-- Copyright (C) 2011-2014 Kim Alvefur -- -- This project is MIT/X11 licensed. Please see the -- COPYING file in the source package for more information. -- -- TODO -- Fix folding. local st = require "util.stanza"; local t_insert, t_concat = table.insert, table.concat; local type = type; local pairs, ipairs = pairs, ipairs; local from_text, to_text, from_xep54, to_xep54; local line_sep = "\n"; local vCard_dtd; -- See end of file local vCard4_dtd; local function vCard_esc(s) return s:gsub("[,:;\\]", "\\%1"):gsub("\n","\\n"); end local function vCard_unesc(s) return s:gsub("\\?[\\nt:;,]", { ["\\\\"] = "\\", ["\\n"] = "\n", ["\\r"] = "\r", ["\\t"] = "\t", ["\\:"] = ":", -- FIXME Shouldn't need to espace : in values, just params ["\\;"] = ";", ["\\,"] = ",", [":"] = "\29", [";"] = "\30", [","] = "\31", }); end local function item_to_xep54(item) local t = st.stanza(item.name, { xmlns = "vcard-temp" }); local prop_def = vCard_dtd[item.name]; if prop_def == "text" then t:text(item[1]); elseif type(prop_def) == "table" then if prop_def.types and item.TYPE then if type(item.TYPE) == "table" then for _,v in pairs(prop_def.types) do for _,typ in pairs(item.TYPE) do if typ:upper() == v then t:tag(v):up(); break; end end end else t:tag(item.TYPE:upper()):up(); end end if prop_def.props then for _,prop in pairs(prop_def.props) do if item[prop] then for _, v in ipairs(item[prop]) do t:text_tag(prop, v); end end end end if prop_def.value then t:tag(prop_def.value):text(item[1]):up(); elseif prop_def.values then local prop_def_values = prop_def.values; local repeat_last = prop_def_values.behaviour == "repeat-last" and prop_def_values[#prop_def_values]; for i=1,#item do t:tag(prop_def.values[i] or repeat_last):text(item[i]):up(); end end end return t; end local function vcard_to_xep54(vCard) local t = st.stanza("vCard", { xmlns = "vcard-temp" }); for i=1,#vCard do t:add_child(item_to_xep54(vCard[i])); end return t; end function to_xep54(vCards) if not vCards[1] or vCards[1].name then return vcard_to_xep54(vCards) else local t = st.stanza("xCard", { xmlns = "vcard-temp" }); for i=1,#vCards do t:add_child(vcard_to_xep54(vCards[i])); end return t; end end function from_text(data) data = data -- unfold and remove empty lines :gsub("\r\n","\n") :gsub("\n ", "") :gsub("\n\n+","\n"); local vCards = {}; local current; for line in data:gmatch("[^\n]+") do line = vCard_unesc(line); local name, params, value = line:match("^([-%a]+)(\30?[^\29]*)\29(.*)$"); value = value:gsub("\29",":"); if #params > 0 then local _params = {}; for k,isval,v in params:gmatch("\30([^=]+)(=?)([^\30]*)") do k = k:upper(); local _vt = {}; for _p in v:gmatch("[^\31]+") do _vt[#_vt+1]=_p _vt[_p]=true; end if isval == "=" then _params[k]=_vt; else _params[k]=true; end end params = _params; end if name == "BEGIN" and value == "VCARD" then current = {}; vCards[#vCards+1] = current; elseif name == "END" and value == "VCARD" then current = nil; elseif current and vCard_dtd[name] then local dtd = vCard_dtd[name]; local item = { name = name }; t_insert(current, item); local up = current; current = item; if dtd.types then for _, t in ipairs(dtd.types) do t = t:lower(); if ( params.TYPE and params.TYPE[t] == true) or params[t] == true then current.TYPE=t; end end end if dtd.props then for _, p in ipairs(dtd.props) do if params[p] then if params[p] == true then current[p]=true; else for _, prop in ipairs(params[p]) do current[p]=prop; end end