# SAMD21 demo This is mostly a proof-of-concept of a USB Host driver on the SAMD21 platform. The code is also a complete mess, but is hopefully understandable enough. At some point I intend to separate this into architecture dependent and independent stuff with a HAL layer. However, right now, this is mostly just slapped together as I tried to figure out how to get stuff to work at all. # Features Basically none. It'll go through enumeration up to the point of assigning an address, but that's it right now. Short term priority is getting the system to a point where it can host a boot-protocol keyboard. # Board support Uses trinket-m0, but should be fairly easy to port to other samd architectures. # Building Normal cargo stuff works. There's a `Makefile` which has a target for flashing an Adafruit Trinket M0 on Linux. You'll need to tweak the atsamd-hal to remove the feature requirements for generating the USB padcal code. You'll also need to add definitions for the 1kHz SOF pad, and (optionally) the USB Host Enable PIN. You can find a version of the HAL that does this [on my github branch](https://github.com/bjc/atsamd/tree/unflag-usb-calibration).