-- Prosody IM -- Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Matthew Wild -- Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Waqas Hussain -- -- This project is MIT/X11 licensed. Please see the -- COPYING file in the source package for more information. -- -- luacheck: ignore 113/CFG_PLUGINDIR local dir_sep, path_sep = package.config:match("^(%S+)%s(%S+)"); local lua_version = _VERSION:match(" (.+)$"); local plugin_dir = {}; for path in (CFG_PLUGINDIR or "./plugins/"):gsub("[/\\]", dir_sep):gmatch("[^"..path_sep.."]+") do path = path..dir_sep; -- add path separator to path end path = path:gsub(dir_sep..dir_sep.."+", dir_sep); -- coalesce multiple separaters plugin_dir[#plugin_dir + 1] = path; end local io_open = io.open; local envload = require "util.envload".envload; local function load_file(names) local file, err, path; for i=1,#plugin_dir do for j=1,#names do path = plugin_dir[i]..names[j]; file, err = io_open(path); if file then local content = file:read("*a"); file:close(); return content, path; end end end return file, err; end local function load_resource(plugin, resource) resource = resource or "mod_"..plugin..".lua"; local names = { "mod_"..plugin..dir_sep..plugin..dir_sep..resource; -- mod_hello/hello/mod_hello.lua "mod_"..plugin..dir_sep..resource; -- mod_hello/mod_hello.lua plugin..dir_sep..resource; -- hello/mod_hello.lua resource; -- mod_hello.lua "share"..dir_sep.."lua"..dir_sep..lua_version..dir_sep.."mod_"..plugin..dir_sep..resource; }; return load_file(names); end local function load_code(plugin, resource, env) local content, err = load_resource(plugin, resource); if not content then return content, err; end local path = err; local f, err = envload(content, "@"..path, env); if not f then return f, err; end return f, path; end local function load_code_ext(plugin, resource, extension, env) local content, err = load_resource(plugin, resource.."."..extension); if not content then content, err = load_resource(resource, resource.."."..extension); if not content then return content, err; end end local path = err; local f, err = envload(content, "@"..path, env); if not f then return f, err; end return f, path; end return { load_file = load_file; load_resource = load_resource; load_code = load_code; load_code_ext = load_code_ext; };