end end end if dtd == "text" or dtd.value then t_insert(current, value); elseif dtd.values then for p in ("\30"..value):gmatch("\30([^\30]*)") do t_insert(current, p); end end current = up; end end return vCards; end local function item_to_text(item) local value = {}; for i=1,#item do value[i] = vCard_esc(item[i]); end value = t_concat(value, ";"); local params = ""; for k,v in pairs(item) do if type(k) == "string" and k ~= "name" then params = params .. (";%s=%s"):format(k, type(v) == "table" and t_concat(v,",") or v); end end return ("%s%s:%s"):format(item.name, params, value) end local function vcard_to_text(vcard) local t={}; t_insert(t, "BEGIN:VCARD") for i=1,#vcard do t_insert(t, item_to_text(vcard[i])); end t_insert(t, "END:VCARD") return t_concat(t, line_sep); end function to_text(vCards) if vCards[1] and vCards[1].name then return vcard_to_text(vCards) else local t = {}; for i=1,#vCards do t[i]=vcard_to_text(vCards[i]); end return t_concat(t, line_sep); end end local function from_xep54_item(item) local prop_name = item.name; local prop_def = vCard_dtd[prop_name]; local prop = { name = prop_name }; if prop_def == "text" then prop[1] = item:get_text(); elseif type(prop_def) == "table" then if prop_def.value then --single item prop[1] = item:get_child_text(prop_def.value) or ""; elseif prop_def.values then --array local value_names = prop_def.values; if value_names.behaviour == "repeat-last" then for i=1,#item.tags do t_insert(prop, item.tags[i]:get_text() or ""); end else for i=1,#value_names do t_insert(prop, item:get_child_text(value_names[i]) or ""); end end elseif prop_def.names then local names = prop_def.names; for i=1,#names do if item:get_child(names[i]) then prop[1] = names[i]; break; end end end if prop_def.props_verbatim then for k,v in pairs(prop_def.props_verbatim) do prop[k] = v; end end if prop_def.types then local types = prop_def.types; prop.TYPE = {}; for i=1,#types do if item:get_child(types[i]) then t_insert(prop.TYPE, types[i]:lower()); end end if #prop.TYPE == 0 then prop.TYPE = nil; end end -- A key-value pair, within a key-value pair? if prop_def.props then local params = prop_def.props; for i=1,#params do local name = params[i] local data = item:get_child_text(name); if data then prop[name] = prop[name] or {}; t_insert(prop[name], data); end end end else return nil end return prop; end local function from_xep54_vCard(vCard) local tags = vCard.tags; local t = {}; for i=1,#tags do t_insert(t, from_xep54_item(tags[i])); end return t end function from_xep54(vCard) if vCard.attr.xmlns ~= "vcard-temp" then return nil, "wrong-xmlns"; end if vCard.name == "xCard" then -- A collection of vCards local t = {}; local vCards = vCard.tags; for i=1,#vCards do t[i] = from_xep54_vCard(vCards[i]); end return t elseif vCard.name == "vCard" then -- A single vCard return from_xep54_vCard(vCard) end end local vcard4 = { } function vcard4:text(node, params, value) -- luacheck: ignore 212/params self:tag(node:lower()) -- FIXME params if type(value) == "string" then self:tag("text"):text(value):up() elseif vcard4[node] then vcard4[node](value); end self:up(); end function vcard4.N(value) for i, k in ipairs(vCard_dtd.N.values) do value:tag(k):text(value[i]):up(); end end local xmlns_vcard4 = "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:vcard-4.0" local function item_to_vcard4(item) local typ = item.name:lower(); local t = st.stanza(typ, { xmlns = xmlns_vcard4 }); local prop_def = vCard4_dtd[typ]; if prop_def == "text" then t:tag("text"):text(item[1]):up(); elseif prop_def == "uri" then if item.ENCODING and item.ENCODING[1] == 'b' then t:tag("uri"):text("data:;base64,"):text(item[1]):up(); else t:tag("uri"):text(item[1]):up(); end elseif type(prop_def) == "table" then if prop_def.values then for i, v in ipairs(prop_def.values) do t:tag(v:lower()):text(item[i] or ""):up(); end else t:tag("unsupported",{xmlns="http://zash.se/protocol/vcardlib"}) end else t:tag("unsupported",{xmlns="http://zash.se/protocol/vcardlib"}) end return t; end local function vcard_to_vcard4xml(vCard) local t = st.stanza("vcard", { xmlns = xmlns_vcard4 }); for i=1,#vCard do t:add_child(item_to_vcard4(vCard[i])); end return t; end local function vcards_to_vcard4xml(vCards) if not vCards[1] or vCards[1].name then return vcard_to_vcard4xml(vCards) else local t = st.stanza("vcards", { xmlns = xmlns_vcard4 }); for i=1,#vCards do t:add_child(vcard_to_vcard4xml(vCards[i])); end return t; end end -- This was adapted from http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0054.html#dtd vCard_dtd = { VERSION = "text", --MUST be 3.0, so parsing is redundant FN = "text", N = { values = { "FAMILY", "GIVEN", "MIDDLE", "PREFIX", "SUFFIX", }, }, NICKNAME = "text", PHOTO = { props_verbatim = { ENCODING = { "b" } }, props = { "TYPE" }, value = "BINVAL", --{ "EXTVAL", }, }, BDAY = "text", ADR = { types = { "HOME", "WORK", "POSTAL", "PARCEL", "DOM", "INTL", "PREF", }, values = { "POBOX", "EXTADD", "STREET", "LOCALITY", "REGION", "PCODE", "CTRY", } }, LABEL = { types = { "HOME", "WORK", "POSTAL", "PARCEL", "DOM", "INTL", "PREF", }, value = "LINE", }, TEL = { types = { "HOME", "WORK", "VOICE", "FAX", "PAGER", "MSG", "CELL", "VIDEO", "BBS", "MODEM", "ISDN", "PCS", "PREF", }, value = "NUMBER", }, EMAIL = { types = { "HOME", "WORK", "INTERNET", "PREF", "X400", }, value = "USERID", }, JABBERID = "text", MAILER = "text", TZ = "text", GEO = { values = { "LAT", "LON", }, }, TITLE = "text", ROLE = "text", LOGO = "copy of PHOTO", AGENT = "text", ORG = { values = { behaviour = "repeat-last", "ORGNAME", "ORGUNIT", } }, CATEGORIES = { values = "KEYWORD", }, NOTE = "text", PRODID = "text", REV = "text", SORTSTRING = "text", SOUND = "copy of PHOTO", UID = "text", URL = "text", CLASS = { names = { -- The item.name is the value if it's one of these. "PUBLIC", "PRIVATE", "CONFIDENTIAL", }, }, KEY = { props = { "TYPE" }, value = "CRED", }, DESC = "text", }; vCard_dtd.LOGO = vCard_dtd.PHOTO; vCard_dtd.SOUND = vCard_dtd.PHOTO; vCard4_dtd = { source = "uri", kind = "text", xml = "text", fn = "text", n = { values = { "family", "given", "middle", "prefix", "suffix", }, }, nickname = "text", photo = "uri", bday = "date-and-or-time", anniversary = "date-and-or-time", gender = "text", adr = { values = { "pobox", "ext", "street", "locality", "region", "code", "country", } }, tel = "text", email = "text", impp = "uri", lang = "language-tag", tz = "text", geo = "uri", title = "text", role = "text", logo = "uri", org = "text", member = "uri", related = "uri", categories = "text", note = "text", prodid = "text", rev = "timestamp", sound = "uri", uid = "uri", clientpidmap = "number, uuid", url = "uri", version = "text", key = "uri", fburl = "uri", caladruri = "uri", caluri = "uri", }; return { from_text = from_text; to_text = to_text; from_xep54 = from_xep54; to_xep54 = to_xep54; to_vcard4 = vcards_to_vcard4xml; };