#!/usr/bin/env perl use Data::Dumper; use Getopt::Long; use IO::File; use IPC::Open2; use v5.10; use strict; use warnings; my $configpath = 'localhost.conf'; my $testplanpath = 'testplan'; my $templatepath = 'xml'; my $timeout = 5; my $verbose; my $help; GetOptions('config|c=s' => \$configpath, 'testplan|p=s' => \$testplanpath, 'templates|d=s' => \$templatepath, 'timeout|t=i' => \$timeout, 'verbose|v' => \$verbose, 'help|h' => \$help) || usage(1); usage(0) if $help; my %conf = read_conf($configpath); my @plans = load_plans($testplanpath, $templatepath); my $curstep; local $SIG{CHLD} = sub { my $suffix = "before test plan started."; $suffix = "in $curstep step." if $curstep; die "Command '@ARGV' terminated $suffix\n" }; my ($inh, $outh) = (\*STDIN, \*STDOUT); my $pid; if (@ARGV) { $inh = $outh = undef; $pid = open2($inh, $outh, join(' ', @ARGV)); } binmode($inh, ':utf8'); binmode($outh, ':utf8'); autoflush $outh 1; eval_in($inh, $outh, \%conf, @plans); waitpid($pid, 0) if $pid; # TODO: swap over to Pod::Usage. sub usage { print STDERR "Usage: $0 [-v] [-c config] [-p testplan] [-d templatedir] [-t seconds] [command]\n"; exit shift; } sub read_conf { my ($filen) = @_; my $fh = new IO::File("<$filen") || die "Couldn't open $filen for reading: $!\n"; map { chomp; s/\#.*$//; map { s/^\s*([^\s]+)\s*$/$1/; $_ } split(/=/, $_, 2); } <$fh>; } our $testplan; our $line; sub load_plans { local $testplan = shift; my $dir = shift; my $planfh = new IO::File($testplan) || die "Couldn't open $testplan for reading: $!.\n"; local $line = 0; map { $line++; chomp; my %rc = (name => $_); $rc{send} = parse_template("$dir/$_.xml"); if (-f "$dir/$_.expected.xml") { $rc{expect} = parse_template("$dir/$_.expected.xml"); } \%rc; } <$planfh> } sub parse_template { my ($fn) = @_; my $fh = new IO::File($fn) || die "Couldn't open $fn for reading at line $line in $testplan: $!.\n"; binmode($fh, ':utf8'); my @parts = split /([{}]|\n)/, do { local $/; <$fh> }; my $intext = 1; my $curthunk; my $line = 1; my $thunkstart; my @rc; while (@parts) { my $tok = shift @parts; $line++ if $tok =~ /\n/; if ($intext) { if ($tok =~ /{/) { $thunkstart = $line; $intext = 0; } else { push @rc, text($tok); } } else { if ($tok =~ /}/) { $intext = 1; push @rc, thunk($curthunk, $fn, $thunkstart); $curthunk = ''; } else { $curthunk .= $tok; } } } die "Error in $fn: template ended inside thunk started at line $thunkstart.\n" . "\tDid you forget a '}'?\n" unless $intext; \@rc; } sub nothing { ["text", sub { "" }] } sub text { my $t = shift; ['text', sub { $t }]; } sub thunk { my ($b, $fn, $line) = @_; ['thunk', sub { package evalpkg; local $evalpkg::arg = shift; my $rc = eval $b; $@ && die "Error in $fn:$line: $@\ttestplan: $testplanpath\n\tconfig: $configpath\n"; $rc; }] } sub eval_in { local ($evalpkg::in, $evalpkg::out) = (shift, shift); local %evalpkg::env = %{shift @_}; my @plans = @_; foreach my $k (keys %evalpkg::env) { # TODO: put $k in the symbol table directly, rather than calling # string eval. eval "package evalpkg; sub $k() { env('$k') };"; } eval { foreach my $plan (@plans) { $curstep = $plan->{name}; print STDERR "=> Executing $curstep step.\n" if $verbose; do_send($plan->{name}, @{$plan->{send}}); do_recv($plan->{name}, @{$plan->{expect}}) if $plan->{expect}; } }; $@ && die $@; } sub do_send { my $name = shift; my $s = join('', (map { $_->[1]->() } @_)); if ($verbose) { my $l = $s; chomp $l; print STDERR "SEND: $l\n" unless $l =~ /^\s*$/; } print $evalpkg::out $s; } sub do_recv { my $name = shift; my (@reparts, @thunks); foreach my $plan (@_) { # Text is matched explicitly, thunks are treated as wildcards, # with the match sent as an argument. if ($plan->[0] eq 'text') { my $t = $plan->[1]->(); push @reparts, $t; } else { push @reparts, "(.*)"; push @thunks, $plan->[1]; } } my $re = join '', @reparts; # TODO: add CLI options for whitespace/quote substitution. $re =~ s/\s+/\\s\*/g; $re =~ s/'|"/\['"\]/g; # Need a persistent buffer for reading, because we may get more data # than needed when matching for expected output, so stash it here # for subsequent reads after the current matcher is done. state $readbuf = ''; local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { my $b = $readbuf; chomp $b; die "Timed out waiting for match in $name step. Current read buffer:\n$b\n"; }; alarm $timeout; my @matches; while (1) { @matches = ($readbuf =~ /$re/); if (@matches >= @thunks) { $readbuf = $'; last; } my $r; my $n = sysread $evalpkg::in, $r, 2048; die "Error reading data while waiting for match in $name step: $!.\n" if $n == -1; die "End of file while waiting for match in $name step.\n" unless $n; if ($verbose) { my $l = $r; chomp $l; print STDERR "RECV: $l\n" } $readbuf .= $r; } alarm 0; for (my $i = 0; $i < @thunks; $i++) { $thunks[$i]->($matches[$i]); } } sub assert_arg { my ($name, $want) = @_; if ($evalpkg::arg) { my $got = $evalpkg::arg; die "Bad $name (got '$got', want: '$want').\n" if $got ne $want; } $want; } # Stick actual execution in its own package so you don't accidentally # clobber stuff in main while running templates. package evalpkg; # TODO: Make package name dynamic. use MIME::Base64; our ($in, $out); our %env; our $arg; sub env { my $k = shift; main::assert_arg($k, $env{$k}); } sub bare_jid() { main::assert_arg('bare_jid', (split /\//, $env{full_jid}, 2)[0]); } sub localpart() { main::assert_arg('localpart', (split /\@/, $env{full_jid}, 2)[0]); } sub domainpart() { main::assert_arg('domainpart', (split /\//, (split /\@/, $env{full_jid}, 2)[1])[0]); } sub resourcepart() { main::assert_arg('resourcepart', (split /\//, $env{full_jid}, 2)[1]); } sub plain_auth() { MIME::Base64::encode(join("\0", "", bare_jid(), $env{password})); } sub stream() { main::assert_arg('stream', 'stream:stream'); }