if t == nil then return; end local k = select(n, ...); if n == _end then t[k] = nil; return; end if k then local v = t[k]; if v then r(v, n+1, _end, ...); if not next(v) then t[k] = nil; end end else for _,b in pairs(t) do r(b, n+1, _end, ...); if not next(b) then t[_] = nil; end end end end local function remove(self, ...) local _end = select('#', ...); for n = _end,1 do if select(n, ...) then _end = n; break; end end r(self.data, 1, _end, ...); end local function s(t, n, results, _end, ...) if t == nil then return; end local k = select(n, ...); if n == _end then if k == nil then for _, v in pairs(t) do t_insert(results, v); end else t_insert(results, t[k]); end return; end if k then local v = t[k]; if v then s(v, n+1, results, _end, ...); end else for _,b in pairs(t) do s(b, n+1, results, _end, ...); end end end -- Search for keys, nil == wildcard local function search(self, ...) local _end = select('#', ...); for n = _end,1 do if select(n, ...) then _end = n; break; end end local results = {}; s(self.data, 1, results, _end, ...); return results; end -- Append results to an existing list local function search_add(self, results, ...) if not results then results = {}; end local _end = select('#', ...); for n = _end,1 do if select(n, ...) then _end = n; break; end end s(self.data, 1, results, _end, ...); return results; end local function iter(self, ...) local query = { ... }; local maxdepth = select("#", ...); local stack = { self.data }; local keys = { }; local function it(self) -- luacheck: ignore 432/self local depth = #stack; local key = next(stack[depth], keys[depth]); if key == nil then -- Go up the stack stack[depth], keys[depth] = nil, nil; if depth > 1 then return it(self); end return; -- The end else keys[depth] = key; end local value = stack[depth][key]; if query[depth] == nil or key == query[depth] then if depth == maxdepth then -- Result local result = {}; -- Collect keys forming path to result for i = 1, depth do result[i] = keys[i]; end result[depth+1] = value; return unpack(result, 1, depth+1); elseif type(value) == "table" then t_insert(stack, value); -- Descend end end return it(self); end; return it, self; end local function new() return { data = {}; get = get; add = add; set = set; remove = remove; search = search; search_add = search_add; iter = iter; }; end return { iter = iter; new = new; };