local st = require "util.stanza"; local lxp = require "lxp"; local t_insert = table.insert; local t_remove = table.remove; local error = error; local _ENV = nil; -- luacheck: std none local parse_xml = (function() local ns_prefixes = { ["http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace"] = "xml"; }; local ns_separator = "\1"; local ns_pattern = "^([^"..ns_separator.."]*)"..ns_separator.."?(.*)$"; return function(xml, options) --luacheck: ignore 212/self local handler = {}; local stanza = st.stanza("root"); local namespaces = {}; local prefixes = {}; function handler:StartNamespaceDecl(prefix, url) if prefix ~= nil then t_insert(namespaces, url); t_insert(prefixes, prefix); end end function handler:EndNamespaceDecl(prefix) if prefix ~= nil then -- we depend on each StartNamespaceDecl having a paired EndNamespaceDecl t_remove(namespaces); t_remove(prefixes); end end function handler:StartElement(tagname, attr) local curr_ns,name = tagname:match(ns_pattern); if name == "" then curr_ns, name = "", curr_ns; end if curr_ns ~= "" then attr.xmlns = curr_ns; end for i=1,#attr do local k = attr[i]; attr[i] = nil; local ns, nm = k:match(ns_pattern); if nm ~= "" then ns = ns_prefixes[ns]; if ns then attr[ns..":"..nm] = attr[k]; attr[k] = nil; end end end local n = {} for i=1,#namespaces do n[prefixes[i]] = namespaces[i]; end stanza:tag(name, attr, n); end function handler:CharacterData(data) stanza:text(data); end function handler:EndElement() stanza:up(); end -- SECURITY: These two handlers, especially the Doctype one, are required to prevent exploits such as Billion Laughs. function handler:StartDoctypeDecl() if not self.stop or not self:stop() then error("Failed to abort parsing"); end end function handler:ProcessingInstruction() if not self.stop or not self:stop() then error("Failed to abort parsing"); end end if not options or not options.allow_comments then -- NOTE: comments are generally harmless and can be useful when parsing configuration files or other data, even user-provided data function handler:Comment() if not self.stop or not self:stop() then error("Failed to abort parsing"); end end end local parser = lxp.new(handler, ns_separator); local ok, err, line, col = parser:parse(xml); if ok then ok, err, line, col = parser:parse(); end --parser:close(); if ok then return stanza.tags[1]; else return ok, err.." (line "..line..", col "..col..")"; end end; end)(); return { parse = parse_xml; };