local socket = require "socket"; local time = require "util.time".now; local array = require "util.array"; local t_concat = table.concat; local new_metric_registry = require "util.openmetrics".new_metric_registry; local render_histogram_le = require "util.openmetrics".render_histogram_le; -- BEGIN of Metric implementations -- Gauges local gauge_metric_mt = {} gauge_metric_mt.__index = gauge_metric_mt local function new_gauge_metric(full_name, impl) local metric = { _full_name = full_name; _impl = impl; value = 0; } setmetatable(metric, gauge_metric_mt) return metric end function gauge_metric_mt:set(value) self.value = value self._impl:push_gauge(self._full_name, value) end function gauge_metric_mt:add(delta) self.value = self.value + delta self._impl:push_gauge(self._full_name, self.value) end function gauge_metric_mt:reset() self.value = 0 self._impl:push_gauge(self._full_name, 0) end function gauge_metric_mt.iter_samples() -- statsd backend does not support iteration. return function() return nil end end -- Counters local counter_metric_mt = {} counter_metric_mt.__index = counter_metric_mt local function new_counter_metric(full_name, impl) local metric = { _full_name = full_name, _impl = impl, value = 0, } setmetatable(metric, counter_metric_mt) return metric end function counter_metric_mt:set(value) local delta = value - self.value self.value = value self._impl:push_counter_delta(self._full_name, delta) end function counter_metric_mt:add(value) self.value = (self.value or 0) + value self._impl:push_counter_delta(self._full_name, value) end function counter_metric_mt.iter_samples() -- statsd backend does not support iteration. return function() return nil end end function counter_metric_mt:reset() self.value = 0 end -- Histograms local histogram_metric_mt = {} histogram_metric_mt.__index = histogram_metric_mt local function new_histogram_metric(buckets, full_name, impl) -- NOTE: even though the more or less proprietrary dogstatsd has its own -- histogram implementation, we push the individual buckets in this statsd -- backend for both consistency and compatibility across statsd -- implementations. local metric = { _sum_name = full_name..".sum", _count_name = full_name..".count", _impl = impl, _created = time(), _sum = 0, _count = 0, } -- the order of buckets matters unfortunately, so we cannot directly use -- the thresholds as table keys for i, threshold in ipairs(buckets) do local threshold_s = render_histogram_le(threshold) metric[i] = { threshold = threshold, threshold_s = threshold_s, count = 0, _full_name = full_name..".bucket."..(threshold_s:gsub("%.", "_")), } end setmetatable(metric, histogram_metric_mt) return metric end function histogram_metric_mt:sample(value) -- According to the I-D, values must be part of all buckets for i, bucket in pairs(self) do if "number" == type(i) and bucket.threshold >= value then bucket.count = bucket.count + 1 self._impl:push_counter_delta(bucket._full_name, 1) end end self._sum = self._sum + value self._count = self._count + 1 self._impl:push_gauge(self._sum_name, self._sum) self._impl:push_counter_delta(self._count_name, 1) end function histogram_metric_mt.iter_samples() -- statsd backend does not support iteration. return function() return nil end end function histogram_metric_mt:reset() self._created = time() self._count = 0 self._sum = 0 for i, bucket in pairs(self) do if "number" == type(i) then bucket.count = 0 end end self._impl:push_gauge(self._sum_name, self._sum) end -- Summaries local summary_metric_mt = {} summary_metric_mt.__index = summary_metric_mt local function new_summary_metric(full_name, impl) local metric = { _sum_name = full_name..".sum", _count_name = full_name..".count", _impl = impl, } setmetatable(metric, summary_metric_mt) return metric end function summary_metric_mt:sample(value) self._impl:push_counter_delta(self._sum_name, value) self._impl:push_counter_delta(self._count_name, 1) end function summary_metric_mt.iter_samples() -- statsd backend does not support iteration. return function() return nil end end function summary_metric_mt.reset() end -- BEGIN of statsd client implementation local statsd_mt = {} statsd_mt.__index = statsd_mt function statsd_mt:cork() self.corked = true self.cork_buffer = self.cork_buffer or {} end function statsd_mt:uncork() self.corked = false self:_flush_cork_buffer() end function statsd_mt:_flush_cork_buffer() local buffer = self.cork_buffer for metric_name, value in pairs(buffer) do self:_send_gauge(metric_name, value) buffer[metric_name] = nil end end function statsd_mt:push_gauge(metric_name, value) if self.corked then self.cork_buffer[metric_name] = value else self:_send_gauge(metric_name, value) end end function statsd_mt:_send_gauge(metric_name, value) self:_send(self.prefix..metric_name..":"..tostring(value).."|g") end function statsd_mt:push_counter_delta(metric_name, delta) self:_send(self.prefix..metric_name..":"..tostring(delta).."|c") end function statsd_mt:_send(s) return self.sock:send(s) end -- END of statsd client implementation local function build_metric_name(family_name, labels) local parts = array { family_name } if labels then parts:append(labels) end return t_concat(parts, "/"):gsub("%.", "_"):gsub("/", ".") end local function new(config) if not config or not config.statsd_server then return nil, "No statsd server specified in the config, please see https://prosody.im/doc/statistics"; end local sock = socket.udp(); sock:setpeername(config.statsd_server, config.statsd_port or 8125); local prefix = (config.prefix or "prosody").."."; local impl = { metric_registry = nil; sock = sock; prefix = prefix; }; setmetatable(impl, statsd_mt) local backend = { gauge = function(family_name, labels) return new_gauge_metric(build_metric_name(family_name, labels), impl) end; counter = function(family_name, labels) return new_counter_metric(build_metric_name(family_name, labels), impl) end; histogram = function(buckets, family_name, labels) return new_histogram_metric(buckets, build_metric_name(family_name, labels), impl) end; summary = function(family_name, labels, extra) return new_summary_metric(build_metric_name(family_name, labels), impl, extra) end; }; impl.metric_registry = new_metric_registry(backend); return impl; end return { new = new; }