-- Prosody IM -- Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Matthew Wild -- Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Waqas Hussain -- -- This project is MIT/X11 licensed. Please see the -- COPYING file in the source package for more information. -- local config = require "core.configmanager"; local encodings = require "util.encodings"; local stringprep = encodings.stringprep; local storagemanager = require "core.storagemanager"; local usermanager = require "core.usermanager"; local interpolation = require "util.interpolation"; local signal = require "util.signal"; local set = require "util.set"; local lfs = require "lfs"; local type = type; local nodeprep, nameprep = stringprep.nodeprep, stringprep.nameprep; local io, os = io, os; local print = print; local tonumber = tonumber; local _G = _G; local prosody = prosody; local error_messages = setmetatable({ ["invalid-username"] = "The given username is invalid in a Jabber ID"; ["invalid-hostname"] = "The given hostname is invalid"; ["no-password"] = "No password was supplied"; ["no-such-user"] = "The given user does not exist on the server"; ["no-such-host"] = "The given hostname does not exist in the config"; ["unable-to-save-data"] = "Unable to store, perhaps you don't have permission?"; ["no-pidfile"] = "There is no 'pidfile' option in the configuration file, see https://prosody.im/doc/prosodyctl#pidfile for help"; ["invalid-pidfile"] = "The 'pidfile' option in the configuration file is not a string, see https://prosody.im/doc/prosodyctl#pidfile for help"; ["no-posix"] = "The mod_posix module is not enabled in the Prosody config file, see https://prosody.im/doc/prosodyctl for more info"; ["no-such-method"] = "This module has no commands"; ["not-running"] = "Prosody is not running"; }, { __index = function (_,k) return "Error: "..(tostring(k):gsub("%-", " "):gsub("^.", string.upper)); end }); -- UI helpers local show_message = require "util.human.io".printf; local function show_usage(usage, desc) print("Usage: ".._G.arg[0].." "..usage); if desc then print(" "..desc); end end local function show_module_configuration_help(mod_name) print("Done.") print("If you installed a prosody plugin, don't forget to add its name under the 'modules_enabled' section inside your configuration file.") print("Depending on the module, there might be further configuration steps required.") print("") print("More info about: ") print(" modules_enabled: https://prosody.im/doc/modules_enabled") print(" "..mod_name..": https://modules.prosody.im/"..mod_name..".html") end -- Server control local function adduser(params) local user, host, password = nodeprep(params.user, true), nameprep(params.host), params.password; if not user then return false, "invalid-username"; elseif not host then return false, "invalid-hostname"; end local host_session = prosody.hosts[host]; if not host_session then return false, "no-such-host"; end storagemanager.initialize_host(host); local provider = host_session.users; if not(provider) or provider.name == "null" then usermanager.initialize_host(host); end local ok, errmsg = usermanager.create_user(user, password, host); if not ok then return false, errmsg or "creating-user-failed"; end return true; end local function user_exists(params) local user, host = nodeprep(params.user), nameprep(params.host); storagemanager.initialize_host(host); local provider = prosody.hosts[host].users; if not(provider) or provider.name == "null" then usermanager.initialize_host(host); end return usermanager.user_exists(user, host); end local function passwd(params) if not user_exists(params) then return false, "no-such-user"; end return adduser(params); end local function deluser(params) if not user_exists(params) then return false, "no-such-user"; end local user, host = nodeprep(params.user), nameprep(params.host); return usermanager.delete_user(user, host); end local function getpid() local pidfile = config.get("*", "pidfile"); if not pidfile then return false, "no-pidfile"; end if type(pidfile) ~= "string" then return false, "invalid-pidfile"; end pidfile = config.resolve_relative_path(prosody.paths.data, pidfile); local modules_disabled = set.new(config.get("*", "modules_disabled")); if prosody.platform ~= "posix" or modules_disabled:contains("posix") then return false, "no-posix"; end local file, err = io.open(pidfile, "r+"); if not file then return false, "pidfile-read-failed", err; end local locked, err = lfs.lock(file, "w"); -- luacheck: ignore 211/err if locked then file:close(); return false, "pidfile-not-locked"; end local pid = tonumber(file:read("*a")); file:close(); if not pid then return false, "invalid-pid"; end return true, pid; end local function isrunning() local ok, pid, err = getpid(); -- luacheck: ignore 211/err if not ok then if pid == "pidfile-read-failed" or pid == "pidfile-not-locked" then -- Report as not running, since we can't open the pidfile -- (it probably doesn't exist) return true, false; end return ok, pid; end return true, signal.kill(pid, 0) == 0; end local function start(source_dir, lua) lua = lua and lua .. " " or ""; local ok, ret = isrunning(); if not ok then return ok, ret; end if ret then return false, "already-running"; end if not source_dir then os.execute(lua .. "./prosody -D"); else os.execute(lua .. source_dir.."/../../bin/prosody -D"); end return true; end local function stop() local ok, ret = isrunning(); if not ok then return ok, ret; end if not ret then return false, "not-running"; end local ok, pid = getpid() if not ok then return false, pid; end signal.kill(pid, signal.SIGTERM); return true; end local function reload() local ok, ret = isrunning(); if not ok then return ok, ret; end if not ret then return false, "not-running"; end local ok, pid = getpid() if not ok then return false, pid; end signal.kill(pid, signal.SIGHUP); return true; end local render_cli = interpolation.new("%b{}", function (s) return "'"..s:gsub("'","'\\''").."'" end) local function call_luarocks(operation, mod, server) local dir = prosody.paths.installer; if operation == "install" then show_message("Installing %s at %s", mod, dir); elseif operation == "remove" then show_message("Removing %s from %s", mod, dir); end local ok, where, code = os.execute(render_cli("luarocks {op} --tree={dir} {server&--server={server}} {mod?}", { dir = dir; op = operation; mod = mod; server = server; })); if type(ok) == "number" then ok, code = ok == 0, ok; end if not ok then return code; end if operation == "install" then show_module_configuration_help(mod); end return true; end return { show_message = show_message; show_warning = show_message; show_usage = show_usage; show_module_configuration_help = show_module_configuration_help; adduser = adduser; user_exists = user_exists; passwd = passwd; deluser = deluser; getpid = getpid; isrunning = isrunning; start = start; stop = stop; reload = reload; call_luarocks = call_luarocks; error_messages = error_messages; };