local config = require "core.configmanager"; local server = require "net.server"; local st = require "util.stanza"; local path = require "util.paths"; local parse_args = require "util.argparse".parse; local have_readline, readline = pcall(require, "readline"); local adminstream = require "util.adminstream"; if have_readline then readline.set_readline_name("prosody"); end local function read_line() if have_readline then return readline.readline("prosody> "); else io.write("prosody> "); return io.read("*line"); end end local function send_line(client, line) client.send(st.stanza("repl-input"):text(line)); end local function repl(client) local line = read_line(); if not line or line == "quit" or line == "exit" or line == "bye" then if not line then print(""); end os.exit(); end send_line(client, line); end local function printbanner() print([[ ____ \ / _ | _ \ _ __ ___ ___ _-_ __| |_ _ | |_) | '__/ _ \/ __|/ _ \ / _` | | | | | __/| | | (_) \__ \ |_| | (_| | |_| | |_| |_| \___/|___/\___/ \__,_|\__, | A study in simplicity |___/ ]]); print("Welcome to the Prosody administration console. For a list of commands, type: help"); print("You may find more help on using this console in our online documentation at "); print("https://prosody.im/doc/console\n"); end local function start(arg) --luacheck: ignore 212/arg local client = adminstream.client(); local opts = parse_args(arg); client.events.add_handler("connected", function () if not arg.quiet then printbanner(); end repl(client); end); client.events.add_handler("disconnected", function () print("--- session closed ---"); os.exit(); end); client.events.add_handler("received", function (stanza) if stanza.name == "repl-output" or stanza.name == "repl-result" then local result_prefix = stanza.attr.type == "error" and "!" or "|"; print(result_prefix.." "..stanza:get_text()); end if stanza.name == "repl-result" then repl(client); end end); local socket_path = path.resolve_relative_path(prosody.paths.data, opts.socket or config.get("*", "admin_socket") or "prosody.sock"); local conn = adminstream.connection(socket_path, client.listeners); local ok, err = conn:connect(); if not ok then if err == "no unix socket support" then print("** LuaSocket unix socket support not available or incompatible, ensure your"); print("** version is up to date."); else print("** Unable to connect to server - is it running? Is mod_admin_shell enabled?"); print("** Connection error: "..err); end os.exit(1); end server.loop(); end return { shell = start; };